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With the narrower and correctness-centered definition of quality, we can classify QA s generic roles as participants in:

Defect Prevention Defect Reduction/Removal Defect Containment

QAs Roles in Prevention/Reduction/Containment of Defects

Failures Errors Faults
E1 E2 E3 E4 Fl1 Fl2

F2 F3

Fl4 Fl5

1. Prevention thru Error blocking & removal

2. Reduction thru Fault removal

3. Containment of failures

Preventing defect from escaping into execution

1. Defect Prevention
Root-Cause Based Defect Prevention Activities:
Human Misconception or Lack of Knowledge - (root cause)
Education/training - (prevention)

Imprecise Requirements, Design and Implementation, and Testing

Improved or formal methodologies

Non-conformance in Process or Standards

Process and standard enforcements

Lack of Technology or Tools

Adoption of appropriate technology and tools

People are the most relevant factor in software development and support. Thus educating and training people will support the prevention of errors

Domain specific and product specific knowledge Software development & support knowledge Software process knowledge Software methodology, technology, and tool knowledge

Improved and Formal Methods

Specifications of requirements and of design are predecessor artifacts to coding, thus preventions of errors in these specifications can greatly prevent coding errors and affect code and execution quality.
Defining pre-conditions and post-conditions Proof of correctness (formal verification) Specification languages such as Z, suite of UML notations, ERD diagrams, etc.

Process, Technology and Tools

Better defined process and enforced/managed process puts discipline into software development /support; and that can prevent errors. Improved technology and methods such as modularization, information hiding, re-use of patterns, etc. can help in preventing errors in design and development.

Improved software tools such as development platform that provides code frameworks and dynamic syntax checker/editor helps in preventing errors

2. Defect Reduction
It is not possible to have a 100% effective error prevention activity. Thus we need to perform fault removal to get defect reduction:
Inspection/Review Testing

Other techniques: Prototyping, Simulation, Fault Tree Analysis, risk identification

Less formal ones include walkthrough and reviews Most successful one is the formal Fagan Inspection methodology which includes multiple steps conducted by a team of inspectors:
Identification and assignment of moderator and inspectors Moderator prepares for the inspection; inspectors prepares for the inspection (different preparations) Actual reading/inspection of the material by inspectors --- possibly with the author in attendance Recording of the faults found, of severity status assigned, of fix target and schedule by moderator Fault fixes tracked and inspection report completed by moderator

Testing involves:
Development of test cases Execution of the test cases Observing the software behavior Recording and reporting the results
My additions

Different phases of testing:

Unit testing Functional and component testing Integration testing System testing User acceptance testing / beta testing

Testing (cont.) Two major types of Testing

Black Box testing (external functionality and property testing) where we generate test scenarios mostly from requirements . White Box (internal structure and data path testing) testing where we generate test cases from the design and code.

Testing Completion:
Based on coverage of test cases & test scenarios Based on pre-set reliability or quality goals

Other Defect Reduction Related Techniques

Symbolic Execution, Simulation and Prototyping at the early phases of software development In-Process analysis with fault-tree or cause-effect tree Use design/code: complexity, size, change history to focus on high potential error-prone areas

3. Defect Containment
In some systems such as medical, nuclear equipment, or aerospace industries even a little number of defects that escaped through prevention and reduction can be extremely harmful We need to contain the failures by reducing the resulting damage

Fault Tolerance
Fault tolerance originated with hardware systems with spare parts and back-up capabilities. Software we use the same concept : Recovery blocks : a section of the code or software is re-executed after a failure occurs and after some parameters are re-set. N-Version Programming: execution of several same functionality programs in parallel, thus a program failure may be localized and possibly bypassed

Safety Critical
Safety is a key characteristic of medical, nuclear, industrial, transportation and many other types of systems. Thus we view it from a containment perspective also:
After Hazard Prevention and Hazard Reduction of errors and faults, we need to be able to separate out or lockout the defective parts at containment time. Hazard Control and Damage Control are post accident activities of preventing the damage from further spreading and causing more than the original harm.

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