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Gerald Malitz, National Center for Education Statistics

Andy Rogers, Education Statistics Services Institute (ESSI)

Tom Szuba, Quality Information Partners (QIP)

Forum Unified Education

Technology Suite
National Forum on Education Statistics

sponsored by the

U.S. Department of Education

Institute of Education Sciences
National Center for Education Statistics
as a component of the
National Cooperative Education Statistics System
The Purpose
The Forum Unified Education Technology Suite presents
a practical, comprehensive, and tested approach to:

securing, and

… technology in education settings.

The History
This online resource combines and updates four
previously existing NCES/Forum publications:

Safeguarding Your Technology (1998)

Technology @ Your Fingertips, Version 2.0 (2001)

Technology in Schools (2002)

Weaving a Secure Web around Education (2003)

The Audience
Developed for individuals in education settings who are responsible for:
 acquiring and installing technology systems
 supervising technology acquisition and implementation
 managing technology systems on a day-to-day basis
 integrating technology into classrooms

Some portions of this resource are relevant to other staff in an education

institution, including individuals who are responsible for :
 collecting and reporting data about technology resources, access, and use
 maintaining electronic education records
 developing, maintaining, and overseeing school or district websites
 ensuring information and technology security within an education institution
The Outline

A broad, yet detailed, look at technology

planning and implementation in an
education setting.
The Website
The Development Team

Gerald Malitz, National Center for Education Statistics

Andy Rogers, Education Statistics Services Institute
Tom Szuba, Quality Information Partners
Raymond Yeagley, Rochester (NH) Schools (review)
Donna Moss (editor)
Bobbi Woods, Pinkerton Computer Consultants Inc. (web)

Oversight and support were provided by the Technology Committee of the National
Forum on Education Statistics.

Coordinator: Gerald Malitz, National Center for Education Statistics


Support: Andy Rogers, Education Statistics Services Institute


Support: Tom Szuba, Quality Information Partners, Inc.

Thank You

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