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Nestle is a multinational nutritional and health-related consumer goods company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland.

Nestl's origins date back to 1866. Two Swiss enterprises merged to form the Nestl and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Renamed to Nestl in 1977. Today Nestle has 450 factories, operating in 86 countries.

Nestl aims to balance sales between low risk but low growth countries of the developed world and high risk and potentially high growth markets of Africa and Latin America. When operating in a developed market, Nestl strives to grow and gain economies of scale through foreign direct investment in big companies Another strategy that has been successful for Nestl involves striking strategic partnerships with other large companies Nestl has employed a wide-area strategy for Asia that involves producing different products in each country to supply the region with a given product from one country. It believes for long term success they should simultaneously create value for shareholders and public . It has a very strong growth stratergy ,making global presence and pioneering research and development .

First World War

Demand for dairy products increased Nestle major producer Post war demand decreased and Nestle faced losses As a result Nestle entered into Chocolate manufacturing.

Second World War

Profits dropped considerably. Started establishing factories in developing countries, particularly Latin America. Introduction of Nescafe. Production and sales increased during wartime which is ironic.

Drivers of Globalization
During 1990s Trade barriers crumbled World markets developed into more or less integrated trading areas. This allowed Nestle to acquire new compaines thus diversifying their business

We believe that true test of a business is whether it creates value for society in long term. Peter Brabeck Lecmathe. BRAND STRENGTH PRODUCT INNOVATION MARKET SHARE Forbes Lists #33 World's Most Powerful Brands #40 Global 2000 #65 in Sales #12 in Market value A chance to be a part in international development programme and understand business from holistic point of view. They have are highly focused on nutrition, health and wellness. They provide employment and better economic conditions in developing countries.

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