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Muhammad Rashidi Bin Razali (2010391069) Muhamad Fadzile Bin Abd Malek (2010158019) Muhammad Haziq Bin Mazlan (2010715319)



1960s MITs artificial lab Ken Thompson invented UNIX 1970s Dennis Ritchie invented C 1980s Cyber Space coined 414s arrested Two hacker group formed 1990s National Crackdown on hackers Kevin Mitnick arrested Microsofts NT operating system

World Most Famous Hacker

Kevin Mitnick
Stephen wozniak

Tsutomu Shimomura

At the time of his arrest, he was the most-wanted computer criminal in the United States.

Hacker is a person who access computer system and network without authorization There are 3 types of hacker which is white hat, black hat and grey hat Hacker hierarchy is divided into there which is script kiddies, intermediate hackers and elite hackers

To steal Money Important data / information To test their knowledge in understanding network and computer system

To harm someones privacy

To become a cyber warrior

To espionage other people

Data loss Increasing maintenance cost Negative reputation


The act of hacking, or breaking into computer system, for a political or socially motivated purpose. The individual who performs an act of hacktivism is said to be a hacktivist.

They uses the same tools and techniques as a hacker, but does so in order to disrupt services and bring attention to a political or social cause.

Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the worlds strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.

We are Anonymous.

Indonesia attacked Malaysia

This happen when Harimau Malaya won against Garuda Indonesia in AFF Suzuki Cup 2010. Attacked launched by angry Indonesian Hackers because they could not accept their team defeated.

UiTM Website Hacked!

This is a message the hacker leave at the website. You never learnYou never learnYou never learnI email you remember? And I notice you have changed, most of the password after that. (And thanks to unknown Wifi owner, borrow your line for a while ya!)

List of website hacked by Indonesia hackers Hacked + leaked Tour Malaysia (Not Tourism Malaysia) Hacked Tourism Malaysia Unaffected UiTM Penang Hacked JBiotech Hacked Social Welfare Department (Ezi2Care) Hacked CIDB Hacked but back up 12:20am Land Public Transport Commision Hacked but back up 12:15am 1Malaysia DoS / Switched off 3:45am Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Unaffected ASEANConnect DoS / Switched off Malaysian Meteorological Service DoS / Switched off

List of website hacked by Indonesia hackers (cont)

Ministry of Education DoS / Switched off Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia DoS / Switched off Bomba - DoS / Switched off TMNet Unaffected Perbendaharaan Malaysia - DoS / Switched off Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia - DoS / Switched off Parlimen Malaysia DoS / Switched off Malaysian Treasury DoS / Switched off University Kebangsaan Malaysia DoS / Switched off Jobs Malaysia DoS / Switched off Information, Communications and Culture DoS / Switched off Human Resouce Ministry DoS / Switched off 3:59am National Sports Council DoS / Switched off Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) DoS / Switched off

Myanmar attacked Malaysia

Myanmar attacked Malaysia (cont)

This issues was find at blog. The url is Why Myanmar attacked Malaysia : 17 Ogos 2012, based on sermons, the people of Myanmar now in serious condition. They were brutally murdered. Actually, this was already old things. However, its not be noted from "world". We as a neighbor of the Myanmar do not give attention to them but still focus on Palestin, Afghanistan and Arab. Maybe their intention is to alert us to give attention to them but, the way they do is not Halal.

Political Hacking in Malaysia

Political Hacking in Malaysia (cont)

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahims blog was hacked late last night and defaced with a fake post that portrayed him as an apologist for the Zionist regime in Israel. It also included an apology to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as part of the opposition leaders message ahead of the Aidilfitri celebration tomorrow. We understand a screen capture of the posting had been successfully recorded and is now being spread by Umno cybertroopers with the intention to discredit and defame Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the blog administrator said. Malay daily Sinar Harian reported that the hackers had uploaded a message from Anwar, claiming he felt ashamed for his partys sinful extremist position chasing after the prime ministers office to the extent of defaming Najib and the latters family.

Cyber law in Malaysia

Some of the cyber law in Malaysia: Digital Signature Act 1997 Computer Crimes Act 1997 Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997 Communication and Multimedia Act 1998

Digital Signature Act 1997

Enforced on October 1998 Secures electronic communications especially on the Internet Digital Signature is an identity verification standard using encryption techniques to protect against e-mail forgery. The encrypted code consists of the users name and a hash of all the parts of the message.

By attaching the digital signature, one can ensure that nobody can eavesdrop, intercept or temper with the transmitted data. By doing so, a more secure and safe electronic communication could be done.

Computer Crimes Act 1997

Protection against the misuses of computers and computer criminal activities are ensured by the Act. Example of crimes:
Unauthorized use of programs Illegal transmission of data or messages over computers Hacking or cracking of computer systems and networks.

Computer crimes are banned by this law. Those who disobey this law can be charged.

By implementing the Computer Crimes Act 1997, computer users can now protect their rights to privacy and build trust in the computer system. This Act also enable the government to track the illegal activities, thus reducing the cyber crimes cases.

Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997

Brought into force on April 1999. The Copyright (Amendment) Act amends the Copyright Act 1987 to extend copyright law to the new and converged multimedia environment. It serves to protect the expression of thought and creative ideas from unauthorized copying or alteration.

Communication and Multimedia Act 1998

Endorsed in April 1999. The Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 creates a new system of licenses and defines the roles and responsibilities of those providing communication and multimedia services. The implementation of Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 ensures that information is secure, the network is safe, reliable and the service is affordable all over Malaysia.

In Malaysia, you can use this Act for any cases regarding your internet service provider and see whether they got accuses of part of this law. This Act also ensures high level of users confidence in the information and communication technology industry.

Hacking is a good computing skill that can be used for good or bad intention. There is reason to do the hack, and there are ways to prevent it.

Q/A Thank you

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