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Sport with less Technology used Sport with modern Technology

Role Of Technology
Technology has gone a long way in proving its mettle in sports. It has created a niche for itself in every major sport on the planet . Be it the outdoor sports like soccer , tennis or cricket or their indoor counterparts like snooker , badminton or basketball , technology is used in each one of them.

This presentation will examine technologys influence on sporting world by discussing following technologies:
Hawk-Eye Goal-Line Hotspot Snickometer

The Hawk-Eye system , first developed in 1999 by Dr. Paul Hawkins Hawk-Eye is a computer system used in cricket, tennis and other sports to visually track the path of the ball and display a record of its most statistically likely path as a moving image It is also used in some instances to predict the future path of a ball in cricket

All Hawk-Eye systems are based on the principles of triangulation using the visual images and timing data provided by at least four high-speed video cameras located at different locations and angles around the area of play.


1)It finds its application in different games like cricket, tennis and snooker. 2)It is basically used in cricket for giving L.B.W descisions.

It is used in tennis for making line calls.

It is used in snooker for producing players line of view, shadowed area and blue dot.

Goal-Line Technology

Sometimes when the ball crosses the line by a couple of inches before being hoofed out by a defender, it is difficult for the refree to see.

What is Goal-Iine Technology

Goal line technology is a technology that is being investigated to be used in football. It has come into the spotlight because of recent incidents where in games, the ball has crossed the line, but has not been noticed by the referee, and so the goal was not given.

There are two phases in Goal-Line Technology:

Goal-ref Hawk-Eye

How does it work?

The technology involves embedding the football with a microchip, and having sensors on the goal line, so the when the ball passes the goal line, the microchip will send a signal to the referee and he knows its a goal .

Advantages Of Goal line Technology

1)Immediate response 2)It is not affected by weather 3)Fairness is improved ,helps refres job

This is the most advanced newly added technical tool used in cricket. In cricket it was first used by Australians Nine Network during the first test match of 2006-07 In Ashes at the Gabba. It was also introduced by channel-9 network of Australia. In hotspot the idea is to have 2 infrared cameras static above the field of cricket arena and continuously record play. It shows the point where the ball hit the batsman.

Edge or snick ,bat-pad appeal is followed by feeding infrared camera recording into computer which in turn shows the negative image of the incident just happened. Heat being produced due to friction is nothing new, so these cameras catches whatever smaller heat they find to show it on negative images. Ultimately we know where the ball hit the batsman if at all the bat.

Hotspot has a particularly advantage over its competing technology , the snickometer witch is a sound detecting based system. Hotspot clearly shows exactly where the ball strikes. Hotspots uses thermo graphic cameras which have become rage lately in the world of cricket. When properly used these can reduce the error with LBW and catch decisions.

A Snickometer commonly known as Snicko is used in cricket to know whether a fine noise occurs as the balls passes the bat. Snicko was first introduced by channel-4 network in uk. This is often used in slow motion replays by umpires to determine if the ball touched the bat or not. The 3rd umpire will listen and view the shape of the recorded sound wave and give decision according to it.

If there is a sound of ball hitting the bat which is usually a short sharp sound in synchrony with the ball passing the bat then ball has touched the bat. Other sounds such as the bat hitting the pad or the bat hitting the ground and so on will have a fatter shape on the sound waveform.


Though there is an ongoing debate on the feasibility of the use of technology in sports , it has certainly provided man with a useful tool to reduce human error and increase performance and as far as its scope is concerned , it is definitely here to stay.

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