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Hutcheon, L. (2006) A theory of adaptation London: Routledge Ch. 1: Beginning to theorize adaptation pp.

Literatura I 2011 Cecilia M. de Rennie

Contradictions surrounding film adaptations

Part of Western culture/put down as secondary, derivative, inferior Films as willfully inferior forms of cognition vs. high commercial success

The appeal of film adaptations

85% best picture Oscars; 95% miniseries Emmy

Appeal for the consumer

Pleasure of repetition with variation
Reocognition + surprise Persistence of theme + material variation Desire to repeat an act of consumption VER PEDAGOGA DEL OPRIMIDO

Appeal for the producer

Risk avoidance

Hollywood: popular novels tried and tested UK: 18th/19th century novels tried and trusted Success in terms of audience Book: 1m Broadway play : 8-10m Film: 60m (Beowolf $200 m when first released)
Sequels/prequels Spin-offs Videogame Merchandising (studios buy rights to film and other media)

Franchises profit

Being an A. vs. Being seen as an A.

Adaptations = palimsestuous works (definition and connotations)
Open relation to source: second degree text (G. Genette)

Adaptations as texts: stereophony of echoes, citations, references (R. barthes) A work can be theorized as an adaptation only if coonsidered an inherently multilaminated work.

Fidelity criticism
Focus on degree of proximity to original Morally loaded Underlying assumption: adapters aim to reproduce the original Problems with fidelity criticism
Adaptation = repetition without replicatioin Adaptation have underlying or explicit intentions
Consume the original and erase its memory Call it into question Pay tribute by copying

3 ways of defining adaptation

As a product As a process of creation As a process of reception

Adaptation as product
Transcoding An announced and extensive transposition of a particular work or works Shift in
Medium (epic to a novel) Frame (same story, different point of view) Ontology (real to fictional, biography to fictionalized narrative/drama)

Adaptation as process of creation

(re) interpretation and (re)creation 2 perspectives:
Appropriation Salvaging

Adaptation as process of reception

Intertextuality Reception with variation

3 ways of describing adaptation

An acknowledged transposition of a recognizable other work or works A creative and an interpretive act of appropriation/salvaging An extended intertextual engagement with the adapted work. Therefore An adaptation is a derivation that is not derivative (second without being secondary; its own palimsestic thing)

What is not an adaptation?

Products that come from not wanting a story to end:
Allusions Plagiarism Sequel/prequel Fan fiction

Adaptation comes from wanting to hear a story again

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