5-Benefits of Volunteering

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Benefits of Volunteering

Helping Others, Helping You

There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is so much suffering and pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways - Mother Teresa

What are the Benefits?

Health Benefits Psychosocial Benefits Community Benefits Benefits to Teens Professional Benefits Corporate Benefits

Health Benefits of Volunteerism

Psychoneuroimmunology Studies in the Journals of Gerontology published by the Gerontological Society of America Points of Light Foundation in Washington DC Cornell University Independent Sector Corporation for National and Community Service
Some people give time, some give money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their lifes bloodbut everyone has something to give. Erma Bombeck

Health Benefits
Reported higher levels of Well Being Increased Energy A feeling of being healthy Better Weight Control Improved sleep Stronger Immune System Reduction in aches and pains Increased body warmth Healthier cardiovascular system Speedier recovery from surgery

Psychosocial Benefits
More optimistic and happier outlook Decreased feelings of loneliness, depression, and helplessness Sense of connectedness to others Sense of calmness and relaxation Enhanced Social Support network Increases opportunity for interpersonal relationships Heightened sense of identity Improves confidence and self esteem

Believe in something bigger than yourself. Your life is worth a noble motive. Walter Anderson

Professional Benefits
86% of employed Americans surveyed said Volunteering can have a positive impact on their careers 4 out of 5 people said volunteering helps develop business skills 3 of 4 respondents who served on boards strongly agreed that volunteering offers opportunities to enhance leadership skills.

Professional Benefits

86% agreed that volunteering enhances decision making skills 82% agreed that volunteering helps enhance negotiating skills 89% agreed that volunteering enhances problem solving skills 93% agreed that volunteering offers opportunities to enhance leadership skills Managers, Directors, and CEOs, want people with these skills working for them. A company that makes nothing but money is a poor company. Henry Ford

Corporate Benefits
Corporate Volunteering - paid or unpaid, group or individuals. Positive Publicity, stronger ties to their community and clients, better employee relations Companies participating in Corporate Volunteer Programs report increased team work, increased leadership and networking skills among employees, and more motivated and results driven staff

The health of our business is directly related to the health of our community. Edward Goldberg, Federated Department Stores

Teens Need to be Involved

Teen Volunteer programs connect teens to their community Give teens an opportunity to make their world better Provide Career and Education opportunities Increase understanding and patience Positive Activity and Experience to share with their peers
In 1901, a 17 year old girl, Emma Kunkle Divine, volunteering for the Salvation Army saw how busy people in New York were slow to donate to the needy, so she stood on a corner and started ringing a bell to attract donors. The bells are still ringing today.

Community Benefits
Better understanding of needs in the community, people are more connected. Increases Social Support to members of the community Cost savings to social service and non profit organizations In 2005 Approx. 83.9 million volunteers nationally, 44% of US population. 2005 estimated total value of volunteer time $280 Billion, Average of 3.6 hours per week May God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done. Opening Prayer, Mothers March for Cancer

Get involved..
Find what excites you..you MUST do what you enjoy. Who inspires you? Use them as your model. Make volunteering a priority that is the only way you will find the time Just Do It
Success is sweetest when it is shared. Howard Schultz, Chairman and CEO of Starbucks

Volunteering at Hope
Training provided, choose from several programs Patient and Non-patient Care opportunities Group and individual opportunities Corporate Volunteer Opportunities Contact Courtney Quirie at 239-433-8069

The Healing Power of Service, Edward V. Brown Effects of Volunteering on the Well-being of Older Adults, Nancy Morrow-Howell, Jim Hinterlong, Philip A. Rozario, and Fengyan Tang Health Benefits of Volunteering, Independent Sector website 12th Annual Awards for Excellence in Workplace Volunteer Programs, Points of Light Foundation, Business Leadership Forum Phyllis Moen, presentation at National Forum on Life Cycles and Volunteering Volunteering in America, State Trends and Rankings, 2002 to 2005, Corporation for National and Community Service

A wise women who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. Ive been thinking, he said, I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something far more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone. author unknown

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