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Predavanje 6.maj 2008


Formalno obeleena glagolska kategorija Radnja se smeta u neki vremenski okvir (time frame) : prolost vs ne-prolost Vreme realnosti vs gramatiko vreme (Time:Tense) Obeleavanjem glagola za gramatiko vreme referiramo na prolost ili sadanjost u kojoj se dogodio ili u kojoj se deava neki dogaaj Formalni lanovi kategorije vremena su Past i NonPast, predstavljeni oblicima The Present Tense and The Past Tense Gramatiko vreme pokazuju i adverbijali (now...)


Epistemiko vreme: vreme kada je neka tvrdnja bila validna

Maisy said she was coming.

Deiktiko vreme odgovara momentu govora, tvrdnja je validna i u trenutku govora:

Maisy says her sister was born in 1960. Maisy said she is coming.

Glagolski oblici imaju tri grupe znaenja:

Radnje koje imaju centar (momenat govora): I hold a phone in my hand. Radnje koje nemaju centar: I walk in the park every evening. Radnje koje ne pripadaju nijednoj vremenskoj dimenziji: The Earth revolves around the Sun.


Osnovno znaenje (Basic Meaning):

I live in the centre of the town.

Trajno iterativna (Habitual Meaning) i trenutno iterativna, uestala (Iterative Meaning) znaenja
There used to be a cinema here. They were knocking on the door in panic.

Pomerena (Relative Meaning) znaenja.

D.H. Lawrence writes The Plumed Serpent after his trip to Mexico. Ill tell you the latest gosip when I see you. If I had known the facts, the whole thing wouldve turned out well.


Formalno obeleen T-morfemom s u 3p sg Ostali oblici lica identini s osnovom glagola Opisuje radnju u sadanjosti Prezentom izraena sadanjost ukljuuje momenat govora Prezent moe da se odnosi na vreme pre i posle momenta govora


Osnovno znaenje (Basic Meaning)

U demonstracijama, opisima i objanjenjima

Then I add whipped cream. I enclose my CV.

U prenosima dogadjaja
The Prince of Wales takes his bride by the hand... Ivanovi makes a run for the net...

U uzvinim izrazima (esto formule, sa Here, There...)

Here comes the bride! There he goes!

U iskazima sa performativnim glagolima

I apologize. I admire your courage

Sa privativnim, perceptivnim glagolima:

Trajno iterativno znaenje (Habitual Meaning) sa dinaminim i statikim glagolima radnja je smetena u neogranien vremenski period u kome se ritmino ponavlja esta je upotreba adverbijala za frekvenciju (always, every day, in spring, twice a year, weekly...)

I dont read the Politika. The Romantic Train leaves at 9 from Platform 1. Whenever I ask him something, he blushes.


Pomerena znaenja prezenta

Svevremeni /generiki prezent

Galileo believed that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Budui prezent
U vremenskim i kondicionalnim klauzama When you make your mind up, tell me. If she refuses to go, then seek help. U uputstvima (traenje i davanje) Where do I click now? Here, you click on this icon, see? Umesto budueg perfekta When I finish the course (when I have finished ..) Ill go.


Istorijski/narativni/dramski prezent
It is not until 9th century that the first records appear... I was sitting in the park yesterday, when suddenly it starts to rain. W.B.Yeats is the last representative of romanticism in Britain. U naslovima novina : The Queen Arrives in Perth Hilary Wins the Pen Caucus Myanmar Reels as Cyclon Toll Hits Thousands


Obeleen, prost glagolski oblik, T-morfemom ed (po pravilu); pravilna i nepravilna konjugacija odnosi se na radnju koja prethodi sadanjem momentu i koja ne ukljuuje sadanji momenat. Osnovno znaenje (Basic Meaning) - odreeni preterit, esto podran adverbijalima ( a long time ago, yesterday)

Byron died in Greece (in 1824)

Trajno-itertivni preterit (adverbijali: every year, in the past ten years)

We always spent our summers at the lake when I was small. There was a music club there in those days.


Moe se parafrazirati oblikom USED TO :

We used to live on the second floor. Koordinacija: She adressed and posted the letter Simultana radnja: The bomb exploded and blew off the hotel door.


Pomerena znaenja preterita

Svevremeni/ generiki preterit

Sigh no more ladies. Men were deceivers ever.

Budui preterit u zavisnim klauzama posle veznika AS,

BEFORE, UNTIL, THEN She decided to quit when she came back from South Africa.

Modalni/ hipotetiki preterit u zavisnim klauzama (if, if only, as if, as though; wish, suppose; Id rather, its (high) time)
If you accepted that, there would be a problem. He struts around as if he owned the place. I wish I had that kind of determination.


Preterit stava (hedges)

I wanted to ask you something. I thought he was a crook. I wondered if you could spare a minute. Did you wish anything else, sir?

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