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Optimization can be defined as that activity which is performed to configure the existing radio network to deliver optimum performance. The goal of optimization is to provide the network performance to meet the targets set by the operator, with cost effective means. Network performance means here capacity and coverage provision in addition to the quality experienced by the end user.

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Optimization process flow



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Drive Test Process

Cluster Preparation Define Cluster Define drive route

Data Collection Equipment req. Services test Call Patterns OSS Alarms Network Stats

Data Analysis KPI Definitions Failure type breakdown

Root Cause analysis

Why drive the network? New Site Integration RF Tuning Network Optimization Network Benchmarking

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RF Optimization Process Flow Drive test Data

Start Scrambling code (Dominance) Pre-Requisites Cluster Identification Initial Planning Tool Analysis Analysis

Service coverage (RSCP)

Soft Handover & Pilot Pollution

Drive Route Creation


Neighbor List Tuning

Drive survey

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Cluster Acceptance

Types of measurements
Scanner system used in initial cluster optimization
To measure dominance, coverage, pilot pollution etc. Physical changes (antennae) in NW after data processing Logical changes (parameters) adjustments cell power setting neighbour list definition

UE measurements used for KPI analysis and parameter optimization

Drop Call analysis Call setup issues IRAT issues RF parameters fine tuning
Most drive test tools have the capability of making simultaneous UE and scanner measurements.

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Commonly used measurement tools Scanner systems

Agilent scanner
DTI scanner Anritsu scanner

UE Logging tools
TEMS Agilent 7464A XCAL-W TOM

R&S Romes scanner

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Basic Drive Test Equipment Setup




Serial to USB Scanner

Wireless Data Card

GPS is integrated, in the current Seegull Lx scanner used by T-mobile.

Drive Test Dongle

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Check COM port properties using windows device manager.

Take note of all the COM ports assigned for each device connected for UE and Scanner. Each connected device will be assigned an individual COM ports.

Check the COM port numbers and the equipment

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Connection of devices to TEMS

Assign the devices UE and Scanner to the appropriate COM ports. Connect the devices using the connect icons.

Connect the devices- UE and Scanner.

Add the equipments UE and Scanner.

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Configure scanner measurement properties

Set the Scanner Properties for the UMTS Channel, Number of Scrambling codes and the required Ec/No threshold.

Defined the scanner properties and start the scan to log the scan data.

Select the UMTS Channel number to be scanned.

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Defining workspaces

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Defining Workspaces

Create worksheet for CS for observing CPICH RSCP, Ec/Io, Radio Parameters, UE tx pwr. Create worksheet for signalling messages and events Create worksheet for displaying PS Data messages. Create worksheet for Scanner messages

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Setting up of Worksheet for UMTS/Events

Example of Events Worksheet containing Call Events, Layer 3 and Layer 2 Messages

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Setting up of Worksheet for UMTS/Map

Example of worksheet containing a Drive Test Route Map.

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Setting up of Worksheet for UMTS/PS Call

Example of worksheet for a PS call containing Session Throughput displayed in a graphical form.
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Setting up of Worksheet for UMTS/Scanner

Example of worksheet for the Scanner.

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Create Cell Definition File

Create and load the cell definition file in the right format. This will display the site information and the change of the cells during the drive.

Defined the scanner properties and start the scan to log the scan data.

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Create Auto Call Scripts CS Voice Call

Create script for each test case scenario. Here is a sample script for voice call of duration 120s, wait time of 20s and run for 100 times. Similar scripts can be setup based on the test requirements for short call and long call.

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Create Auto Call Scripts PS Call

Here is a sample script for downloading 2MB file from the FTP server for 10 times. Similar scripts can be setup based on the test requirements for other packet services.

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General Measurement Collection Guidelines

Measurements should have depth and breadth. Measurement breadth is determined by the extents of the drive test campaign
Classification Downtown Suburban Rural Suggested Drive Breadth Every Street Every Block As required Comments In downtown areas it is possible that GPS may wander away from the streets

Measurement depth is determined by the number of measured servers at any particular location
Scanner measurements are preferred over UE measurements
Scanners are not constrained by a neighbor list Tend to have great equipment sensitivity

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Drive route preparation

The drive test route should encompass the following:

All cells should be driven thorough Route should cover all necessary primary, secondary and tertiary roads Route should be evenly spread out for a cluster drive test Minimize duplication of route Ensure enough drive test samples are collected Ensure drive test extends past the cluster boundary to the neighboring sites for a cluster drive test

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Check drive test cluster condition

It is important that cells within the cluster are in normal working condition. Missing cells may have negative impact to the analysis process and optimization decisions Network availability is greater than 95%. Various OSS tools can be used to collect the network availability.

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How to check cell working state - NEMU

This can be checked using RNC object browser in Nokia Netact

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Check for alarms on WBTS and WCELL

Alarms associated with BTSs should be checked before, during and after optimization (drive test) The rule of thumb is that the sites are free of any critical alarms before drivetest Alarms can relate to:
T1 errors TMA/Antenna/Feeder issues NodeB/RNC/Core network alarms External alarms

Alarm check can done with standard netact tools. It is engineers responsibilty to determine the impact of these alarms and ascertain if the drive test can proceed.

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Parameter Check

Basic parameter checking such as CPICH power, Primary scrambling code and 2G / 3G neighbors should be performed to ensure these planned parameters match the RNC configuration.

In addition:
Barring / cell reservation parameters should be checked to ensure correct settings. OCNS parameters and site lists must be verified since loaded cluster drive tests are being performed. Uplink loading is being simulated by reducing the maximum allowed uplink transmit power by 3dB therefore this parameter needs to be checked too.

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Data Collection

Once the above section is fulfilled without any errors, you can now proceed to collect drive test data. Always follow the agreed drive route unless there are unavoidable reasons that force you to change the route. If such a situation arises, log all these changes in the drive_data_sheet. Any changes must be properly communicated. Before starting the data collection, verify that the laptop system clock is set right and the right time zone. Load Predefined Workspace created during the installation and configuration process

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Execute defined scripts for the drive route

Attach a script for each UE Observe that each sequence in the script is running properly Observe that signaling messages are captured from the UEs CPICH information is being captured by the scanner GPS is receiving satellite signal. GPS coordinates is registered Vehicle speed as defined in the drive route and as the law allows should always be observed. Avoid getting into wrong-way or construction areas. Details of any problem should be recorded in the drive test data sheet (e.g. no GPS signal, UE suddenly stopped working, loss of power, route not drivable, and etc)
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Standard logging checks

Recording must be kept at minimum file size (eg:10MB) In special cases where the road has no outlet other than going back, a new file name should be used when going back In some places where traffic is so bad and vehicle is not moving, recording should be stopped and resume as soon the traffic moves Use specified file naming convention for TEMS logs as Date_Time_Market_Cluster_TestCase_Test#.dt1 Replay logs to verify its integrity at the end of each drive test.

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Validation and Analysis of TEMS log files

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TEMS logfile analysis

Replay the log file and click on the events with failure indication for setup or handover. All the windows are in sync. So at a particular instant of time, check for details on RSCP, Ec/Io, UE Tx pwr, location of UE on the map, scanner information

Layer 3 message also gives the complete details of the information on what is happening in UL and DL.

Identify the cause, fix it and re-drive and confirm whether the failure is still occurring or not.

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TEMS logfile analysis

Observe the events for failures

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TEMS logfile analysis

Look for the details in the Layer 3 messages

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Layer 3 messaging Look for the details in the Events and Layer 3 messages

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Reports from TEMS

TEMS is having in-built report functionality which can provide quick snapshot on the performance of the drive test. Run the report from Log file/export generator. A summary will be listed on all Key indicators on success and failures for voice and packet.

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Reports from TEMS

Below are some of the charts with the results.

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Setting up and saving custom workspaces in the drive test tool. Setup the drive test tool in the vehicle. Ensure all the equipments are connected and are providing valid measurements. Check for alarms and cell availabilty on the training network.

Perform scanner/UE based drive test on a pre-defined route in the training network.
Check data integrity and replay logfiles in TEMS.

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Actix-Analyzer Classic

Recommended for complete analysis of drive test data

Call test data and scan data can be analyzed using map view and table view
Variety of reports can be run for call statistics, Handover Analysis of Signalling messages can also be done Lot of customization can be done on viewing the results

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Adding logfiles to Analyser

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Create superstreams

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Display the Scan plot for RSCP and Ec/Io to see the coverage and quality.

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Display the Scan plot for RSCP to see the spread out for each scrambling code. By this the need for any down tilting can be identified for any overshooting sectors.
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Analysis of Active Set RSCP_0 gives an idea on the strong and weak coverage areas for the cell in the drive route.

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Analysis of Active Set Ec/Io gives an idea on the strong and weak Ec/Io (interference) areas for the cell in the drive route.

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Analysis of events helps to focus on the areas where setup failures, dropped calls occur in the drive route and to dig further on the reasons by using other attributes.

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Analysis of RSCP and Ec/Io helps to focus on the good coverage with bad qual and optimization can be focussed on this area.
From the view, forms can be opened which would be used during analysis.
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Detailed Analysis on the signalling messages helps to understand the root cause of the problem and this also helps to understand the call setup process, measurement reporting, etc.

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Key Benefits of Actix-Analyzer Classic(Reports)

Lot of reports can be run using Analyzer to identify the problems on call setup, dropped call, HO performance

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In the Analysis tab, the report for UMTS Drive Test Summary can be run. The distribution of of statistics Ec/Io, RSCP and call statistics can be obtained for each site.

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In the result of the drive test summary, the report on Coverage Summary can be opened to see the distribution of Ec/Io and RSCP

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In the Analysis tab, the report for Detailed call Setup analysis can be run to see the breakdown on the performance of call set-up.

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In the Analysis tab, the report for Detailed call Setup Analysis can be run to see the breakdown on the performance of call set-up.

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CPICH meausrement before RRC Connection Request- In case of failures, this report helps to identify the signal strength in the active and monitored sets before the failure.

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Details of Call Setup Analysis; It is a very good snapshot to see the performance of the drive test

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Key Benefits of Actix-Troubleshooter

Troubleshooter is good option to investigate the performance details very quickly by selecting the required problem. The summary will be available on the dash board and this module will automatically pull the required plots from the drive data.

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Troubleshooter simplifies the analysis and helps the Engineer to focus on critical analysis like call set up failures, important issues like poor coverage issues, pilot pollution and missing neighbours.

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Troubleshooter provides the summary charts on KPIs for Call setup success, dropped call, Active set update, Handoff performance. The performance of each sector is also displayed.

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If we select the Call setup failure investigation in the dashborad, this is the quick analysis on map display for Active set Ec/IO.
Events, neighbours, line chart on Ec/Io, signal strength, UE txpower and SIR are also displayed.
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If we select the poor coverage analysis in the dashborad, this is the quick analysis on map display for good and poor rscp and ec/io areas, bar chart on active set and neighbours.

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If we select the Handover Investigation analysis in the dashboaad, this is the quick analysis on map display for UE Handoff state whether it is single sector service or in soft HO state. Additional information is provided on neighbour list and line chart with key attributes.

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If we select the Pilot Pollution investigation analysis in the dashboard, this is the quick analysis on map display for CPICH Scan Ec/Io, too many servers and pilot pollution events. Additional information is provided on top 10 Scanners.

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Key Benefits of Actix Spotlight

Spotlight is also similar to Troubleshooter and this gives the following output. Summary Dashborad report on failure issues, coverage issues, pilot pollution.

Event explorer To focus specifically on call setup failures and drop calls.
Radio Network Explorer- To focus on the coverage, pilot pollution and missing neighbour analysis.

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Options available from the dashboard of Spotlight for Event and Radio Network Explorer and summary on the issues.

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Analysis on the performance on Dropped calls, Setup failures by selecting Event Explorer Map display with required attributes and events.

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Analysis on coverage by selecting on the cell coverage from Radio Network Explorer Map display with required attributes and events.

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Analysis on the performance on Cell pilot pollution by selecting Radio Network Explorer and cell pilot pollution.

Map display with required attributes and events.

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RF Optimization Process Flow Drive test Data

Start Scrambling code (Dominance) Pre-Requisites Cluster Identification Initial Planning Tool Analysis Analysis

Service coverage (RSCP)

Soft Handover & Pilot Pollution

Drive Route Creation


Neighbor List Tuning

Drive survey

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Cluster Acceptance

RF Performance reporting
Plot of measured Best Server RSCP Plotted along the drive route of the map. Shows measured best servers CPICH RSCP level so that data analyst can see the coverage problem area.

Plot of measured best server Ec/No Plotted along the drive route of map. Shows measured best servers CPICH Ec/No level so that data analyst can see the dominance problem area (low best server Ec/No)

Histogram and CDF of RSCP. Shows the percentage of samples at different received RSCP level for whole drive data. Histogram and CDF of Ec/No
Shows the percentage of samples at different received Ec/No level for whole drive data.

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First Step - RF Coverage Check : Delta Plot

Drive Test is conducted with Scanner Data and compared against the Planning Tool Prediction Data. Usually it should be within 6 dB of the Propagation Model value. Large Delta Values are also a good indication of Cross Feeder Faulty Sites Wrong SC Allocations
Delta Plot = RSCP (Drive Test) RSCP (Planning Tool) Positive Values = Planning Tool Pessimistic Negative Values = Planning Tool Optimistic
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Coverage Check : RSCP verification

Check that the RSCP levels for the area meet the target thresholds for the service and environment (clutter, building loss)

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RF Coverage Check : RSCP scan for SC

Plot the RSCP coverage for individual scrambling codes This gives the indication if the sector is radiating too far and may require downtilt Can also indicate crossed feeder cables/swapped scrambling codes
Cell SC216 Site DAU1271A

Overshooting Areas

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Verification of swapped feedeers or other issues

Plotting the RSCP for individual scrambling codes can help in identifying hardware and data translation issues where the coverage area of the cell is different from the p-lanned. This can include swapped feeders, incorrect scrambling codes assigned to the cells, incorrect azimuths and tilts.

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Ec/Io Verification

TIP: If Coverage is acceptable then check for areas of poor EcIo

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Pilot pollution verification

Points towards lack of dominance. Happens when too many servers with similar RSCP values are reported. The reasons can be excessive overlap, overshooting sectors, incorrect azimuths etc.
1. Combining RSCP And Ec/No testing criterias can lead to identifying the areas with pilot pollution.

e.g criteria can be set as RSCP > -92 dbm and Ec/No < -9 dB

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Pilot Pollution Analysis Actix troubleshooter

Highlights the areas with possible pilot pollution. Two actix defined events are used:
1. Pilot Pollution - The pilot pollution event occurs when four or more pilots in the Active or Monitored set have their: Ec/No > Uu_PilotPollutionThreshold (typically -15 dB) 2.Too Many Servers - Because UMTS uses relative levels to evaluate changes to the active set, a different event allows you to visualize pilot pollution relative to the best server. The Too Many Servers event acts like the Pilot Pollution event except with relative levels. The event occurs when four or more pilots in the Active or Monitored set have their Ec/No within Uu_TooManyServersThreshold dB of the best server (Uu_ActiveSet_EcNo_0).

Look at each SC and determine the best way to optimize the area.
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Pilot pollution analysis Actix Spotlight

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UL Coverage Verification

By using UE during testing we can check the UEs transmit power for problem areas where UE cannot maintain the link quality

Shows Area where UE TX Power is Maxing Out

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Data Analysis flow

Data collection
Desired coverage targets ( planned values)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Etc.

e.g. 98 dBm

CPICH Ec > Threshold Low CPICH Yes

Possible Actions/Solutions Antenna Tilting Antenna Panning Change Antenna Type Change Antenna Height Change CPICH Tx Pwr
Currently X= Max As size=3 for Nokia

e.g. 12 dB

Desired Ec/No targets ( planned values)

CPICH Ec/Io > Threshold Yes


amount of Scrambling Codes > X

Yes Pilot Pollution A

No No Dominance Area OK Aggregated to Peak > 3 dB Yes A Bad Ec/Io A

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Multi-path Problem A


RF optimization Block A: Possible actions

In block A, check if the cause for call setup failure is CPICH RSCP and Ec/No coverage problem The received best servers CPICH RSCP and Ec/No will be compared to the coverage thresholds at the location where call setup failed and if best servers RSCP or Ec/No is less than the thresholds, coverage optimzation will be performed.

The thresholds of RSCP and Ec/No depend on UE senstivity

CPICH RSCP coverage threshold = -105 dBm CPICH Ec/No coverage threshold = -15 dB

The proposed coverage improvement solution should be verified with simulations from a planning tool. This gives the approximation if the changes meet the expected results.

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RF optimization Block A: Possible actions

The area that does not meet one of the following criteria is defined as coverage problem area and dominance problem area respectively.

Coverage problem area:

Best servers RSCP < -105 dBm

Dominance problem area:

Best servers CPICH < -15 dBm

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Physical optimization - Antenna

Antenna tilt or orinetation change is needed mainly if:
1. 2. There is interference created by an overshooting site. There is lack of coverage or dominance

Tilt can be electrical or mechanical and both with their advantages or disadvantages. Tilting activity should be followed by a drive test to evaluate the impact of changes Decisions should be made based on scanner measurements. UE measurements can be used, but they can sometimes lead to wrong results like due to a missing neighbor.

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RF Optimization Possible methods Tuning method for Coverage Problem

Priority Up-tilting of serving cell to extend coverage radius and improve the coverage in desired area. Increase the CPICH power of the serving cell Change antenna azimuths to address the coverage holes. Change antenna type: Can be replaced with a high gain or larger beamwidth antenna. Increase the height of antenna, but the risk is that it adds undesirable interference in the other cells
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Tuning method for Dominance Problem

Downtilting the interfering cell that generates pilot pollution. Decrease the CPICH power of the interfering cell. Change antenna azimuths of the cells generating polution Change antenna type: Can be replaced with a low gain or low beamwidth antenna. Decrease the antenna height of the interfering cell

Analysis - Neighbor List Verification (I)

Neighbor definitions required by cell re-selection and handover Soft handovers are based upon intra-frequency neighbour list

Hard handovers are based upon either intra-frequency, inter-frequency or inter-system neighbour lists
IntraFrequency Neighbors
Cell a Cell b Cell c Cell d Cell e

InterFrequency Neighbors Max. 48 (32 /carrier)

Cell k Cell l Cell m Cell n Cell o

InterSystem Neighbors
Cell r Cell s Cell t Cell u Cell v

The critical objective of neighbour list verification is to Ensure that sufficient neighbours are present to achieve the desired coverage performance

Max. 32

Each neighbour has a set of associated parameters e.g. CPICH measurement offset Actix Analyzer is able to suggest appropriate neighbour lists Strategy for initial system deployment is to place the emphasis upon adding neighbours rather than removing them
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Max. 31

Future objective Ensure lists arent excessively large

Analysis - Neighbor List Verification (II)

Process starts directly with the drive test


Record drive test results with Agilent Scanner in TOP N mode

Analysis within Actix Analyzer


Input Data
CPICH Scrambling code Ec/Io Measurement position Cell ID, cell position, cell azimuth Cell scrambling code Cell neighbor list

Scanner Scanner Planning Tool Radio Design Planning Tool

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Analysis - Neighbor List Verification (III)

Part automatic and part manual neighbor list analysis Analysis within Actix Analyzer is automatic and numerical Analysis requires the definition of a neighbor window (reporting range) which is applied to the CPICH Ec/Io measurements Configure the neighbor window as 10 dB (drop window + margin)
Ec/Io Strongest Ec/Io Neighbors reported when within this range


Record drive test results with Agilent Scanner in TOP N mode Analysis within Actix Analyzer

Neigbor Wondow



216 349 83 436


00161126C 00179719B2 00001085A 00001081B

Num Of Samples
97 97 96 90
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Suggested NBR Additions

85 (47.4%); 303 (17.5%) 351 (28.9%) 350 (34.4%); 84 (25.0%) 434 (22.2%); 283 (22.2%)

Numerical Analysis

Analysis - Neighbor List Verification (IV)

Analysis provided by Actix Analyzer:

Consider adding neighbors reported by Actix Analyzer If neighbor list is full then consider replacing some of the existing neighbors Do not remove existing neighbors not reported by Actix Analyzer without further investigation
Consider adding neighbours suggested by Actix No

Run Actix Analyzer Routine

Is the Neighbor List full?

Consider replacing existing neighbours by those suggested by Actix

Progress to further additions

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Analysis - Neighbor List Verification (VI)

Subsequent manual tuning of neighbor list
As a minimum define the neighbour list as
All cells belonging to that site The first perimeter of cells

Continue from Actix Analyzer Analysis

Add neighbours Complete visual inspection of neighbour list


Cell for which the neighbour list is being defined

Does list include all cells belonging to that site and the first perimeter of cells

Yes Add any other neighbours which may improve coverage



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Soft Handover Optimization

Cell-overlap is needed to perform SHO

Network capacity is directly related to interference Too much overlap of cells: Increases interference to other cells --> reduce capacity Increases Soft Handover overhead --> reduce capacity Soft handover helps to reduce UL-interference (Soft HO Gain)

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Measurement Plot Best server RSCP

What it shows measured CPICH RSCP level (in dBm) of the strongest serving cell measured CPICH Ec/No level (in dB) of the strongest serving cell

What to look for


Any area with RSCP of less than this design threshold is considered a weak coverage area. The RF Planning Guidelines requirement for in-car RSCP for AMR voice is -100 / -99 dBm. (Vendor specific) CPICH Ec/No is the most important measurement in WCDMA for network planning and optimization purposes. It is theoretically equal to RSCP divided by the total wideband received power (RSCP/RSSI). Low Ec/No is the result of interference and poor dominance. Because the measurements were made under unloaded conditions, they represent an ideal, best-case condition. Under fully loaded conditions, observed pilot Ec/No levels would be lower than the unloaded measurements. Any coverage holes, which exist for the unloaded measurements will be worse once the system matures and becomes loaded. Cells that cover a much bigger (or much smaller) area compared to its neighbors. Cells that overshoot beyond the target service area. This plot gives an idea about how well or how bad the coverage of a certain cell is contained. Overshooting cells. Cells with very low RSCP or Ec/No within its target service area. SC clashes identical primary scrambling code being used by cells without sufficient spatial isolation. Strong 4th best server RSCP, say greater than -95 dBm a potential pilot polluter. Number of strong SC > 3. This plot is another way of looking for excessive number of strong pilots. An RSCP threshold of say -95 dBm may be defined. Areas where the UE is transmitting at a higher power due to increased uplink interference, UE issues, hardware issues related to NodeB, TMA, antenna systems. Identify areas where soft handoff / inter frequency or IRAT hand-downs are occurring.

Best server Ec/No

Best server SC

Primary Scrambling Code of the strongest pilot

Per-SC RSCP / Ec/No

measured CPICH RSCP and Ec/No level (in dBm and dB) for a specified scrambling code measured CPICH RSCP level (in dBm) of the 4th strongest serving cell number of detected pilots above a defined RSCP threshold Measured UE Tx Power level (in dbm)

4th best server RSCP Number of measured SC

UE Tx Power

Soft Handoff / InterFrequency / IRAT

Measured area where handoff activity is occuring

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Voice Call Analysis

This part of post-analysis deals with the events that were logged through the handsets or UEs. These are: the dropped calls call setup failures. Some of these may be the net effect of problems discussed in the previous section, while some may be due to other reasons. Each event needs to be investigated thoroughly, analyzed and eliminated.

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Voice call analysis

The causes for the failures can be classified into three groups: RF planning-related, network-related tool-related.

Technically, job of the RF engineer may be limited to fixing only those that fall in the first category but the rest still need to be properly documented and referred to the concerned departments for their action.

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RF Planning problems

As the name implies, RF planning-related faults have something to do with the radio environment and the related cell / RNC parameters. A myriad of reasons can be the culprit but the usual suspects are:

Inadequate downlink coverage, poor dominance, pilot pollution chances are, many of these faults are directly related to the same problems detected during the Layer 1 analysis Inadequate uplink coverage, uplink interference Uplink power control is responsible for keeping the uplink SIR within target by increasing the UE transmit power when needed. Areas where RSCP is good but UE Tx power is high (e.g. >10 dBm) are signs of radio problems in the uplink path, such as issues with the Node B Rx. The installation of an MHA may be one of the possible solutions to attain good uplink coverage. On the other hand, uplink interference may be the issue. This is easily read and verified from the UE messages. Missing or one-way neighbors a more critical error in WCDMA than in GSM, as they almost inevitably lead to dropped calls as soon as the pilot of the missing neighbor dominates. Rapid field drop e.g. around building corners or natural obstructions. Slow handovers caused by inappropriate handover window parameters or neighbor lists that are too long. Handover speed is directly affected by the handover trigger parameters based on pilot Ec/No for neighbor addition, removal or replacement. Scrambling Code interference Can be resolved by changing the cell primary scrambling code

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Network problems
Network-related faults can be due to: Outages and hardware faults in Node B, transmission, RNC or part thereof, including sleeping cells and T1 Issues Core Network faults caused by board / software failures in MSC, SGSN or other core network entities Insufficient hardware caused by lack of hardware resources such as Channel elements or radios Installation faults crossed or wrongly terminated feeders. One of the most difficult to detect are cases where two Rx feeders were accidentally swapped across different sectors. Diversity alarms and TX/RX imbalance scripts should identify these problems. System software bugs RNC trace data can provide more clues for this type of problem Operational intervention e.g. when an active serving cell is manually reset or blocked causing call failures and/or call drops

Alarm logs coming from the NMC will be valuable reference for these networkrelated failures. They must be regularly gathered during the cluster tuning period and should contain the status of each site in the cluster driven, any service affecting alarms or other minor/major/critical alarms and T1 error information
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Tool Problems

Sometimes the tools that were used during the measurement or post-processing also contribute to the errors: Software bugs causing either the handset or the data collection program to momentarily hang during the test in some tools, the so-called flat line measurement display is an indication of this phenomenon (eg TEMS) Incorrect tool settings as to how a fault is pegged for instance, some call drops shown by the tool may not be real drops. This can occur both for the drive test collection and post-processing tool Miscellaneous faults like loose connectors, broken rf lines, discharged batteries, etc Incorrect Attenuation settings could be the cause of poor UL / DL coverage and other call related issues

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Call Events
Troubleshooting call events takes a more in-depth approach, involving more than just checking the primary measurements. The Layer 3 messages have to be sifted through as well. This is where a thorough understanding of call flow and signaling becomes essential.

To be successful, the Engineer should be well-versed about the UE-UTRAN-CN signaling that takes place in different scenarios. Some important scenarios are listed below. Not all of these events will be encountered during the tests, but it is still worth being able to identify them if they do occur.

AMR MOC RRC and RAB connection establishment SHO soft and softer handovers, measurement reporting events 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 2d, 2f, 3a

HHO inter-frequency, inter-system, some inter-RNC handovers

Call release initiated by handset or network Idle mode operation cell selection and reselection, synchronization, location area / routing area update, MIB/SIB reception
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Other issues

During optimization only one parameter per time should be changed. In this way it is possible to see the influence of that particular parameter on the network.

Another important issue is to keep track of all the changes implemented, in order to restore the network to the previous config, if the changes implemented had some undesirable side effects.

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Exercise 1

Load the drive test files into actix

Combine the into super streams for UE, UMTS scanner and GSM scanner Display the Scan plots for RSCP and Ec/Io to visualze the coverage and quality Display plots for individual scrambling codes Identify the overshooting cells and candidates for downtilt

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Exercise 2

Load the drive test files into actix

Plot the measured best server RSCP along the route.
Check and identify the areas with weak coverage.

Plot the measured best server Ec/No

Check and identify the dominance problem areas.

Display histogram distribution for RSCP Display histogram distribution for Ec/No

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Exercise 3

Load the drive test files into actix

Using the analyser identify the areas with pilot pollution based on user defined thresholds. Perform pilot pollution analysis. Identify the misbehaving scrambling codes and sectors.

Propose a solution to remove pilot pollution.

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Exercise 4

Load the drive test files into actix

Run neighbor analysis in actix. Identify and verify the intra system neighbor addition/deletion proposed by the tool.

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Exercise 6

Load the logfiles into actix

Display the plots for UE mesurements (Ec/No, RSCP, UEtxpwr) Identify the drop calls & call setup failures in the logs. Identify the causes for drops and failures. Propose a solution

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CS Voice Call setup flow

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Call disconnect flow

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