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Training and Development

Unit 5

Explain the importance of training Describe the types and techniques of training and development Analyze the methods and procedures of training

Meaning of training
Training enhances the skills and capabilities of employees in an organization A successful training program improves the performance of an employee which in turn enhances organizational performance

Objective of training
Improve emplyee performance Updating employee skill Avoidiing managerial obsolescence Preparing for promotion and managerial success Retaining and motivating employees Creating an efficient and effective organization

Area of training
Skill based training Human relations training Problem solving training Management and supervisory training

Factors affecting success of training

Motivation Participation Feedback Repetition application

Method of training
On the job Off-the job

On the job
Job instruction training Apprenticeship and coaching Job rotation Committee assignments

Off the job

Classroom Simulation exercise
Case exercise Experiential exercise Computer modeling Vestibule training Role play

Concept of management development

It is the development and growth of the employees in an organization through a systematic process. This development is future oriented and prepares managers for a career of valuable contribution to the organization.

Objective of management development

Improving performance of the managers Enabling senior managers to have an overall perspective about the organizations and also equipping them with the necessary skills to handle various situations Management development are of two types:
- On the job development methods - Off the job development methods

On the job methods

a. b. c. d. Coaching Job rotation Understudy assignment Multiple management

Off the job method

a) Simulation exercises
Case study Business games Role play Incidental method In basket method

b) Sensitivity training c) Transactional analysis d) Conference e) Lectures

Difference between training and development

Evaluation of training and management development

Purpose of training evaluation Feedback Research Control Power games Intervention

Process of training evaluation

Before the training During training After the training

Techniques of evaluation
Observation Questionnaire Interview Self diaries Self recording of specific incidents Change in behavior


Objective of the unit

Analyze the concept of employee growht Describe the dimension of career planning Review promotions and internal job posting Describe succession planning Evaluate other programmes for special employee growth

Concept of employee growth

Career planning and development Promotions and internal job postings Succession planning Other talent management activities focused on employee growth

Managing career planning

Career path Career goal Career planning

Benefits of career planning

Enhances availability of resources for the future Enhances organizational ability to attract and retain talent Ensures gorwht opprtuniteis for all Handles employee frustration Career management

Career anchors
It is attitudinal characteristics that guide people throughout their career - Autonomy - Security - Technical competence - General management - Entrepreneurial creativity - Service - Pure challenge - Life style

Elements of career planning

Individual assessment and need analysis Organizational assessment and opportunity analysis Need- opportunity alignment Career counseling

Succession Planning

Other career programs

Work family programs Relocation assistance and hiring practices Work life balance seminars and flexible HR practices Flexible work schedule Outplacement programs Special program for woman, minorities and employees with disabilities Fast track employees

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