Under Guidance: Presented By: Mr. Roktim Sarmah Sumit Kumar Sudhir Kumar Neeraj Kumar Kevin Nathan

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Under Guidance: Mr.

Roktim Sarmah

Presented By: Sumit Kumar Sudhir Kumar Neeraj Kumar Kevin Nathan

Project Title

To study the perception of consumers regarding sales promotion schemes. To study the promotion tools of the retail stores which affect the buying behavior of consumers. To develop customers profiles based on their inclination towards sales promotion schemes.

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Research Type:

Helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects.

Sampling: 1. Convenient Sampling Method. 2. Subjects are selected just because they are easiest to recruit for the study. 3. Population is too large that it is impossible to include every individual. 4. Sample size: 200 5. Consumers of Jalandhar and nearby area.

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Ms Excel

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Data collection procedure Survey Method. Respondents answer questions administered through questionnaires. Researchers describe the responses given by respondents. Questions must be constructed properly for reliability and validness of research. Questions must be clear and easy to comprehend by respondent.

Type of sale promotional activity that attracts and effects the buying behavior of consumers.

Factors that motivates to shop in an organized retail store.

Customers response in shopping more than they require during sales promotional offers.

Total percent of customers who wait for the promotional schemes offered by retail stores.

The best medium for the advertisement of the promotional tools by the organized retail stores.

Retail store that provides most number of sales promotions schemes in a calendar year.

50.5% of the sample lean towards the heavy discount sale promotional scheme for their buying behavior. The next position of attractiveness is taken by free gifts by 13.5%. The least number of people are influenced by the scheme of replacement of old stuffs.

The factor which influence the maximum number of people to shop in the organized retail store is quality, that is 42.5% Nearly equal number influenced by availability of variety of merchandise and advertisement that is 19.5% and 18.5% respectively. The factor which influences the least is word of mouth and price.

46.5% of people shop more than required during sale promotion schemes. 23.5% says no and 30% of the population says sometimes they shop more during sale promotional schemes. 54% of the total sample waits for the promotional activity. 27.5% says no and 18.5% says that sometimes they wait for the promotional activity.

38% of population says that internet is the best medium to advertise the sale promotion schemes 31% says that TV is the best medium. Print media came in mind of 11.5% people and the least most medium is radio followed by only 3%.

59.5% people says that Big bazaar gives the maximum number of sales promotion in a year calendar Viva collage 20.5% and MBD mall gets 20.5% and best price gets 5.5%

Quality & heavy discount by organized retail store attracts maximum numbers of customers. Free gift is the second choice by customers. The impulse buying activity increases during sales promotion. People prefer internet as best medium to get information on promotion schemes; Big Bazaar stands at first position in terms of promotional schemes and customers preferences.

Discount be provided at different retail store so that it attracts customer by matching with their preferences. Quality up gradation with degradation in price by adopting economies of scale. Ad campaigns on internet about the promotional schemes. Frequency of adding new promotional schemes should be high to get the customers involved in seeking for offers.

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