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Dietary Standard, Allowance, and Intake

Mindanao Sanitarium and style Click to edit Master subtitle Hospital College Bachelor of Science in Nursing Level II Group II


Recommended Dietary Allowances

In the Philippines, The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) leads the research, review, and revision of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). RDA- a vital and essential tool recognized in the health community as the source of information on recommended energy and nutrient intakes for maintenance of good health.

Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes


As of 2002, the RDA was renamed Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes (RENIs), defined as levels of intakes of energy and nutrients that are considered adequate for the maintenance of good health and well-being of nearly all healthy Filipinos.



First formulated in 1941 by the Nutrition Section, Division of Biological Sciences based on the standards of the League of Nations. It was revised in 1947, 1953, 1960, 1965, and 1970 by the Philippine Association of Nutrition. In 1989 until this day, it is governed under the DOST.


Purposes and Applications

Goals for energy and nutrient intakes of groups and nutrient intakes of individuals. The goal for the energy intake of an individual should be based on the individuals body weight since the recommended energy intake is for a specified reference weight. Goals for agricultural productions. Targets should be set at levels higher than the RENIs to allow for unequal distribution of the food supply.


Purposes and Applications

Reference standards for the assessment of the habitual energy and nutrient intakes of the population or population sub-groups. Reference standards for assessment of the adequacy of food supply. Basis for public health and food and nutrition policies on food importation, fortification, labeling, and supplementation programs. Tool for nutrition education and advocacy.

Dietary Reference Intake recommendations


Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of the people in that age group based on a review of the scientific literature. Adequate Intake (AI), where no RDA has been established, but the amount established is somewhat less firmly believed to be adequate for everyone in the demographic group. Tolerable upper intake levels (UL), to caution against excessive intake of nutrients


Recommendations to Total Energy

Desirable Contribution of Carbohydrates, Fats, and Protein to Total Dietary Energy. Carbohydrates 55%-70% Fats and fatty acids Infants 30%-40% All others 20%-30% Protein 10%-15%


Recommended energy and nutrient intakes per day


Recommended daily intakes for other minerals and vitamins



World Health Organization ( Department of Health ( Recommended energy and nutrient intakes for Filipinos 2002 , Corazon VC Barba, PhD and Ma Isabel Z Cabrera, MS Asia Pacific Journal Of Clinical Nutrition (

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