Lecture 10

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Disease causing organism, in addition to producing an illness, induce an immune response in the infected host (Human or animals), as a results of synthesis of appropriate antibodies. If these two effects of disease-causing organism can be separated, a vaccine can be made to provide protection against the particular disease

Vaccine is any preparation of dead or weakened







introduced into the body will stimulates the

production of protective antibodies and/or Tcells without causing the disease.

APPROACHES TO GENERATE VACCINE 1) Traditional vaccine preparation a) Inactivated vaccine b) Live, attenuated vaccines c) Toxoids d) Conjugated vaccine e) Subunit 2. Recombinant or genetic engineering vaccine

Inactivated vaccine
Kill the organism using chemical or heat to produce inactivated or killed vaccine vaccine for salk polio , typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A These vaccines are stable and safe; they cannot revert to the virulent (disease-causing) form. However, most inactivated vaccines stimulate a relatively weak immune response and require several doses (booster) over th

Live, attenuated vaccines

Some vaccine contain live microorganisms that have been attenuated or weakened. Live, atteneuated vaccines generate a strong immune response because the microbes contineu to multiply in the body of host. Ex: vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. These vaccine produce both antibody-mediated and cell-mediated immunity and generally require only one booster dose. However, such vaccinees carry the greater risk because they may mutate back to the virulent form, resulting in indication of the disease rather than in protection againts it.

Toxoid In some disease, the protein toxin produced by organism is dengerous rather than the organism itself Vaccines called toxoids containing inactivated toxins from the diseaseproducing organism. Ex: tetanus and diphtheria vaccine. Formalin is most often used to inactivate toxins and produce toxoids

Conjugated vaccine
Uses only the antigenic part of the disease-causing organism (ascellular vaccine) Ex: capsule, flagella, or part of protein cell wall. Outer coat of bacteria causing pneumococal pneumonia and certain types of meningitis

Subunit vaccine Subunit vaccine contain purified antigens or antigenic fragments rather than whole organism.

Made by taking apart the actual microbe, or using genetic

engineering technique (recombinant technique). The first product was the hepatitis B surface antigen (rHBsAg), which gained the marketing approval from FDA in 1986. rHBsAg was cloned and expressed in a variety of expression

system including E. coli, S. cerevisiae and number of mammalian


Recombinant vector vaccine

Recombinant vector vaccines are those in which genes for desire antigens are inserted into a vector, such as weakened virus or bacteria. The vector expressing the antigen may be used as the vaccine, or the antigen may be purified and injected as subunit vaccine Advantages of recombinat vaccines are that the vector can be chosen to be not only safe but also easy to grow and store, reducing cost. Ex: recombinant vaccine currently in use in human is HBV vaccine. Hepatitis B surface antigen is produced from a gene transfected into yeast cells and purified for injection as subunit vaccine

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