Ashlee Jorgensen Pooneh Ghana Oscar Garza Pedro Hernandez Ryan Davidson

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Ashlee Jorgensen Pooneh Ghana Oscar Garza Pedro Hernandez Ryan Davidson

Established in 1886

Mission Statement: Refresh the world, inspiring moments of happiness while creating value and making a difference.
In over 200 countries around the world

Over 146,000 employees worldwide

1.7 Billion Coca-Cola drinks served daily

Created in 1898 in Biloxi, Mississippi Founder: Edward C. Barq Sr. Barq Brother Bottling Co. Gained rapid popularity due to its unique taste over competitors: Less carbonated Less sweet Less foamy Slogan, Its Good Since 1898. Set up Franchise in 1934 Eventually bought by Coca-Cola Company Sold Barqs company in 1995 Barqs controls 12.06% of Coca-Colas stock price

7th largest economy in the world

Population of 203,429,773 Fast growing economy Purchasing power Decrease in inflation rates No Root Beer currently available Minimal Competition Ambev bottling company for PepsiCo 17.7% 3rd largest soft drink market

Coca-Cola already owns over 50% of the soft drink market

Brazilians place a very high importance of family

Education is very sought after, especially with the economy of Brazil growing
Legal system based on civil codes derived from the Portuguese forefathers Business customs place high importance of uncertainty avoidance, much like The way of life in Brazil

Roman catholic is main religion

A wide social gap exists between north and south Brazil Portuguese is main language

Still very rural, 9% of roads are paved and of that 35% is Government controlled. Relies on Train use as well, 18, 000 miles of railroad tracks Exports to China, United States, Argentina, and others total $201.9 Billion Imports from China, United States, Argentina, Japan, Germany total 181.9 Billion Brazilian Real vs. U.S. Dollar $1.88 to every U.S. $1 Inflation rate of 6.2% and Unemployment rate of 4.7% About 430 computers per 1000 people Expand into growing retail stores Wal-Mart, Carrefour building 70 stores/year

Marketing Objective: Target Market 10-25 year olds Sales forecast year 1-5 Increase overall sales for Coca-Cola by 25% with Barqs introduction Profit forecast year 1-5 Increase by 35% for Coca-Cola overall Increase for Barqs specifically by 18% Market penetration and Coverage Coca-Cola currently controls 50.1% of the total market share in Brazil

Market penetration for Barqs specifically

Initially distribute in the specific regions of Campinas, Santos, Sao Paulo, parts of Mato Grosso de Sul, and parts of the state of Goias Throughout all regions of Brazil within 5 years

Root beer not common taste Brazil

Price Competition
premium product Tubainas Brazilian competitors

Nearly half the price of Coca-Cola counterparts

Can avoid taxes Nationalism Increasing Health Awareness

Real cane sugar vs. high fructose corn syrup

Brazilian government initiatives

Product: Brand: Barqs Root Beer Product size: 20 ounce bottles Color & Design: Label: Bright sun orange Lettering: Original Logo Additions: Product of Coca-Cola in Portuguese FIFA Promotion bottling Scent: weak slight scent of wintergreen Packaging: glass bottle see through except label Warranty: satisfaction guaranteed

Distribution: Mode of Entry: Direct investment Agent: AKQA

Coca-Cola Femsa Retailers Wal-Mart

Pao Do Acucar

Promotion Objective

Brand re-enforcement
New product acceptance Pre-rolled ads, Mobile ads, Social Media MY COKE REWARDS in Brazil

Chance to win tickets to World Cup

Event Sponsorship The FIFA World Cup Family Image through local investments

Corporate Responsibility

Direct marketing objective: make Barqs a recognizable brand. Mobile advertising Product sampling Personal Selling objective: make Barqs a better drink option Personal sales representatives will help with a strategic plan in order to maximize quality of customer service Making the public aware of how well of a drink option Barqs is Persuade the public that Barqs is different, but offers a unique flavor that will change the image of soda in Brazil

Market a 20oz glass bottle of Barqs Root Beer for 3,01 reais ($1.60) Gain a 5% Market Share Costs involved are marketing plans, advertising ventures, distribution, promotion etc. Product cost per unit is $1.22

Brazil is 5th largest country and 7th largest economy in the world Outlook for Barqs introduction in Brazil is promising due to Purchasing power growing at 3% annually Current lack of root beer in Brazil Brazilians interest in change

Coca-Cola Companys current success in the country

Connect/interact with Brazilians and create happiness with out product Corporate sponsorship/responsibility Promotions and Contests

Make Barqs root beer a successful drink in the country within 5 years

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