Culture and Ethics, Cross-Cultural Set Up, Ethics in International Scenario, - Attitude, Perception, Belief, Ego States and Life Positions

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Culture and ethics, crosscultural set up, ethics in international scenario, attitude, perception, belief, Master subtitle style

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Culture and ethics

Cooperation is easier and conflicts are limited when people share convictions. Standards and values are an integral part of any culture; hence, culture is the bedrock supporting every development. Cultural dimensions impact on management The corporate culture and its norms override the national culture's norms.


Culture and ethics

Cultural differences in organizations dealing internationally have their greatest impact mainly in motivation, teamwork, negotiations, decisionmaking, and mergers & acquisitions. French : human relationship oriented, doing many things at the same time; high content : in need of little information, assumed to know many things through 2/1/13

Cross-cultural set up


Ethical Standards and Culture

Corporate Gift Giving

In Japan, lavish gifts are a part of business. In United States, government officials are not allowed to accept gifts (and many corporations have policies against this). When doing business abroad, be sure to understand culture.


Cross-cultural set up

Ignoring culture can lead to problems and disruptions. For example, some business cultures may thrive in an exchange and dialogue-based communication system while other cultures (for example, Japanese and Arab cultures) rely more heavily on subtext. If new information or ideas are


Cross-cultural set up

In observing cultures several dimensions have become accepted categories in which to analyze them. For example, when trying to develop a strategy in managing staff . the relationship to authority is viewed differently from diverse cultures. Those with a 'high' power distance 2/1/13 tend to respect hierarchy and accept

Cross-cultural set up

Culture seems to be the glue that keeps the individual stuck to the collective identity image. This collective identity takes on the form of an idealization which is characterized and exemplified in the arts and media (through advertisements see Nike : Michael Jordan ; perfume commercials portraying the desirable woman, 2/1/13

Ethical Issues in International Business Religion, ethics, and global diversity

The world has many different ethical systems

mostly derived from different religions

Different systems can lead to different 2/1/13 opinions about

Ethical Issues in International Business

Many ethical issues and dilemmas are rooted in differences in political systems, law, economic development, and culture Some key ethical issues in international business Employment Practices


When work conditions in a host nation are clearly inferior to those in a multinationals home nation, what standards should be applied?

How much divergence is acceptable?

Ethical Issues in International Business

Human Rights

Basic rights are not respected in many - freedom of speech - freedom of assembly nations
- freedom of association - freedom from political repression

What is the responsibility of a foreign firm in a country where human rights are trampled?

Environmental Pollution 2/1/13 Environmental regulations (or


Ethical Issues in International Business

International businesses can, and have, gained economic advantages by making payments to government officials US passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) adopted the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions

Social responsibility
Multinational firms have power, wealth from control over resources and ability to move production Moral philosophers argue that with 2/1/13 power comes the responsibility to give

Attitude - a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor Direct Experience Social Learning
Should poor performance be blamed on bad attitude?


Work Attitudes: Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction - a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Behavior that is above and beyond duty Related to job satisfaction


Values - enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence Instrumental - values that represent the acceptable behaviors to be used in achieving some end state
2/1/13 Terminal - values that represent the

A person with an inflated ego has an exaggerated sense of




The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Distinguishes moral perception from moral judgment. Whereas a person's judgment about what the moral course of action is the result of a conscious deliberation, the basis for that process is the perception of aspects of one's situation, which is different for each person. Moral perceptions are furthermore particular in nature.

Life positions


Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and

Values are general terms referring to those things which people regard as good, bad, right, wrong, desirable, justifiable etc. Business is driven by values. Values are potent sources of conflict as well as of cooperation. Managerial values are e.g. importance of good in organizations ( like productivity, profit maximization, employee welfare, industry leadership, organizational stability, organizational efficiency, organizational growth, social welfare etc.), groups within organizations ( like employees, customers, co-workers, superiors, subordinates, stock-holders etc.) and the personal goals of individuals.
2/1/13 MKS - ETHICS 1919


Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

Values are classified under 4 aspects: Criteria for Values required to be optimized accepting values (no maximum, no minimum): 1.Criteria of3.Controlled greed universality 4.Pursuit of pleasure 2.Greatest good5.Efficiency and work ethics for the greatest6.Compensation and charity number. 7.Piety (Quality of being pious) 8.Truth 9.Transparence and honesty



Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

When our value system is clear it becomes a lot easier to make decisions and commitments. Commitment implies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dependability Reliability Predictability Consistency Caring Empathy 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. A sense of duty Sincerity Character Integrity Loyalty



Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

Norms :

Norms are expectations of proper behaviour, not requirements of that behaviour, a major difference between a norm and a law. Each individual within a society has a set of norms, belief and values that together form the individuals moral standards. The norm is not published, may not be obeyed and cannot be enforced except by the sanction of small group whose members hold the similar norms and use such penalties as disapproval or exclusion




Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices


The belief in an ethical code are standards of thought. These are the ways that the senior executive in the organization want others to think. Belief are criteria of thought. They are the ways an individual expects people to think about given concepts. Beliefs are different from norms, since we do not find any action only an abstract way of thinking, no untoward behaviors with others.
2/1/13 MKS - ETHICS 2323

Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

Moral standards, Beliefs and their role

Law is a dynamic entity since the rules prevalent now may change after some period. There seems to be time lag between changes in moral standards and changes in legal requirements. Moral standards include the norms we have about the kinds of actions we believe are morally right or wrong as well as the values we place on the kinds of objects we believe are morally good and morally bad.
2/1/13 MKS - ETHICS 2424

Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

Moral standards Vs. Standards

Characteristics that distinguish Moral standards with Standards: Moral standards are associated with special emotions and special vocabulary Moral standards deal with matters that we think can seriously injure or seriously benefit human beings. Moral standards are not established or changed by the decisions of particular authoritative bodies.

Moral standards to be preferred to other values including self interest. 2/1/13 MKS - ETHICS 2525

Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

Morality is the standards that an individual or a group has about what is right and wrong, good and evil. E.g. integrity is good, dishonesty is bad, it is right to tell the truth and wrong to endanger the lives of others. Ethico-moral actions pertain to set of actions engineered by the characters and expressed through behaviors.
Stron g Behaviour (B)

B Strong C Weak Strategic Man

Character Behaviour Matrix

B strong C strong Desired Mix e.g. Gandhi, Tata. B Weak C Strong Need Corrections Hitler


B Weak C = Weak Dogs (avoid and discard) Weak


Stron Character g ( C MKS - ETHICS )

Strong strong behaviour character we find in M K Gandhi, J R D Tata who have certain set of qualities like : Honesty Truthfulness Sincerity Generosity Transparency Cooperation Integrity Strong will power etc.


Attitudes are predisposed, evaluative feelings of people about objects, people or events. Attitudes express about favorable or unfavorable feelings about something. Attitudes are formed right from our childhood experience, our background, our learning situations and are reinforced in adult life. On the other hand, perception is the process of becoming aware of situation and interpreting our sensory impressions in order to give meaning to our environment. Whatever we perceive, depends on our attitude to that object or happening at that point of time. Individuals behave in a given manner, based not on the way their external environment actually is, but on what they see or believe it to be. 2/1/13 MKS - ETHICS 2727

Value systems, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices

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