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Communication Skills

Submitted by:B.TECH BIOTECH VI-SEM SECTION-A Shalini chaurasia(2009) Akash katariya (1004) Asad mehboob(1005)

Communication Skills
Communication skills is the set of skills that enables a person to convey information so that it is received and understood.
Effective communication skills are a critical element in your career and personal lives.

Communication is a series of experience of



Seeing Touch


Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages, both intentional and unintentional.

Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication Exists Nonverbal Communication has Communication Values Primarily Relational Ambiguous Gender and Culture affects the Nonverbal Communication


All communication that involves neither written nor spoken words, but occur without the use of words. Body Movements Space Voice Patterns Time Touch Objects Kinesics Proxemics Paralanguage Chronemics Hepatics Artifacts

The Communication Process

1. Sender has idea

The process of communication starts in the mind of the sender

The Communication Process

1. Sender has idea

2. Sender encodes idea in message

To do so, he translates his thoughts from random impressions into messages/ words that will accurately convey his thoughts.

The Communication Process

Since humans are not telepathic, the thoughts of the sender remain as images/ideas in his/her mind.
1. Sender has idea 2. Sender encodes idea in message 3. Message travels over channel

Perhaps the sender realizes if he want help to solve a problem, he must communicate these thoughts to the other i.e. the receiver.

The Communication Process

Then he chooses a channel to transmit his thoughts: verbal/written, sign/ symbolic

1. Sender has idea

2. Sender encodes idea in message

3. Message travels over channel

4. Receiver decodes message

The receiver decodes it based on knowledge, experience. i.e. the receiver assign meaning to the sound/signs and arrives at the thought behind the words

The Communication Process

5. Feedback travels to sender 1. Sender has idea 2. Sender encodes idea in message 3. Message travels over channel 4. Receiver decodes message

The receiver also recognizes that he/she is being called on to respond.

The Communication Process

5. Feedback travels to sender 1. Sender has idea 2. Sender encodes idea in message 3. Message travels over channel 4. Receiver decodes message

6. Possible additional feedback to receiver

1. The sender has an idea 2. The idea becomes a message 3. The message is transmitted 4. The receiver gets the message 5. The receiver reacts and sends feedback to the sender.

Personal Barriers

Barriers in Superior
Attitude of Superior Fear of challenge of authority Lack of time Lack of awareness

Barriers in Subordinates
Unwillingness to communicate Lack of proper incentive

Communication Process
Communication is the process of sending and receiving information among people

receiver Use of channel to transmit the message





Communication Involves Three Components

Verbal Messages - the words we choose Paraverbal Messages - how we say the words Nonverbal Messages - our body language Send Clear, Concise Messages Receive and Correctly Understand Messages Sent to Us

These Three Components Are Used To

SENDING MESSAGES Effective Verbal Messages

Are brief, succinct, and organized Are free of jargon Do not create resistance in the listener

Nonverbal Messages
Nonverbal messages are the primary way that we communicate emotions

Facial Expression Postures and Gestures

Paraverbal Messages
Paraverbal communication refers to the messages that we transmit through the tone, pitch, and pacing of our voices.

Listening Requires concentration and energy Involves a psychological connection with the speaker Includes a desire and willingness to try and see things from another's perspective Requires that we suspend judgment and evaluation

Key Listening Skills

Nonverbal Giving full physical attention to the speaker; Being aware of the speaker's nonverbal messages; Verbal Paying attention to the words and feelings that are being expressed

What makes a good communicator?





Tips to good communication skills

Maintain eye contact with the audience Body awareness Gestures and expressions Convey one's thoughts Practice effective communication skills

Effective Communication . . .
It is two way. It involves active listening. It reflects the accountability of speaker and listener. It utilizes feedback. It is free of stress. It is clear.


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