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Q1: Divide into groups and discuss one type of register that pertains to a particular group of people.

Type of register : Informal Register Group of people : College students

Elements Setting Classroom

Addresser Addressee
Situation Topic

Peers Peers
Conversation during the break hour Football, food, problems, etc.

Q2: Give an example of a place or setting where people would change registers several times while speaking

Setting :


Q3: compare and contrast formal register and informal register. Give examples of situations where both would be used.

Informal language: is the kind of language that you use when you speak to yourfriends. It is relaxed and casual.

Formal language:

is the kind of language that is used in more serious situations or in the workplace. It is correct standard English that does not use slang.

Examples: In the classroom.

Q4: Using the example handout, refer to Bibers analytical framework for conducting a study of register. Try to distinguish between the variety of communications and their registers. The communicative characteristics of participants involved in the situation taking place must be taken into consideration, beginning with the addressor(s), which can be the writer or speaker.

a singular person; several people, as in a co-authored work; or institutional, as in departmental or government document The addressee(s) will be singular, as in a dyadic conversation or a letter; plural, as in a classroom; or unenumerated, such as in a novel or a magazine Age, occupation, and shared knowledge, whether on the topic and/or personal background

When and where the communication takes place is referred to as setting Business and workplace, education and academic, government and legal, religious, art and entertainment, and domestic/personal Within each of these areas, there exists a public and a private setting

Q4: Using the example handout, refer to Bibers analytical framework for conducting a study of register. Try to distinguish between the variety of communications and their registers. Primary channel, or mode, of communication--usually writing or speech Both channels may be used together, thereby becoming a mixed mode such as a written lecture. or speech--such as telephone conversations, face-to-face conversations, and television and radio broadcasts--the mode can be classified as recorded or transient

Different purposes, intents, and goals of the addressor

Biber characterizes it along four parameters: persuade (or sell), transfer information, entertain (or edify), and reveal self"

Different purposes, intents and goals of the addressor Explain or describe facts Spectrum are registers that completely fictional or overtly imaginative

Topic or subject being discussed popular, generalized, or specialized science, finances, politics, sports, and law.

Q5: After observing you usage of registers in a variety of settings , write a short paragraph describing the different registers you used. Why would a person change registers in different domains?

The types of registers used are formal register, informal register, over-formal register, motherese and reporting register. In order to be more approachable or informal-like and according to the suitability of the conditions, a person has to compromise and be smart in shifting back and forth from formal to informal and vice versa. The term situational switching is applied in order to achieve a mutual and amicable understanding.

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