Challenges To Indian

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The Indian democracy has faced the challenges of Communalism, regionalism, poverty etc. since 1950. The chief problem confronting a democratic system is its maintenance and continuance. Caste and communalism are the two facets of this challenge. Linguism and regionalism are third and forth dimensions.

India is a land of diverse religions and cultures. Prominent religions include Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Zorastrianism, Buddhism, etc. Hindus constitute the majority and all other religions constitute minority with Muslims being the largest minority. Unfortunately a proper adjustment has not taken place between Hindus and Muslims, which resulted in violent outbursts and communal riots. It leads to the partition of the country into two states of India and Pakistan. On the eve of partition, the religion frenzy resulted in enormous loss of life and property. It leads to one of then bloodiest migrations in the history of India and Pakistan. All this created a serious problem of communal harmony.


Communalism has flourished in India because both communalist leaders of Hindus and Muslims, want to flourish their communitys interests. Certain scholars look at the communal riots as a handiwork of organized and militant organizations like RSS. The weak economic status of the Muslims is the another cause of communalism in India.

Regionalism refers to sub-nationalism demanding the preference for a region as against the country as a whole. In has been a more narrow and effective weapon than linguism. Demand of some people of certain states for secession from the Indian Union like-Khalistan, Dravid Nad, Mizos and Nagas. Demand of separate statehood like-Telengana, Bodoland, Uttarkhand etc. In a vaste country like India both the language and region are equal important. Language is the medium of ones expressions and education.

In social and political life of India, there have been different kinds of problems which has found expression in violence like: Political Violence Killings of political persons to achieve certain political goals. The assassinations of Indira Gandhi and Beant Singh, the Chief Minister of Punjab are the examples of political violence. The Indian elections are increasingly becoming very violent. There are communal violence, caste violence and inter-party violence. Terrorism The terrorist use the technique of spreading terror by killing innocent people to achieve their goals. The states like- Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh etc. are the targets of terrorist violence. Violence from the State and the Police The use of third-degree against the suspects, murder and rapes. The police in Bihar, Punjab, UP, Jammu and Kashmir have earned notoriety for its brutalness.

The crime-politics nexus is a serious risk to national security. There is no Indian state where politicians are not involved in huge scandals. There is no political party free from the influence of criminals. In India, democracy has been hijacked by the criminal elements. Now the criminals are acquiring legitimacy. The fallout of the process on society has been severe.

Corruption is possible at any level Under despotic regimes and rigid conditions of life, corruption was not uncommon. Corruption left unpunished at the top level, thrives acquires the attribute of facility, design and pursuit. Corruption has the quality to strengthen it sinews by intense linkup, dimension and dept, which makes the nailing of the corrupt often difficult. Corruption has the quality to create the means of survival and continuity. Corruption dilutes goodness in both the corrupt and corruptible. It neutralizes values and norms, defeats order and understanding, destroys amity and obstructs the operation of law.


Per capita Income. Percentage of Urban population to total population. Net Irrigated Area as percentage of Net Area Sown. Percentage of population Below Poverty Line. Industrialization. Regional disparities within a state.

The definition of illiteracy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to read, write, listen and speak. A report on the Primary Education points out that in the rural areas, for every 100 girls in class first, only 40 survive upto class 5th, only 18 reach class 8th, 9 reaches class 9th and only one is able to reach class 12th. The report while asserting that India tops in child illiteracy. The share of Plan allocation to the education have been declining, while the First Five Year Plan allocate 7.8%, by the sixth Five Year Plan it was declined to 2.7% and even when the share has increased in the recent past to be considerably lower than what it used to be in first plan.

Factors Responsible for Illiteracy

Problems of demographic isolation. Linguistic diversity. Malnutrition. Overpopulation. Social and ethnic tensions. Inadequate educational infra-structure. Non-supportive national and international economic policies.

The British rule in India have been largely responsible for the poverty in India. After independence, the Indian government adopted the strategy of rapid income development to remove the evil of poverty. This was the strategy of planned economic development. It was believed that as a result of over income development, the employment opportunities would improve and the deprived would be benefited. Besides, a number of poverty, alleviation programmes launched at different times like-IRDP, NREP and EAS etc. These programmes aimed at the upliftment of rural poors.


State politics in India has been particularly the hot bed of Political casteism. Bihar: Politics in Bihar has been mostly organized on the basis of caste. Caste considerations are vital in the political matters. Almost all top leaders of Bihar Congress Party have been connected with their respective caste associations. There are sex groups in Bihar Congress viz., the Bhumihar Group, the Rajput Group, the two functions of Brahmins. Kerala: Muslims are concentrated in certain areas of Malabar in Kerala. They are the dominant community. Andhra Pradesh: Caste Politics in Andhra Pradesh seems like a game of cock-fighting between the Kammas and Reddys.


During elections, the role of caste becomes very important. The selection of the candidate from a particular constituency is done keeping in view the caste considerations. People, also generally, tend to support the candidate of their respective caste. The political parties are associate-ridden Within a political party, alliances are formed on the basis of caste.

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