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HCM Business Diploma

Setting up a Music Business

In todays session, we will

Check on progress of the blogs/ collect URLs Go through a check-list of Must haves for our blogs. Re-visit the Assignment Brief and GCs Look at the schedule for SuMB unit over the coming months Workshop session.

Blog Portfolio Checklist

Introduction Page(s) on you Pages on your 3+ MBEs

Your background
Photos / Videos Your Goals The whys

Who they are and why youve chosen them.

Their business achievements (including facts and figures) be specific! The TRAITS and CHARACTERISTICS they possess. Why they have been so successful.

Conclusion Page(s) on you The Traits and Characteristics that you SHARE with the MBEs What you have learnt from your research How it will help you in the future

Assignment Brief Task 1

P1 Evidence an understanding of the traits and characteristics of ACTIVE Music Entrepreneurs.

M1 As above + a THOROUGH and DETAILED understanding .

D1 As above + INSIGHTFUL

Assignment Brief Task 1

P2 Understand [their] your own potential to be an entrepreneur in relation to an evaluation of the traits and characteristics of a range of active music entrepreneurs against [their] your own.

M2 As above + GOOD understanding . And a THOROUGH evaluation.

D2 As above + a COMPREHENSIVE understanding . And a CLEAR, DETAILED and INSIGHTFUL evaluation.

Activity 1 - For CG1 M/D

Write down .

What would be a THOROUGH, DETAILED and INSIGHTFUL understanding of the Traits and Characteristics of MBEs?

Activity 1 For CG2 M/D

Write down .

How could you show a GOOD or COMPREHENSIVE understanding of your own potential?

How could you demonstrate a THOROUGH or CLEAR, DETAILED and INSIGHTFUL evaluation of the Traits and Characteristics you hare with the MBEs?

SuMB Schedule

Next Week Present to the class / Hand In your Portfolio

20 Mins

Workshop Session
HRC Library if needed On-Line Resources (not just Wikipedia) Start to include a list of your references.

Pressure Test your blog.

Email your blog address marked FINAL BLOG

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