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Career Action: Establishing Your Professional Foundation

Tips to help you write an eye catching resume and cover letter and prepare for the interview process
Developed by Sarita Venkat

Internships and Why They Are Important How to Write a Resume How to Write a Cover Letter Tips on Interviewing First 100 Days on the Job/Internship Final Thoughts

The Importance of Internships

Work-related references Diverse experiences Different types of management styles Potential of working at these places on a full time basis after graduation

How to Write a Resume

Question: How long does the typical recruiter look at your resume? What purpose does a resume serve? The goal of a resume is to give an organization insight into the skills and capabilities you have in order to determine whether you can do the job.

How to Write a Resume

HEADER Contains your name and contact information Be sure your name stands out; include nickname in parentheses Include one or two phone numbers where you can be easily reached (home and cell are best) and be 100 percent sure the contact information is correct; ensure the voicemail messages on those numbers are professional and simple (i.e., no humor, music or childrens voices) Use an e-mail address that is professional; or is not acceptable

How to Write a Resume

Sample Header YOUR NAME Street Address City, State and Zip Code Cell number E-mail Address

How to Write a Resume

PROFILE Designed to draw the reader in; gives an overview of who you are, what you bring and what you are looking for 3-4 lines at the top of your resume Do not write it in the first person (I) or third person (Ms. Smith) Supported by your content

How to Write a Resume

Sample Summary Profile Experienced writer and editor with over five years of researching the strategic needs and challenges confronting Fortune 500 companies. Possess solid written, communication, analytical and organizational skills. Consistently recognized by management and peers for producing high quality work and demonstrating a results-oriented work ethic.

How to Write a Resume

How Do You Write a Summary Profile?

Peruse job openings to determine whats important to employers. Write a list of your matching skills, experience and education.

How to Write a Resume

EDUCATION Shows your degrees or coursework you have completed at degree-granting institutions. Be formal--don't write sentences (i.e., BA Political Science, not Received BA in political science) List the degrees firstthey are always more important than where you got them (however, also list name of university/college below the degree) If you choose to include the city and state, list after the institution.

How to Write a Resume

Include minor, thesis and specific coursework if its important to the audience reading your resume Put projected graduation date if degree completion is more than a semester away (Expected May 2007) Right justify all graduation dates GPA isnt crucial to include, but include if its over a 3.0

How to Write a Resume

Example Education Section EDUCATION BA Political Science, GPA: 3.8/4.0 Concentration: If you have one List College/University Name, City and State Projects: List projects completed Coursework: List actual courses hereif applicable to the job/internship you are seeking

How to Write a Resume


This section describes elements of your work history that are the most relevant to the audience receiving your resume.

How to Write a Resume

Quick Test: Which of the following statements is more powerful? Responsible for supervising software engineers. OR Managed a team of eight software engineers.

How to Write a Resume

Compiled research data and dialog from six focus group sessions. OR Transcribed research data.

How to Write a Resume

Excellent written communication skills. OR Wrote jargon-free User Guide for 11,000 users.

How to Write a Resume

Helped develop a brand identity for NPRs jazz programs. Led a company-wide team that developed a brand identity for NPRs five jazz programs, by creating a logo, press materials, and web site; efforts resulted in a 20% increase in jazz program sales.

How to Write a Resume

Distinguish duties (activities you performed on the job) vs. skills (tools and techniques you used to accomplish the tasks) List out your duties List out skills/abilities necessary to accomplish each task Focus on your accomplishments NOT your job responsibilities. DEMONSTRATE your achievements. Use metrics whenever possible. (e.g., Include the amount of the budget you managed, number of people you supervised, percentage increase in sales, number of client accounts you managed, etc.)

How to Write a Resume

Eliminate vague words--some or various or many Use descriptive words. Should lead with a pasttense action word. (examples: directed, led, managed, achieved, delivered, generated, increased, initiated, launched, created, established, implemented, saved, etc.) Dont include everything you did at every job select relevant bullets based on your audience.

How to Write a Resume

For each employer, list each position beginning with the most recent firstit shows progression and promotion. Bullet point your experienceno one wants to read long paragraphs and dont use periods at the end of bulletsbullets are meant for statementsuse dashes, colons or semi-colons to connect thoughts Dont include orphans (lines with one or two words); the white space can be distracting

How to Write a Resume

Example listing from an internship at C-SPAN: International Relations Intern Summer 1996 C-SPAN, Washington, DC Attended eight press briefings and congressional hearings and summarized key points of these events to the Division Director Edited scripts for regularly scheduled international shows Assisted in the research and editing of Booknotes, a compilation of interview excerpts conducted by CEO Brian Lamb with high-ranking government and business leaders

How to Write a Resume

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT This section shows all of the additional work and effort you have undertaken to develop yourself professionally Use formal titles of software and be sure to spell correctly Include leadership roles Volunteer activity is optional; include if it shows community involvement or is relevant to your area of expertise (e.g., finance analyst who is also treasurer of a local community group)

How to Write a Resume

Example listing in Professional Development: Technology Skills Awards Clubs Volunteer

How to Write a Resume

Dont underestimate your abilities; strategically market your campus activities: Coursework Part-time jobs Campus leadership positions Clubs and other activities Volunteer work

How to Write a Resume

Quick Recap

Keep all of the info. on your resume relevant. Be specific about your qualifications; too much info. can work against you. Keep everything on your resume positive. Dont be too quick with that send button. Double check everything before you submit any message. Confidence is great but there is such a thing as too much selfpromotion. Proofread! Politics, religion and other loaded subjects have no place on a resume. Badmouthing former bosses will get you nowhere with potential employers.

How To Write a Cover Letter

Why is it important to craft a good cover letter?

It provides a word-based snapshot of who you are, what youve done, what you know and what youre capable of doing.

How To Write a Cover Letter

Three Elements to the Cover Letter: The opening: Tell the organization why youre contacting them. The body: Tell them how youre qualified and why youre the best candidate. The closing: Tell them how and when youll follow up, then exit on a positive note.

How To Write a Cover Letter

The Opening

Generates interest States or implies employment/internship interest

How To Write a Cover Letter

The Body

A paragraph that:

demonstrates your ability to add value to the group highlights your key strengths and abilities

A background summary paragraph that briefly summarizes your relevant education and experience

How To Write a Cover Letter

The Closing A statement that either compels or ensures follow-up action A statement of appreciation Example: Thank you for considering my application for what I know will be an exciting and rewarding position. I will contact you the week of September 5, or I may be reached at

How To Write a Cover Letter

Cover Letter Dos Address your cover letter to a specific individual. Answer logical questions, such as why youre interested in this particular opportunity and why youre the best choice. Ask for an interview and tell the recipient that you will contact him/her. Cite real examples: concrete outcomes; notable accomplishments. Mirror the words the employer used to describe the position. Limit your cover letter to one page. Refer to yourself in the first person I instead of one or by name. Spell and human check your cover letter. Your cover letter should illustrate your very best writing and communication skills. If your best work contains errors, what is the quality of your everyday work like?

How To Write a Cover Letter

Cover Letter Donts Expect employers will intuitively know which job/internship youre applying forSPELL IT OUT. Assume the employer will read between the linesthey wont. Lie about your education, experience or achievements. Be chummy or arrogant. Plead, beg or share sob stories. Include threats or say anything negative. Repeat every detail youve included in your resume. Dont use more than one font in a cover letter. Dont use a lot of bold, underlines, capitalization and italics for emphasis. Dont write a letter in all capitalsever. Dont use clip art or flashy logos.

Submitting Your Cover Letter and Resume

IMPORTANT TIP: Remember to clearly label your resume and cover letter file names. Example: resume_sv or 1106finalresume is unacceptable. Instead: SaritaVenkat - Resume or another clear label is preferable.

The Write Stuff

Keep these tips in mind: Know what you want to say Keep it simple Identify your reader Trust your ear

Interview Tips
First and second most common mistake people make during job interviews? Second: Not showing enough enthusiasm. First: Not presenting a professional appearance.


Interview Tips
Whats the interviewer thinking? Punctuality Appearance/grooming Eye contact Non-verbal comm. (gestures, poise) Communication skills/articulation Knowledge/interest of the organization Knowledge/interest of the industry/field Self-confidence and initiative Quality of resume Overall impression of student

Interview Tips
To summarize, use these 10 strategies: Research the company/organization before you go on the interview. Study your qualifications and abilities for a brief presentation. Remember whats in your resume/cover letter. Try to link/relate your skills to the organizations needs. Think about potential interview questions. Be well-groomed; dress appropriately. Be friendly and outgoing; give a firm hand shake; maintain good eye contact. Get to the interview 10 minutes early. Ask for a business card before leaving. Send a thank you card/e-mail within 24 hours of the interview.

Final Thoughts
Once in an Internship: Observe the organization Be nice to everyone Keep in touch with your former boss Find a mentor Build on functional skills and dont worry about subject matter expertise Keep a running list of all your accomplishments Build your portfolio with a wide variety of things to take away with you and show in future interviews

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