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POKU KOBY DUAH OWUSU JOHN ENGUAH JOSEPH HAGAN MENSAH KOFY OPATA ADOLPHUS MATEY NYAMEKYE DANIEL - 8171505 - 8173805 - 8176305 - 8179005 - 8179805 - 8180305 - 8192405 - 8183605 - 8184805 - 8190305 - 8188205

NATIONAL WATER POLICY The National Water Policy of Ghana is intended to provide a framework for the sustainable development of Ghanas water resources. WATER RESOURCE POTENTIAL AND UTILISATION The three river systems namely Volta, South Western and the Coastal River Systems. Rainwater harvesting Runoff Ground water Ghana water resources potential is mainly from The utilization of these water resources are classified into Consumptive uses Non-Consumptive uses.

DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Ghanas development agenda is driven by Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) POLICY FOMULATION PROCESS Conservation of the water resources stock in all its occurrences. Regulation and control of demands of water use and waste disposal. GUIDING PRINCIPLES The key principles that provide the basis for policy direction for sustainable management, development and use of water in Ghana is in conformity with the GPRS and also in line with the statutes of the Republic of Ghana.


Essence is to ensure that water does not become a constraint in national development ` Focus Areas of WRM: - Integrated Water Resources Management(IWRM) - Access to Water - Water for Food Security - Water for Non- consumptive and Other Uses - Financing - Climate Variability and Change - Capacity Building and Public Awareness Creation - Good Governance - Planning and Research and - International Cooperation

Principles of Some of The Focus Areas of WRM Recognizing water as a finite and vulnerable resource Coordinating water resource planning with land use planning The fundamental right of all people to safe and adequate water to meet basic needs Ensuring a minimum water requirement for the maintenance of health and well-being Challenges of Some of The Focus Areas of WRM Ensuring that there is adequate water, both in quality and in quantity Ensuring that human activities do adversely impact on long- term availability of water resources Ensuring availability of water for food security. Pursuing on-going consultations governing the management of internationally shared water resources.

Policy Objectives of Some The Focus Areas of WRM Achieve sustainable management of water resources Promote international cooperation in the management of shared water resources Ensure efficient basin- wide planning Minimize the effects of climatic change Policy Measures Actions of the Focus Areas of WRM The government will : Adopt sustainable practices that avoid damage to critical natural and irreversible ecological process Construct flood protection structures at appropriate locations Provide water retention structures of adequate capacity Integrate IWRM in the educational level system


Challenges Facing The Urban Sub-Sector
The urgent need for improved management in operations and maintenance of water supply Low- service quality and tariffs not linked to levels of service Difficulty in setting tariffs to recover costs in view of high levels of wastage Inadequate revenue and investments The use of overage facilities

Focus Areas of Urban Water Supply: - Water Sources - Improving Access to Water - Finance - Hygiene Education and Environmental Sanitation - Public Private Partnership - Capacity Building - Good Governance - Research and Development - Monitoring and Evaluation - Emergency and Extreme Events - Pro- poor Issues

Challenges Facing Some of The Focus Areas of UWS - Meeting increasing demand within finite supplies - Increasing degradation of water quality resulting in high treatment cost. - Improving operations and management - Reducing the consistent high non- revenue water - Preventing the pollution of water sources Policy Objectives of Some of The Focus Areas of UWS Ensuring that water resources are planned and managed Minimize the pollution of water sources To effectively mitigate the effects of water- related emergencies To ensure improved and sustainable access to water by the poor for their basic needs

Policy Measures of Some of The Focus Areas of UWS The government will: Ensure effective conservation and protection of existing water sources Ensure that alternate sources will be harnessed to meet present and future demand Encourage the private sector to participate in the shareholding of the management of GWCL



significant achievement of the last decade is the development of the appropriate institutional structure to implement the NCWSP by the CWSA.

of the achievements of the NCWSP since its launch in 1994 to 2003 have been; rehabilitation of 3,683 boreholes and hand-dug wells. construction of 3,216 new boreholes and water points. construction of over 8,072 household & institutional latrines. 30% to 46.3% increase in national coverage of potable water from 1994 to 2003. These were however far below the targets set.


1. Access to potable water

2. Decentralized delivery of water and sanitation services

3. Finance 4. Hygiene Education and Sanitation (HES)

5. Public Private Partnership

6. Capacity building 7. Gender mainstreaming and good governance 8. Research and development 9. Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

10. Monitoring and evaluation

Key challenges facing the focus areas are; 1. Achieving accelerated potable water accesss coverage through community ownership and management. 2. Setting tariffs to ensure sustainability of operations. 3. Attracting and protecting private investments in community water and sanitation services. 4. Adhering to the principle of women and gender sensitivity.

Measures to address the respective challenges are; 1. Support institutions responsible for providing information on ground water occurrence and availability(quality and quantity). 2. Leverage more grant/credit financing for the NCWSP. 3. Implement a scheme of tax incentives to private investors in community water and sanitation services. 4. Empowering women through training at all levels to perform their roles in partnership with their male counterparts.

POLICY IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS Based on the Growth & Poverty Reduction Strategy II The entire National Water Policy is developed by the Water Directorate of the MWRWH The key ministry for water is MWRWH. Others are MOFA, Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Harbours and Railways
PRINCIPAL WATER SECTOR AGENCIES MWRWH Ministry of Local Govt, Rural Development and Environment District Assembly WRC GWCL CWSA GIDA (of MOFA)

Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Harbours and Railways Ministry of Energy Ministry of Health

ALLIED SECTOR AGENCIES WRIS institutions PURC EPA Ghana Standards Board Town and Country Planning MOFEP Parliament of Ghana

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