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RA 7696 Technical Education & Skills Development Act of 1994

Declaration of Policy. - It is the declared policy of the State to provide relevant, accessible, high quality and efficient technical education and skills development in support of the development of high quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with Philippine development goals and priorities.

Private Sector Participation. - The State shall encourage the active participation of various concerned sectors, particularly private enterprises, being direct participants in and immediate beneficiaries of a trained and skilled workforce, in providing technical education and skills development opportunities.

promote & strengthen the quality of TVET skills development for International Competitiveness meet the changing demand for Quality MiddleLevel Manpower. encourage critical & creative thinking by disseminating Scientific and Technical Knowledge Base. Recognize & encourage complementary Roles of Public and Private Institutions. Inculcate Desirable Values thru development of moral character w/ emphasis on work ethic, selfdisciple & nationalism

development plan for middle-level manpower based on National employment plan/policies for the optimum allocation Development & utilization of skilled worker for employment, entrepreneurship, technology development for economic & social growth.

REFORMED INDUSTRY-BASED TRAINING PROGRAM (apprenticeship, dual training) provide maximum protection & welfare of
the worker-trainee Improve quality, relevance & social responsibility of technical education & skills development Accelerate employment-generation efforts of the government Expand range of opportunities

TESDA BOARD Secretary of DOLE Chairperson Secretary of DEP-ED- Co-Chairperson Secretary of DTI Co-Chairperson Secretary of DA Member Secretary of DILG Member Director General of TESDA- Secretariat Member Private Sector Representative

FUNCTION OF THE BOARD formulate continuing, coordinated and fully integrated technical education and skills development policies, plan and programs.


Approve & promulgate National TESDA Plan Organize and constitute committees, groups for efficient integration, coordination, monitoring of National TESDA Plan Enter into, make execute, perform and carry out domestic and foreign contract


Established and administer a system of accreditation of both public and private institutions Approved trade skills standards & test established and conducted by private industries

TESDA SECRETARIAT FUNCTIONS Establish & maintain a planning process formulate National TESDA Plan Provide analytical inputs to policy and decision-making of TESDA Prepare & implement programs for the training of trainers, supervisors, planners & managers Implement & administer the apprenticeship program

TESDA SECRETARIAT COMPOSITION: Director-General Deputy Directors-General Chief of Services for Administration

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT Planning Office Design & establish planning processes & methodologies to enhance efficiency of resource allocation decisions Conduct researches, studies & development information systems for effective & efficient planning & policy making Develop & implement programs & projects aimed at building up planning capabilities of various institutions

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT Skills Standards & Certification Office Develop & establish a national system of skills standardization, testing & certification in the country Design, innovate & adopt processes and methodologies for industry, workers and the government progressively /actively participate in promoting skills standards Establish & implement a system of accrediting private enterprises, associations, institutions to serve as skills testing venues.

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT National Institute for Technical Vocational Education and Training Research & development arm of the government Develop curricula & program standards Develop program for continuing development of trainers, teachers & instructors Develop programs & projects which will build up institutional capabilities

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT Office of Formal Technical Vocational Education & Training Provide policies, measures & guidelines for effective & efficient administration of formal TVET Establish system for accredition, coordination, integration, monitoring, & evaluation of the different formal TVET Establish network of institutions engaged in institutionalised TVET

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT Office of the Non-formal technical vocational education & training Provide direction, policies & guidelines for effective implementation of nonformal community-based TVET Accredit, coordinate, monitor & evaluate various non-formal TVET Establish network of institutions including local government units, organizations implementing non-formal community based TVET

OFFICES OF THE TESDA SECRETARIAT Office of Apprenticeship Provide direction, policies & guidelines on the implementation of the apprenticeship system Accredit, coordinate, monitor & evaluate all apprenticeship schemes & programs implemented by institutions & enterprises Establish networks of institutions & enterprises conducting apprenticeship schemes & programs

REGIONAL OFFICES Headed by Regional Directors with rank of Director IV under the direct control of the Director-General Supervise, coordinate & integrate, thru its provincial TESDA offices all TVET programs, projects in their jurisdiction Develop and recommend TESDA program for regional & local level implementation

PROVINCIAL OFFICES Headed by Skill Development Offices with rank of Director III Provide technical assistance to local government units for effective supervision, coordination, integration and monitoring of TVET programs within their locality Review & recommend TESDA programs for implementation within their localities

ACTIVITIES OF TESDA Accredit, coordinate, integrate, monitor and evaluate all the different formal and non-formal TVET programs Encourage active participation of the private sector, industry groups, trade associations, employers & workers, private enterprises Promote and strengthen the quality of technical education and skills development programs

PROGRAMS OF TESDA User-led or market-driven strategy strengthening linkages between educational/training institutions and industry to ensure that appropriate skills & knowledge are provided by the education systems Apprenticeship & Learnership Programs Dual Training System

TECHNICAL & VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS & TRAINING CENTER Public Technical & Vocational School Private Technical & Vocational Schools Training Centers Assessment Centers


Declaration of Policy. it is the policy of the State to strengthen manpower education & traiing in the country To assured of an ever-growing supply of an educated & skilled manpower equipped with appropriate skills & desirable work habits & attitudes. Dual training system, shall be adopted and in duly accredited vocational & technical school , in cooperation with accredited agricultural, industrial & business establishments, as one of the preferred means of creating a dependable pool of well-trained operators, craftsmen & technicians for the economy.

Encourage increasing utilization of the dual system in TVET by both public & private school within the context of the existing education system Encourage increasing levels of investment in TVET by public & private sector in rural areas Enhance employability & productivity of graduates by equipping them with analytical and creative thingking and problem-solving abilities, manipulative competencies which meet occupational standards and requirements, values & attitudes with emphais on work ethics, quality orientation, discipline, honesty, self-reliance & patriotism Strengthen taining cooperation between agricultural, industrial & business establishments and educastional institutions by designing and implementing relevant programmes in close coordination with local government untis

INCENTIVES FOR PARTICIPATING ESTABLISHMENTS Business participants are allowed to deduct from their taxable income the amount of 50% of the system expenses paid to the accredited dual training system educational institution for the establishments trainees


Ensure that necessary abilites and knowledge for the trainee to achieve the purpose of his training are imparted to him and shall provide such training systematically in accordance with an approved training plan. Appoint training oficer to implement the training plan Make available, free of charge, the consumable materials and basic hand tools & equipment necessary for his training Allow the trainee attend his in-school training andn to sit for his examinations Re uire the trainee to keep his report book up to date & inspect such books Pay to the accredited educational institution/training center the daily allowance of the trainee

OBLIGATIONS OF the accredited educational institution/training center

Design, implement, evaluate jointly the training plan with the accredited establishments Provide specific, general occupationrelated theoretical instruction Appoint industrial coordinators to supervise the in-pant training Pay the trainee his daily allowance


Carefully perform the jobs entrusted to him as part of his training Take part in training programs for which he ahs been granted time off Follow the instruction given to him as part of his training by the training officer Observe rules of behavior in the training premises Use tools, instruments, machines & other equipment with due care Not reveal any business or trade secrets that have come to his knowledge in the course of his training Keep his record books up to date

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT set forth: Training plan Nature & objective of the training Commencement & duration of the training period Normal daily trainig hours Trainee allowance & the rate to be applied, which in nocase shall start below 75% of the applicable minimum daily wage for days spent in the establishment Right & obligations of the parties Condisitons for termination of the training agreement Performacne, monitoring & evaluation system

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