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Anu Ojha Director, Education and Space Communications National Space Centre


An overview of the Space Academy programme Some reflections on public awareness of space.and so what?? Final thoughts

There are two areas of science that most fascinate and inspire young people..but the dinosaurs arent coming back!

What is the Space Academy project?

*A three year development programme to EMDA to establish a Space Academy for STEM Education, regionally based but national in scope
*Project Lead: National Space Centre

*Partners: University of Leicester, University of Nottingham, STEMNET, Science Learning Centre East Midlands
*Affiliates : The EMDA STEM partnership; Aim Higher; regional SETPOINTS, National and Regional Space and Aerospace Companies, Knowledge Transfer Networks

Space Academy Aims

*To provide existing and new education programmes that use space as the inspiration tool to motivate young people to choose science, technology and engineering for their career paths *To deliver sustained space-related STEM education programmes throughout the region, progressively covering Key Stages 2 through 5 with a focus on 14-19 students and targeting regional colleges and hard- to-reach schools *To link with businesses and employers, with particular focus on high value space and aerospace sectors

*To provide relevant workforce skills training for the high-tech business sector
*To provide educational resources and training opportunities for teachers and educators that fit the national STEM agenda and the new STEM curricula

What is distinctive about this programme?

A sustained, progressive programme of curriculum support in STEM subjects Works simultaneously with learners, educators and industry Couples the inspirational contexts of space and climate change Programme is developed in conjunction with nationally/internationally recognised experts in space science, education and industry Education content for students to be created and delivered in partnership with recognised Lead Educators / ASTs Addresses both academic and vocational pathways from the outset

Space Academy STEM Provision

HE/Professional Appointments HE/FE/Industry KS-5/ALevel/BTEC
STEM Careers Uni courses.
Careers Fairs Work experience Space Conference For Science Teachers Careers Pathways New KS5 Project Careers Pathway NSC/EMDA/STFC New KS4 Project
Existing NSC SA programmes

New SA programmes Other related programmes linking to SA

Mars Rover Projects (LColl/NSC)

Outreach to schools (UoL/UN)

Space School UK (UoL) Road Shows Challengers e-missions E-missions (NSC/Schools)


KS 2-3

Challenger Missions (NSC)

Endeavour Science Learning Centre (LCC/Schools)


Stardome:Science Story Telling (NSC/Astra Zeneca)

E-mission Videoconference. Programmes. (NSC/Schools)

Mars as the abode of life

Awayday to MarsAS/A2 curricula areas

The nature of gravity Newtons Laws and momentum changes/conservation Orbits and escape velocity Terminal velocity and drag forces Electromagnetic spectrum Ideal gas behaviour and phase changes Electrical power, inverse square laws and the photoelectric effect

"Away Day to Mars is a fantastic way for Alevel physics students to develop and stretch their skills in the inspirational context of Solar System exploration.
Dr James Carpenter, planetary and space scientist with ESAs robotic exploration programme (Aurora)

The full programmefrom Sept 2008

A Level and GCSE masterclasses in Biology, Geography, Environmental Science, Chemistry and Mathematics Vocational support for KS4 and post-16 diplomas Summer roadshows and national/international space school participation Residential teacher conferences and other CPD opportunities Careers fairs and industry open days

Beyond the STEM agendaspace communications and the public understanding of science
Does it really matter? after all, those who need to know, know Whats our role as a space community in this public awareness business? we didnt do media studies at University!

The vision.. to improve public and political recognition of the value of space systems as part of the critical national infrastructure

The strategic outcome by 2012.. increased public recognition that space is important to our economic success

Final thoughtswhats your all-time favourite picture from the Space Age?

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