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Recruitment, Selection & HR

Recruitment affects other activities Selection system effectiveness

Compensation Employee relations

Affirmative action goals

If incumbents are not qualified, recruiters have to look at different populations Overqualified employees become bored


A process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating & encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organization


A Linking function
Process of locating, identifying & attracting capable candidates To develop a group of potentially qualified people Provide enough information to unqualified people to self-select themselves out.

Relationship with other activities

Job Analysis
Nature & requirements of specific jobs

Personnel Planning
Number of jobs to be filled

Poor image Unattractive job Govt. Policy



Pool of qualified applicants

Career opportunities Reputation


Factors affecting recruitment

Organizational Factors

Environmental factors
Labor market situation Stage of development of

Reputation of the organization

Organizational culture &

management attitude
Geographical location of

Culture, social attitudes &

Resource allocation Channels & methods of

Legal implications

Position & Emoluments offered

Recruitment Policy
Must be in alignment with organizational

Should consider

Government regulations
Organizational development Flexibility to accommodate changes

Recruitment Strategy
Where to recruit

Whom to recruit
How to recruit

When to recruit
Choice of recruiters

Information to communicate

Steps in Recruitment & Selection Process

Employment planning and forecasting

Recruiting builds pool of candidates Applicants complete application form

Selection tools like tests screen out most applicants

Supervisors and others interview final candidates to make final choice

Effective Recruiting: The Yield Pyramid

New hires Offers made (2 : 1) Interviewed (3 : 2) Invited (4 : 3) Leads generated (6 : 1)

Human Resource Planning Recruiting needed potential
Selecting Qualified personnel

Placing new employee on job

Determining sources

Search for Potential employees Direct Indirect

Evaluate recruiting effectiveness



Third Party

Sources of Recruitment
Internal Vs. External Choice of Source Level of position Number of people required Time Funds Reach

Internal Sources of Candidates

Personnel who are or where on the rolls of the company Retrenched employees, retired employees,

dependents of deceased employees. Through transfers, promotions & demotions

Internal Sources of Candidates



Economical Reliable Faster

Limited choice Inbreeding Inefficiency Bone of contention

Easier to evaluate applicants

Suitable More familiar with organization; less training Motivational for current employees

Finding Internal Candidates

Job posting publicizing the open job to employees & listing its attributes like qualifications,

supervisor, work schedule, & pay rate

Rehiring former employees an option today due to the tight labor market

Finding Internal Candidates

Succession planning
Ensuring a suitable supply of successors for future senior jobs

Planning includes:
Determine projected need

Audit current talent

Planning career paths Career counseling Accelerated promotions

Performance related training

Planned strategic recruitment Filling

External Source of candidates

Employees working in other organizations Job aspirants registered with employment exchanges Students from reputed educational institutions Candidates referred by unions, friends, relatives and existing employees. Candidates forwarded by search firms & contractors

Candidates responding to advertisements

Unsolicited applications/ walk-ins

External Source of candidates


Expensive Time Consuming Demotivating Uncertainty

Wide choice Injects fresh blood New ideas & innovation Specialized skills Long term benefits Reduces some training costs Does not disrupt current organizational chart Usually more rapid accomplishment of affirmative action goals Signal to employees that business is changing Often no viable internal candidate

Methods of Recruitment

Advertisements Temp Agencies Campus recruitment Employment Exchanges Recruitment firms/ Placement

Headhunters/ Executive recruiting

Methods of Recruitment
Employee referrals

Walk ins/ Drop ins, Applicants at gate,

Unsolicited Application

Voluntary organizations
Trade Unions Indoctrination seminars Internships

Advertising for outside applicants

Advertising Media
Print- Newspapers, Trade journals, magazines
TV, Radio Internet: Own websites, Others (,,, )

Ad Content
Information to be furnished (blind ads) Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

Recruiting on the Net

Many companies are turning to the Internet as a

recruiting tool
Corporate & employment web pages are one approach Internet recruiting is cost effective and timely

Internet Recruiting,

Temp Agencies






supplement a permanent workforce

Growing trend these days

Executive Recruiters
Headhunters Special employment agencies used to

seek out top management & technical

Internet databases have shortened time

required to find talent

Online executive recruiting firm

Tips on Choosing a Recruiter

Can they conduct a thorough search?

Meet individual who will handle the search

Ask about the cost

Be sure you can trust them with privileged information

Talk to prior clients

Dealing with Employment Agencies

Provide full & accurate job description Specify the screening tools to use Review data on candidates accepted or rejected by

your firm & by the agency

Develop a long-term relationships with one or more agencies Screen the agency

Campus Recruitment
College recruiting goals are: Attract good candidates Cull candidates for further consideration Onsite visits Internships

Recruiting trends
Online Recruitment Poaching/Nerd Wrestling Temping/ Contingent staffing (Jobs on

Workforce Diversity

Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce

Searching globally many global companies actively recruit foreign nationals Recruiting minorities & women formulate comprehensive plans

Preferred methods
Managerial Position (Newspaper ads, Pvt. Agencies, referrals) Professional & Technical

(Campus, Ads, Pvt. Agencies)

Office Personnel

(Referrals, walk ins)

Recruitment Evaluation

Number of jobs filled Number & quality of resumes/applications Acceptance to offer ratio Analysis of rejected

Cost per hire Time in which jobs were filled Quality of new employee performance Salary offered Cost of operations Affirmative action goals met

Determination of most effective methods

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