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Combra, Portugal, October 26, 2012

Educational Resources for Mobile Devices and Teaching computer networks

Prof. Angel Ceballos
1 2 Universidad de Los Andes: PhD. Educacin Correo: Twitter: @angelceballos_ Facebook: Angel Ceballos 1,2

Universidad Simn Bolvar: Exprofesor, Especialista en Informtica Educativa

by Angel Ceballos is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercialSinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.

In the future will be used increasingly scientifically designed and tested packages of multimedia learning, produced by educational specialists try to match the best possible form and content of the media on the one hand and on the other objectives, also will use the technologies of the moment, in order to correspond to local conditions and needs of individual students. It is hoped that with the passage of time have calculators and pocket computers and home devices connected to libraries and schools, provide resources for learning (Brown, 1975).

Historical Analysis Mobile Subscribers - 2009

Fuente: Angel Ceballos. (2011)

Fuente: Conatel. (2009). Resultados del Sector Telecomunicaciones. II Trimestre de 2009

Mobile Subscribers- 2012

Fuente: Conatel. (2012). Resultados del Sector Telecomunicaciones. II Trimestre de 2012

Methodology Planning Phase

Planning Design Production

+ Prototype - Evaluation

Thery Significant Learning Ausubel

Script Structure

Design Phase


Sampling Rate

Fuente: Valverde, J. (1999). Diseo y Elaboracin de Materiales Educativos Multimedia.

Fuente: Angel Ceballos


Production Phase Image Production
1 A

Prototype and Evaluation Phase Mobile Device Data: Basic and Limited

Mobile device Enhanced Data


Audio Productions

Item Synchronization

Proposal Instructional Model Concepts Acquisition - The educational event focuses on the concept. - The teacher explains the procedures of the educational act. - Are made counterexamples (positive and negative). - The focus is on the process of providing and analyzing hypotheses


Fuente: Angel Ceballos


Fuente: Angel Ceballos

Technical: Support satisfactory and playback, fast download and low memory space.


Communicational: visual and aural elements in proper synchronization, letters and texts regardless sized screen playback

Educational: Educational objective raised, tool support to build knowledge or introduce topics, such as planning. Appropriate duration as traditional and cultural use that Venezuelans make these devices.

Conclusions and Recommendations

- Develop resources such as sustainability projects in time and achieve specific objectives. - Consolidate the creation of content repositories. - Develop resources following the above methodology, allowing the work ordered by logical steps. - Create content in a variety of formats to ensure playback on various devices. - Take into account the resolution of the screens of the devices to design appropriate image size and visual quality color. - Forming multidisciplinary teams for the development of these educational resources to promote teamwork and ensure the quality of them because of the involvement of several disciplines.

Correo: Twitter: @angelceballos_ Facebook: Angel Ceballos

Researcher: MLearning, Neural Impulse Actuator. PhD Student: Educational content for digital television on mobile devices with one-seg.

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