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Organising Management Defined Staffing Features of Directing Management Control Nature of Control Management Techniques Levels of Management Functions of Management PCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education Planning

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MANAGEMENT Prof. Haimann has interpreted the term management in three distinct aspects:
(a) Management as a field of study or a subject. (b) Management as a team or class of people or a noun. (c) Management as a process.
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Management as a field of study or a subject refers to the principles and practices of management. It entails all the principles and practices as a knowledge and its application in its entirety. Management as a team or class of people refers to the group of managerial personnel of an enterprise functioning in their supervisory capacity. some yardsticks are PCTI Limited - prescribed. A Unique Name For Quality Education

Management as a process refers to different processes or steps of managementright from planning to organising, staffing, supervising and controlling. Management in this context has been defined as the process of getting things done by and in cooperation with others.
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According to Harold Koontz and Cyrill ODonnel, Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working together in groups can perform efficiently and effectively towards the attainment of group goals.

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According to Kimball and Kimball, Management may be defined as the art of applying the economic principles that underline the control of men and material in the enterprise under consideration.

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Following are certain features that illustrate the wide breadth of scope of management.
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The most dependable view regarding the nature of management is that management is a science and art, both. MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE Science is the systematised body of knowledge certaining to a particular field of enquiry. Such systematised body of knowledge contains, concepts, theories experimentation and principles that are universal and true. The various concepts and principles of science are developed on the basis of observation and experiments. The unity of command, the consistency of authority and responsibility are some of the important principles that helpPCTIdecide- proper Name For Quality Education to Limited A Unique delegation of authority.


Art is about bringing out the desired results through the application of skill. Management is an art because: (i)The process of management does involve the use of know-how and skills. (ii) The process of management is directed towards the accomplishment of concrete results (iii) Like any other art, management is creative in the sense that management creates new situations needed fo further improvement. (iv) Management is personalisedevery man in this profession has his individual approach and technique in solving problems. The success of managerial task is related with personality of the men, character and knowledge. Thus, we can conclude that management is both a science and an art. Name For Quality Education PCTI Limited - A Unique


organisation where a particular type of function starts is called a level of management. Thus, the term Levels of Management refers to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in an organisation. The number of managers depends upon the size of the business and workforce. There is a limit to the number of subordinates a person can supervise. The number of levels of management increases when the size of the business and workforce increases. Levels of management are increased so as to achieve effective supervision. In most of the organisations, there are generally three levels of management: 1. Top management. 2. Middle Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education PCTI management.

3. Lower management. 1. TOP MANAGEMENT It establishes goals and policies for the enterprise and devotes more time on the planning and coordination of functions. It approves the decisions of the middle level management and includes Board of Directors, Managing Director, General Manager, Secretaries and Treasurers, etc. 2. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT It generally consists of heads of functional departments viz., production manager, sales manager, office superintendent, chief cashier, branch managers, etc. They receive orders and instructions from top management and get the things done Limited - A Unique Name Formanagement. through lower level Quality Education PCTI

3. LOWER MANAGEMENT It is the lowest level of management and thus has a direct contact with the workers. It includes supervisors, foreman, accounts officers, sales officers, etc.


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FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT All the managers have to perform certain functions in an organisation to get the things moving. But there is never complete agreement among experts on what functions should be included in the management process. According to them, functions of management are planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. 1. PLANNING It is a mental process requiring the use of intellectual faculties, foresight and sound judgement. This function is performed by managers at all levels. The managers at the top level in an organisation devote more time on planning as compared to the managers at the lower levels.
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Planning includes: (i) determination of objectives, (ii) forecasting, (iii) search of alternative courses of action and their evaluation, (iv) drawing policies and procedures, and (v) budgeting.


The process of organising involves the following steps: (i) Determination of objectives; (ii) Division of activities; (iii) Fitting individuals to specific jobs; and (iv) Developing relationship in terms of authorities and responsibilities.
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3. STAFFING The managerial function of staffing includes manning the organisational structure through proper and effective selection process, appraisal and the development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure. The staffing function involves:

(i) Proper recruitment and selection of the people; (ii) Fixing remuneration; (iii) Training and developing selected people to discharge organisational function; and (iv) Appraisal of personnel. Every manager is continuously engaged in performing the staffing function. Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education PCTI

4. DIRECTING Planning, organising and staffing are merely preparations of the work, the work actually starts when managers start performing the direct functions. Direction is the interpersonnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising and motivating the subordinates for the accomplishment of the pre-determined objectives. It consists of four subfunctions: (I) COMMUNICATION: It is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. A successful manager should develop an effective system of communication so that he may issue instructions and receive the reactions of the subordinates and motivate them.
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(II) LEADERSHIP: It is the process by which a manager guides and influences the work of his subordinates.
(III) MOTIVATION: Motivation means inspiring the subordinates to zealously work towards accomplishment and achievement of organisational goods and objectives. (IV) SUPERVISION: Managers have to personally watch, direct and control the performance of subordinates. In doing this they have to plan the workgive them directions and instructions, guide them and exercise leadership.
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Controlling is visualising that actual performance is guided towards expected performance. It is the measurement and appraisal of the activities performed by the subordinates in order to make sure that the objectives and the plans devised to attain them are being accomplished. Controlling involves :(i) fixing appropriate standards, (ii) measurement of actual performance, (iii) comparing actual and planned performance, (iv) finding variances between the two and reasons for the variance, and (v) taking corrective actions. The most notable feature is that it is forward-looking. A manager cannot control the past but can avoid mistakes in the future by taking actions in the light of past experiences.
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PLANNING Planning is a fundamental managerial

function. In simple words, planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, when, where, how and by whom it is to be done. Thus, a plan is a determined course of action. It is an attempt on the part of a manager to anticipate the future in order to achieve better performance. . The following are the important elements to planning: 1. The essence of planning is looking ahead. It is always concerned with future. 2. It involves a pre-determined course of action. 3. This action course is determined after a careful study of alternative courses. 4. It is a continuous and integrated process. 5. It has always a dimension of time. 6. Its main objectAis to achieve better Education PCTI Limited - Unique Name For Quality results.

Planning is the foundation of most successful action of an enterprise. It brings orderliness, efficiency and stability in managerial actions and decisions. It provides rational approach to managerial activities. The following are some important benefits of planning. (i) Planning offsets future uncertainty and change (ii) Planning helps in management by objectives (iii) It helps in co-ordination (iv) Economy in operation (v) Helps in control PCTI in executive development (vi) HelpsLimited - A Unique Name For Quality Education

SCOPE OF PLANNING The scope of planning can be extended to every field of businesswhether it is finance area, personnel area or marketing area. Another way to look at the scope of planning is to divide it into three groups OBJECTIVES SETTING STANDING PLANS AND MASTER PLANS. Objectives are basic plans and they are necessary for all types of planning and operation. They are really the starting point of planning process. Standing plans provide a ready guide to action in solving recurring problems. master plans are the programmes that indicate the short-term or single-use plans.
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TYPES OF PLANNING There are three types of planning: 1. Strategic Planning 2. Operational Planning 3. Tactical Planning The steps that are applicable to most types of plans, discussed below: (i) Establishing Objectives (ii) Collection of Information and Forecasting (iii) Development of Planning Premises (iv) Search of Alternatives. (v) Evaluation of Alternatives (vi) Selection of Plan and Development of Derivative Plans
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Essential Requirements of an Effective Plan An effective plan is one that helps in the better management of the enterprise. In order to be effective, a plan should possess the following characteristics: 1. The Plan should be Specific 2. The Plan should be Logical 3. The Plan should be Complete and Integrated 4. The Plan should be Flexible 5. The Plan should be Capable of being Controlled PROCESS OF PLANNING It is difficult to specify the steps in the planning process for all organisations because of their differences in size
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TYPES OF PLANS The failure of some managers to recognise that there are a number of different types of plans has often caused difficulty in making planning effective. It is easy to see that a major program, such as one to build and equip a new factory, is a plan. But a number of other courses of future action are also plans. In fact, a plan can encompass any course of future action, which clearly shows that plans are varied. They are classified here as
(1) purposes or missions, (2) objectives, (3) strategies, (4) policies, Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education PCTI

(5) procedures, (6) rules, (7) programs, and (8) budgets. 1. PURPOSES OR MISSIONS The mission or purpose identifies the basic function or task of an enterprise or agency or of any part of it. Some writers distinguish between purposes and missions. While a business, for example, may have a social purpose of producing and distributing goods and services, it can accomplish this by fulfilling a mission of producing certain lines of products. The missions of an oil company, such as Exxon, are to search for oil and to produce, refine, and market petroleum and a wide variety of petroleum products, from diesel fuel to -chemicals. For Quality Education PCTI Limited A Unique Name

Objectives are the end toward which activity is aimed they are the results to be achieved. They represent not only the end point of planning but the end toward which organising, staffing, leading, and controlling are aimed. While enterprise objectives are the basic plan of the firm, a department may also have its own objectives. Its goals naturally contribute to the attainment of enterprise objectives, but the two sets of goals may be entirely different.
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(1) general programs of action and deployment of resources to attain comprehensive objectives (2) the program of objectives of an organisation and their changes, resources used to attain these objectives, and policies governing the acquisition, use, and disposition of these resources; and (3) the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of
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The PURPOSE OF STRATEGIES, then, is to determine and communicate, through a system of major objectives and policies, a picture of the kind of enterprise that is envisioned. Strategies do not attempt to outline exactly how the enterprise is to accomplish its objectives, since this is the task of countless major and minor supporting programs. But they furnish a framework for guiding thinking and action. Their usefulness in practice and their importance in guiding planning do, however, justify the separation of strategies as a type of plan for the purpose of analysis Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education PCTI

4. POLICIES Policies define an area within which a decision is to be made and ensure that the decision will be consistent with, and contribute to, an objective. Policies help decide issues before they become problems, make it unnecessary to analyse the same situation every time it comes up, and unify other plans, thus permitting managers to delegate authority and still maintain control over what their subordinates do. They may be related to functions such as sales and finance or merely to a project such as the design of a new product to meet a specified competition. Policy is a means of encouraging discretion and initiative, but within limits. The amount of freedom will naturally depend upon the policy and in turn will reflect position and PCTI the organisation. authority in Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education

The president of a company with a policy of aggressive price competition has a broad area of discretion and initiative in which to interpret and apply this policy. Making policies consistent and integrated enough to realise enterprise objectives is difficult for many reasons. First, policies are too seldom defined in writing and their exact interpretations are too little known. Second, the very delegation of authority that policies are intended to implement leads, through its decentralising influence, to widespread participation in policymaking and interpretation, with almost certain variations among individuals. Third, it is not always easy to control policy because actual policy may be difficult to ascertain and intended policy may not always be clear.
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5. PROCEDURES Procedures are plans that establish a required method of handling future activities. Procedures often cut across department lines. For example, in a manufacturing company, the procedure for handling orders will almost certainly involve the sales department (for the original order), the finance department (for acknowledgment of receipt of funds and for customer credit approval), the accounting department (for recording the transaction), the production department (for the order to produce goods or authority to release them from stock), and the traffic department (for determination of shipping means and route).
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Rules spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion. They are usually the simplest type of plan. A rule, however, may or may not be part of a procedure. Be sure you can distinguish rules from policies. The purpose of policies is to guide decision making by marking off areas in which managers can use their discretion.
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Programs are a complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps to be taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action; they are ordinarily supported by budgets. A program for providing the maintenance and operating bases with spare parts and components must be developed in detail. Some programs, particularly those involving hiring and training of personnel, can be accomplished too soon as well as too late; needless expense results when employees are available and trained before their services are
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A budget is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. It may be referred to as a "numberised" program. In fact, the financial operating budget is often called a "profit plan." A budget may be expressed either in financial terms or in terms of labour-hours, units of product, machine-hours, or any other numerically measurable term. It may deal with operations, as the expense budget does; it may reflect capital outlays, as the capital expenditures budget does; or it may show cash flow, as the cash budget does.
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Although a budget usually implements a program, it may in itself be a program. In fact, one of the major ADVANTAGES OF BUDGETING is that (I) it makes people plan; because a budget is in the form of numbers, (II) it forces precision in planning. (III) Budgets vary considerably in accuracy, detail, and purpose. Some budgets vary according to the organisation's level of output; these are called variable or flexible budgets. (IV) Planning Premises Effective planning is largely dependent upon the knowledge and accurate choice of planning premises. Hence, the definition, description and analysis of such planning premises become imperative.
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PLANNING PREMISES are those basic assumptions upon which the process of planning proceeds. The established background environment or framework within which a firm operates is called planning premises. The management cannot successfully plan without their knowledge. It is neither possible nor practical for a manager to research for and analyse all these factors. The manager tries to forecast only those factors which are strategically important and which have material bearing on his business. There basic planning premises are called building stones as they will form the foundation on which the managers can do theirPCTI Limited - A Unique Name For Quality Education own planning.


Planning premises can be classified in several ways: 1. External and internal premises 2. Tangible and intangible premises 3. Controllable, semi-controllable and uncontrollable premises
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ORGANISING Organisation is the process of so combining the work, which individuals or groups have to perform with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the duties so performed provide the best channels for the efficient, systematic, positive, and coordinated application of the available effort. Steps in Organisation 1. Determination, identification and enumeration of activities 2. Grouping and assigning of activities 3. Delegation of authority
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BENEFITS OF A GOOD ORGANISATION Some of the beneficial outcomes are: 1. A good organisation facilitates attainment of objectives through proper coordination of all activities. It has a built-in system of checks and balances so that the progress towards the attainment of objectives is evaluated along the way and any new decisions required are taken. 2. In a good organisation, the conflicts between individuals over jurisdiction are kept to minimum. Since each person is assigned a particular job to perform, the responsibility of performing that job rests solely with him. Hence, the interdependency is reduced to a minimum.
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3. It eliminates overlapping and duplication of work. Duplication only exists when the work distribution is not clearly identified and the work is performed in a haphazard and disorganised way. Since a good organisation demands that the duties be clearly assigned, such duplication of work is eliminated. 4. It decreases likelihood of runarounds. The run-arounds occur when we do not know who is responsible for what and we are sent to wrong people for getting some work done. However, in a well organised company where the responsibilities are clearly established, this Name Fornot occur. PCTI Limited - A Unique does Quality Education

5. It facilities promotions. Since the organisational chart clearly pinpoints the positions of all individuals relative to one another, it is easier to know as to which level is reached. Since each job is well described in terms of qualifications and duties, the promotional stages can be more clearly established. 6. It aids in wage and salary administration. A fair and equitable wage and salary schedule is based on the premise that jobs with similar requirements should have similar benefits. If these be clearly established and the yearly increments or cost of living increment for each type of job is properly understood then compensation administration For Quality Education PCTI Limited - A Unique Name policies are easier

7. Communication is easier at all levels of the organisational hierarchy. Since the lines of communication and the flow of authority is quite clear in the organisational chart, the intercommunication is both clearer and easier and it eliminates ambiguity. 8. Since good organisation is basis for effective planning in the short run as well as in the long run, such planning has the provision to permit changes to be made in the right direction including expansion and contraction of operations and activities when necessary. Name For Quality Education PCTI Limited - A Unique

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