Data Collection Methods

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Data Collection Methods

An interview is a conversation with an individual who is engaged in some particular task (Maykut and Morehouse, 1994).

Why Interview...
Interviews are a good source of data collection about the organisational cultures of different firms operating in various industries; and Interviews provide good insights about an interviewees attitude, opinions, values, experiences, background and practices (May, 2005). Interviews introduce depth and validity into the findings while studying from within the culture of the interviewees (Hussey and Hussey, 1997; Neuman, 2000).

Structured predefined questions to be asked.
Then why not questionnaires? The non-verbal gestures and culture of interviewees are missing

Unstructured interviews without prespecified questions....

usually conducted by seasoned interviewers.

Semi-Structured in semi-structured interviews, questions are prepared in advance which enables the researcher to focus on the particular areas that he/she wishes to discuss while providing the interviewee with the flexibility to respond in the manner which they believe to be most appropriate.

Semi-Structured Interviews
The researcher has a list of questions or fairly specific topics to be covered, often referred to as an interview guide, but the interviewee has a great deal of leeway in how to reply. Questions may not follow on exactly in the way outlined on schedule. Questions that are not included in the guide may be asked as the interviewer picks up on things said by interviewees. But, by and large, all of the questions will be asked and a similar wording will be used from interviewee to interviewees... [and] the interview process is flexible. (Bryman, 2004, p. 321)

Steps in Conducting Interviews

Pre- Interview During Interview Post-Interview

Pre-Interview Measures
Get approval from authority (Govt) for conducting interviews in a particular area. Prepare interview guide was prepared in advance....questions are based on literature review, theoretical framework and philosophical assumptions of the research.. Approach the sample interviewees through personal contact or via friends and family members - This process was intended to encourage the respondents to share information without fear of misuse of such information by the researcher.

May send the interview guide in advance through post or email this will increase the confidence of interviewees to reduce the anxiety of respondents; however, there is fear of prepared answers. browse the internet to gain some idea of the nature of organisation and its financial health... This process provides confidence to the researcher during the conversation with the interviewees.

Prior to interviews, the documents were carefully studied to ensure the absence of repetition of questions, in order to avoid uncertainty and confusion among the respondents (Saunders et al. 1997).

During Interviews Measures

Greeting with confidence... Start conversion while using funnel approach....from general to specific Be polite... Conversational approach... Not necessary to conduct interview in the same sequence as in the guide...However, do not miss any question...

The Questioning Techniques Or Tips For Interviewing

Funneling from general to specific Unbiased Questions least bias or least errors Clarifying Issues clarify ambiguities Helping Respondents to think through issue rephrasing in simple words. Taking Notes recording or taking notes during and immediately after interviews.

Face-to-Face And Telephone Interviews

Clarify the doubts Non-verbal gestures A bit real responses of interviewees

Not possible in geographically dispersed areas Need a lot of resources especially financial Only limited respondents can be approached. Take longer time

Telephonic Interviews Advantages Large number of respondents can be approached Take short time Comfortable Least expensive Disadvantages May disconnect the phone and terminate the interview from single-side Missing Non-verbal communications May hide some facts

A pre-formulated written set of questions to which the respondents record their answers.

Personally Administrated Questionnaires

When a researcher or member of research team itself go to visit respondents
Complete response within short period Clarify any doubt about the wording or questions Introduce the research Motivate the respondents Less expensive as large number of questionnaires can be conducted at same time. Less time consuming

Mail Questionnaires
Post mail or e-mail Wide geographical area can be covered
Low rate of response Can not clarify any problem in wording of questions

Wording of Questions
1. Purpose and Content of the Questions it depends upon the nature of variables (subjective or Objective)
If subjective questions should be in the form of dimensions and elements If objective - the questions should be direct.

Wording of Questions
Language and Wording
Language should be understandable to the respondents

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