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Emergency and Disaster Risk Management

World largest archipelago: area 1,919,440 km2 Over 17,000 Islands, more than 500 languages and dialects 4th largest populated country: 234 million people in 33 provinces 3 time zones with flying time of 9 hrs from west to east

The Geographic Nature

The World Tectonic Plates Earth Quakes

Ring Of Fire Volcanoes


Why we need contingency planning?

Because we live in a world where things happen with or without prior notice.

Because of our negligence on facts, They come to us in a surprise

Basic Principle is developing Plans in the field of Emergency and Disaster

Risk ?

Risk Management
Capacity Hazard


Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability --------------------Capacity

Programme Definition Risk is defined as measurable and equitable value of having chance, probability, potential threat leading towards a damage, injury, liability, loss, negative occurrences cost by internal or external forces to person, thing, property, system, environment and development depending on the status of 3 major contributing components, hazard, vulnerability and capacity in a given condition and situation. Key factors influencing the degree of Risk Types of harmful effects known as Hazard Exposure to harmful effects known as Vulnerability Knowledge, skill and practice to manage harmful effects known as Capacity

Am I risky ? Why

Types of harmful effects

Programme Definition

Hazards is defined as possible potential source of danger or harm or adverse effect, threat to life, health, property, environment to something or some one resulting possibility of incurring loss or misfortune and if happens, causing emergency or disaster in a given condition and 9 situation.


Earthquake & Tsunami Floods Earthquake Volcanoes Eruption

Flash floods & Landslides

Conflict Social unrest

Bomb Blast

Transportation Accident

Cyclone Infectious Diseases

Black Outs
Industrial Accident


Type of Hazard
Earthquake, tsunami, landslides, volcano

Flood, storm, drought, flash flood

Epidemics, plant diseases,

Transportation and industrial accidents

Bush fires, fire, deforestation etc.

Exposure to harmful effects Programme Definition Vulnerability is defined as the exposure, susceptibility, closeness to undesirable physical or emotional injury or attack or adverse effects. Vulnerable Group Identification Vulnerable groups are identified in two types. Population living and facilities situated close or potentially exposed to different hazards. Group of people who needs special attention during emergencies and disasters such as children, pregnant women, old aged, 12 disables and ill patients.

Knowledge, skill and practice to manage harmful effects

Programme Definition Capacity is defined as mental, physical, academical ability and capability to retain knowledge, skill and practice to perform, hold, receive, absorb, act, manage and develop to a maximum response to adverse effects to minimize damages in a given condition and situation. Capacity Identification Human, supplies, structure, operating system and funds are identified as 5 main resources to be build up as capacity.

Emergencies and Disasters

Emergency = The Risk that can be manage with support from existing condition in a given situation.

Disaster = The Risk that can only be managed with extra support outside existing condition in a given situation. 14

Mobilize and utilize available resources most effectively and strategically in a given situation to obtain maximum output .


Programme Definition

Crisis is defined as exposure to risk resulting from Emergency or Disaster affecting a sector (s) or area of work in a geographic location for a period of time. It could be acute or chronic or acute on chronic. One example is Health Crisis where the health sector is affected by emergency or disaster.

Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals) Conflict can lead to WAR

Risk Reduction Plan

Risk Mapping To obtain a map which has identify potential hazards, violability and capacity. Contingency Plan If emergency or disasters hit, what to do. Operation Plan When emergency or disaster hits, how to manage. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Guidelines to guide how to manage specific field of interest


Risk Mapping
Risk Mapping (Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Mapping) Method Vertical Mapping (Geographic base village to National) (*) Horizontal Mapping (Facility base household to mega structures)

Risk - Triage Rings

Use red, yellow and green rings to identify: High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk Identify the areas where multi risk rings overlapped. Prioritized the area for capacity building

Hazard Mapping
Find appropriate map or develop a map of the area concern. Identify the potential areas that could tern into hazards specific (volcano, river, dam, factory, etc). Hazards General (fire, earthquake, storm, etc) Identify the most vulnerable facilities health, schools, fire fighting station, power station, water reservoir, police, governor office, markets, stores, air trainport Identify evacuation sites religious building, sport field, vacant land, ceremonial halls, schools 21


Vulnerability Mapping
Identify the most vulnerable facilities health, schools, fire fighting station, power station, water reservoir, police, governor office, markets, stores, air train-port Identify evacuation sites religious building, sport field, vacant land, ceremonial halls, schools


Resource Mapping
Use excel table to identify: Existing resources. (Man, Material, Money) Resources needed. Where needed resources can be reached. Attached the excel data and information to the map

Public Alert System

Serine / Bell Community watch Traffic light indicators Maps for evacuation Mark shelters Call signs Media alert

What is Contingency Planning ?

What to do if changes happen Un-wanted or Wanted / Un expected or Expected / Good or Bad / Harmful or Unharmful / Negative or Positive

Systematic arrangement of activities to be implemented in a given condition and situation.



Contingency Plan base on SOP

Central, Peripheral and Sector based

1. 2. 3. 4.

Command Posts Rescue and Relief Rapid Assessment Information and Communication and Reporting 5. Multi Sector / Cluster Coordination and resource Mobilization 6. Management of Death, Injured 7. IDP Camp Management 8. Supply Management 9. Community and Facilities Recovery, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction 10. Stream lining back to routine programms and development Scenarios building Exercise Simulation

Operational Plan and SOP

Based on the contingency plan, given situation and condition, develop operational plan Operational Map and Plan Identification of the available resources Identification of resources needed base on rights WHO, Where, When, What, Why, How and Expected Output

Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)

Updated annually:
1st version launched in 2006 2nd version launched in 2007


Contingency Plan
Early warning

Rapid Assessment Operational Plan EMERGENCY Review


Lessons learned

Preparedness Plan



Rehabilitation Plan

3 Cs Values Info Human

Mitigation Plan Hazard evaluation Disaster Management Plan MITIGATION


Re/Development Plan

Management Wheel is driven by power generated from Information moving forward through 3Cs



Risk Reduction Plan Components

Risk Mapping

Contingency Plan

Operational Plan

Standard Operating Procedure


Risk Reduction Plan

Geographic Risk Reduction Plan (RRP) - Vertical For province, district, sub-district and village levels, contingency and operation plans will be developed, practiced and integrated with risk mapping to formulate RRP. Facility Risk Reduction Plan (RRP) - Horizontal For each public health facility, health offices and hospital, contingency and operation plans will be developed, practiced and integrated with risk mapping to formulate RRP.


Web Link:


Disaster Management Phases

Prevent Develop


Mitigate Disaster Reconstruct Golden Hr Rehabilitate Golden Week Respond Relief Rescue



Challenges for Health Sector


Injured and infected


IDPs / Refuges


Why Do We Need Coordination In Health Emergencies / Crisis ?


NGOs We already have too many challenges to manage. So many of them coming now. Who are they? What can they help? When can they do it? Where can they go? Why they came? How can I manage?

Private Sectror

Local Groups Individual


Filter at port of entry

Chain of Command and Communication

I know! I know!, You guys want to help me. But please wait ya, I will tell you what I need.


Health Sector and Cluster Structural and Methodology used in Indonesia

Government Coordination Meeting Heath Sector / Cluster General Coordination UN Cluster Coordination Meeting

Operational Mapping
Health Emergency Information Operation Center

Sub Groups Coordination and presentation Immunization Child, reproductive and maternal Water and Sanitation Surveillance and outbreak control Mental Health Mobile Clinics Field Hospitals Hospital care 38 Supplies

Role of Regional Crisis Centers

Emergency Operational Units Emergency Supplies Depot


Public Health Facilities


Training Centers

Emergency Shelter

Each Crisis Centers is formed by 3 Basic Structural Components of the Health 39 System. Hospitals, Public Health Facilities and Universities.

Early warning


Crisis Center Central Operation Unit MoH,

Review, monitoring

Coordination 40 Resource Mobilization

Emergency Situation Reports

Emergency First Call SMS / Radio Call, Fax, Email Advance Emergency Situation Information Emergency Situation Report Situation Report Surveillance Report

What will be our future????

Practice make perfect. When there is a will, there is a way. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.42


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