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I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Importance of HCI...

Think about

Your encounter with a bad interface

What was the application or task? What problem did you encounter? How did the Interface contribute to the problem? How did you work around it?

Interdisciplinary HCI in action! HCI is a team sport! cM

What is HCI Design ?

Finding the right physical components of a physical structure Goal-directed problem-solving activity Simulating what we want to make or do before we make or do it Imaginative jump from present facts to future possibilities Bringing into being something new and useful that had not existed before Art and science

Principles of HCI - User-Centered Design

Involve users as much as possible so they influence design Integrate knowledge and expertise from disciplines involved in HCI work Be highly iterative to align the design with user requirements

Three aspects of usability

Given set of USERS Performing a given set of tasks In a given context

Lets begin the process of developing a computer interface for an application

First Thing To do -- branding:

Even applications that YOU develop need a brand- Find the brand for product/interface/etc. It will drive the interface

The high-level requirement (branding)

What is a brand?


Can you guess what type of company is represented by each of the logos?





4. a. b. c. d. e. f. Financial Institution Bike company Business comm. Service Design Company Hybrid vehicle Pizza Place


A brand represents the holistic sum of who you are Includes

Visual (logo) Name Text Etc.

Creating a brand

Work out business core competencies Access who your customers are (will be) Find out how customers feel about your product, service, etc.

Creating the brand

Build message into everything your customer sees & hears Make sure your staff understands the brand values Review your systems and make sure they reflect your values

Brand changes over time!

Creating a brand

A good brand name should:

Evoke positive associations Be easy to pronounce and remember Suggest product benefits Be distinctive Use numerals when emphasizing technological features Do not infringe upon existing registered brand names

Branding examples
And this seems to specialize in branding for social media!

Questions to ask

Does a brand currently exist?

Do they like the brand? Is the brand effective? What qualities does the brand evoke? How should this brand be translated to the application? What artifacts are already present? What qualities does the client want invoked? How can we test the effectiveness of the proposed brand?

Does a brand need to be created?

The brand will....

Drive the look and feel of the site

Colors Language Purpose Tasks

First Exercise

Re-design a Vending machine

First Exercise

How this is going to work:

You will complete the exercise by yourself On Tuesday, you shall present your solution design to your group On Tuesday (first half of period), your group will vote the best design Each best design will then present their product The CLASS will then vote for best design of class....


Were going to try and put people into small groups We will try to arrange for groups with diverse skills You will complete a profile for us to use to put people in groups.

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