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stab wounds

Features of a Stab Wound:

Character of the knife Relative position of the assailant to the victim Width of the knife Length of the knife (?)

The length of the wound is the width of the knife
The length of the wound may be longer than the width of the knife but it could never be shorter In the presence of a HILT MARK, the depth of the wound is the length of the knife In the absence of a hilt mark: I cannot tell you how long is the knife but I can tell you how not short is the knife!

In the presence of a HILT MARK, the depth of the wound is the length of the knife

In the absence of a hilt mark: I cannot tell you how long is the knife but I can tell you how not short is the knife!


Not so deep
Test or Hesitation cuts present Facing a mirror Cadaveric spasm with hand grasping the weapon

Defense wounds may be present Lying on the ground Weapon is usually absent or hidden elsewhere

Blood in front of the body, hands smeared with blood

Blood at the back of the neck, hands are clean

History of mental depression, domestic or financial problem Prior history of selfdestruction Stomach - empty

History of recent altercation usually following a drinking spree No prior attempts on his own life Alcohol

which of the wound was inflicted first?

Relative position of the assailant to the victim when the first injury was inflicted Testimony of the witness

Trajectory or course of the wound inside the body

Organs involved and extent of injuries sustained by the victim Presence of defense wounds

effect of medical and surgical intervention

Offender may still be held liable for the death of the victim if it can be proven that death is inevitable and that even without the operation, death is the normal and direct consequence of the injuries sustained. It must be shown that the physician treating the victim is competent and that he exercised care and diligence. That the wound inflicted must be the direct and proximate cause of the death.

Effect of negligence of the injured person

If death occurred from complications arising from a simple injury owing to the negligence of the injured person in its proper care and treatment, the offender is still held responsible. A person is not bound to seek medical attention for the injuries sustained. The fact that the victim would have lived had he received treatment is immaterial!

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