L and OB

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The Field of Organization Behavior

1) 2)

Realize the Basic Nature of L&OB To be a good manager/leader you must understand your behavior and the behavior of others around you. You must equip yourself with the knowledge and skills of:
Individual behavior Group Behavior Organization Process

3) 4) 5)

Do not rely on your common senseit is not enough. Depend on the science of OB Know concepts of and develop your skills in the area of OB. Rely on the following disciplines to get knowledge and skills
Psychology Sociology Anthropology Economics Political Science Management Science

Fundamental Assumptions

You have to see behavior, management, organizations, and things as an Open system. Believe that there is no one best way to manage people and things.
Realize That History makes a Difference Scientific Management Human Relations Contingency System Management Science

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You Have to Appreciate The New Trends


Information Technology
Change Jobs--leads to globalization raises Expectationsleads to diversity


Leads to new jobs Expatriates work in different cultures Expatriates face culture shock and repatriation You need to understand culture Convergence or universality of OB principles is not proper Divergence is proper


It is difficult, but it is rich and effective. You have to meet the needs of diverse workforce


Ethics You have to conform with habit, traditions, good behavior, policies, rules, laws.


Technology Leads to centralization and flat organization Leads to downsizing, outsourcing, virtual organization, and telecommuting.

Develop Your Skills for The Rest of The Course

In the following areas:

Perception Learning Motivation Attitudes Personality Group work Cohesiveness and cooperation Conflict resolution Power and Politics Organization Process LEADERSHIP


How To Improve Your Perception To Anything Or Anybody

Alert Yourself To The Person You Are Perceiving 1. The external features: physical look, clothes, moves. 2. Background information: education, gender, age, job. 3. Social status 4. Similarity of this person to you 5. personality

Know Yourself in Perception

2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Are your senses perfect? Do you pay attention to everything around you? Are you aware of your values, ethics, and traditions----? Are you intelligent: math, reasoning, logic, space? Are you emotionally intelligent? Are you sensitive to others? Are you flexible in judging other? Do you know your personality? Do you know your errors in perception?

Know The Situation Surrounding Perception

2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8.

Collect lots of information Listen and see before you judge Alert yourself to what is happening around you Correlate people and things Use your experience in receiving stimulus and judging others Try to be logical in judgment Try to remedy your errors in perception Try know the impact of (others rather situation)

How To Look Good In The Eyes of Others (Impression Management)

2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dress nicely and groom yourself. Let others feel that you care. Keep a good eye contact. Smile in the faces of others. Listen more than you talk. Be calmbe cool. Express yourself gently. Find a common ground with others. Pay attention to the interests of others. Pass some favors (without hurting others).

12. 13. 14.

16. 17. 18.

When you are good ask others for evaluation. When you are in your bad days hide yourself. Agree with their opinion. Say what they want to hear. Do not say no in their faces. Do not mention any of your mistakes. Show your good characteristics. Give reasons for your mistakes.
Do not over do the above they may fire back on you.


Factors Facilitating Learning

Association (conditioning) Cognition (insight, intelligence) Objective Success Attitudes Past experience Communication Importance of learned B. Reinforcement (results) Similarity Repetition

How To Encourage Good Behavior (Reinforcement)



4. 5. 6.


Give positive reward after the good behavior. Withdraw a negative reward after the good behavior. Use variable response schedule of reinforcement. Other schedules of reinforcement are good to. Condition good behavior with some stimulus. Let him know what is good behavior by talking about the bad one. Let him know the good behavior by imitation.


9. 10. 11. 12.

Let him use insight (cognition) to realize what the good behavior is. Set good goals for him. Enable him to succeed. Let him repeat good behavior. Communicate the above.

How To Discourage Undesirable Behavior: Punishment/Discipline

2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Apply punishment as early as possible. Direct punishment to behavior not to the person. Be assertive when punishing. Make clear that it is a punishment. Do not insult the person. Punishment should not be in front of other. Amount of punishment should go with the severity of offence. Collect information about the offence.

How To Use Learning Theory In Training

2. 3.

5. 6.


Determine training needs. Determine training objectives accordingly. Know the current level of behavior Divide materials to smaller sections. Sections should be in sequence Use the proper training method. Use many methods.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Reinforce progress in training. Do not reinforce failure. Start training slowly Give them a rest when tired. Let them participate Test them Give them information about their progress Use real examples and exercises Make training situation similar to job situation.

How to Modify Behavior


3. 4. 5.


Specify the behavior you want to change Determine the quality and quantity of this behavior now. Determine it as in the future. Select the right rein forcer. Use the proper reinforcement schedule. Follow up change in behavior.


The Big 5 Dimensions of Personality

Extraversion: Friendly, Outgoing Social
Agreeableness: Cooperative, Trusting Conscientiousness: Responsible, Dependable, Persistent, Achievement Emotional Stability: Calm, Enthusiastic, Secure Openness to Experience: Imaginative, Creative, Artistic, Intellectual

How to Improve Self-Efficacy

(The Belief of ones ability to excel in specific tasks) 1. Set goals 2. Discuss it with him 3. Give him constructive feedback 4. Give him a reward as he succeeds 5. Expose him to mode success (e.g., mentorship) 6. Seek continuous improvement

How to Improve Your Self- Monitoring

(Ability to adjust) 1. Expose yourself to different situation. 2. Learn to react in them (nonverbal expression and talking). 3. Rehearse your reaction. 4. Watch others eyes and respond accordingly. 5. Read others emotions. 6. Impress others (i.e., impression management)

How to control the Big Mac in you

2. 3.

5. 6.


Say the truth not what they want to hear. Give the real reasons Be honest - - do not lie. Do not cheat. Do not hide information. Do not manipulate others. Do not get your way one others shoulders. Be fair.

How to Deal with the Big Mac Personality



3. 4.

Do not be alone with him. Make others be with you. Do not argue with him. Avoid face communication. Avoid face communication. Focus on results.

How to Control Prejudice?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Assume differences Recognize your biases Take responsibility Show respects Listen well Express your empathy Express your feelings Emphasize common ground Tolerate ambiguity State your position Be patient and persistence. Never criticize individuals, address situation.

How to Control Diversity

2. 3.



Obtain top management commitment Articulate the desired outcome Assess organizational climate Form diversity taskforce Develop mechanism for dealing with problems Train people Evaluate diversity efforts


Motivating by Meeting Needs

2. 3. 4.


Know the dominant demand of your employee Tune your behavior with him accordingly People are different in their needs Try to satisfy the need Do not satisfy the satisfied need Have a list of reward/incentives

Motivating by Setting Goals

2. 3.

5. 6.


Set goals to your employee Let him participate in setting goals Let him accept it Make goals attainable Make goals a little difficult (challenging). Make goals understood. Make goals measurable. Set timetable for attaining goals.

Motivating by Being Faire

1. 2. 3.

Show outcomes and inputs. Let him sense the comparison. Interfere in the perceptual value of outcome and inputs.

Motivating by Altering Expectations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define effort leading to performance. Define performance needed. Clarify relationships between effort and performance. Define reward. Clarify relationship between performance and reward. Make reward meaningful.

Motivating by Controlling Job Characteristics

1. 2. 3. 4.


Redesign work to insure motivation: Combine tasks. Open feedback channels. Establish client relationships. Load job vertically (add new tasks). Give power authority

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