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Proposal definition Different types of proposals

Steps to write a proposal

Proposal format examples

Propose ?

Proposal ?

What are Proposals ?

Proposals are informative and persuasive writing which attempt to educate the reader and to convince the reader to do something The most important goal of a proposal is to get the approval of the reader

Classification of Proposals

Solicited (Invited Proposals)

Unsolicited (Uninvited Proposals)

Types of Proposal
Suggestion or concept proposal Sales or client Proposal

Grant Proposal
Justification proposal Troubleshooting Proposal

Remember a Buisness Plan is different from a Buisness poposal

A business proposal is a document that you submit to another enterprise proposing a business arrangement..
The business plan is the whole plan of the business (once you HAVE the business and have decided to start one up) and very detailed with scenarios and is for the next 5 years. It includes Products/Services Cost analysis Goals and objectives Marketing Plan (included) etc

Failing to plan is like planning to fail

The Plan of a Proposal Before you begin writing any form of technical communication, there are three questions you should consider:
Who is my audience?

What do I want my audience to get from my proposal? How can I make sure my audience understands what I want them to know?

The Style of a Proposal

State the purpose clearly at the beginning of the proposal.

State the background information the reader will need to understand your proposal.
Use language that everyone can understand. Use short sentences that are clear and to the point. Make sure that your ideas are not hidden between unnecessary words. Make sure that the reader has all the important information needed for the final decision.


The Writing of a Proposal ( 6 Basic rules )

Your proposal should define the problem and state how you plan to solve the problem Do not assume that your readers will believe your solution is the best. Your proposal should be researched thoroughly. Your proposal should prove that your solution works. Your proposal should be financially feasible. Your finished proposal should look attractive.


1. Introduction
2. Body 3. Conclusion

Abstract or Summary of the Proposal Introduction Statement of the Problem Proposed Solutions Conclusion Additional Information: (i.e. Expense Statements, Cost Savings, Profit and Loss Projections, Equipment, Materials and Personnel Needs, Completion Schedules, Efficiency Studies, Writer's Qualifications, etc.) Appendices: (Presentation of charts, graphs, illustrations, etc.) Works Cited/References Bibliography

Proposal Sample

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