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United and

America by
Required to
Established the office of Homeland Security.
Announced a military order that created secret
detentions for noncitizens involved in terrorist activity.
Greatly expanded the powers of federal investigators to obtain
records of suspected terrorist-whether citizens or aliens- from
internet service providers, libraries, hardware stores,
bookstores, schools, and almost all other businesses.

No cause of action shall lie in any court against any provider of a wire or electronic
communication service, landlord, custodian, or other person (including any officer,
employee, agent, or other specified person thereof) that furnishes any information,
facilities, or technical assistance in accordance with a court order or request for
emergency assistance under this Act.'.
 Granted federal officials greater power to trace and intercept
terrorists’ communications for both law enforcement and foreign
intelligence purposes.

 Reinforced federal anti-money laundering laws and regulations in

an effort to deny terrorists the resources necessary for future

 Tightened immigration laws to close U.S. borders to foreign

terrorists, and expel those thought to be terrorists.

 Created new federal crimes, such as outlawing terrorist attacks on

mass transit, and increased penalties for other crimes.

 Increased statute of limitations for terrorist crimes. Rights can not

be enforced by legal action or offenses can not be punished after a
specific amount of time..
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,

against Unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants

shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and

particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be


Evidence must be introduced to an Impartial magistrate before a search warrant can

be obtained.
the name specified to freedoms that protect an
individuals unalienable rights from government.

Civil liberties set limits for government so that it

cannot abuse its power and interfere with the lives
of its citizens.

Common civil liberties include Freedom of

Association, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of
Religion, and Freedom of Speech, and additionally,
the right to Due Process, to Fair Trial, to own
Property, and to privacy.
 1940 -The Freedom of Information Act- a law ensuring public
access to U.S. Government records, the burden is on the
government to substantiate evidence for not allowing access to
such materials.

 1968 -The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act- prohibited
private interception of telephone conversations , and required a
court order for Government interception, except in cases involving
national security, or cases in which one party consented to
interception of the communication.

 1974- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act- requires

educational institutions to grant students or parents access to
student records, establishes procedures to challenge and correct
information, and limits disclosure to third parties.

 1974 -Privacy Act- placed restrictions on federal agencies’

collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable
 1978 - Financial Privacy Act- provides bank customers some
privacy regarding their records held by banks.

 1980 - Privacy Protection Act- prohibits government agencies from

conducting unannounced searches of press offices and files if no
one in the office is suspected of having committed a crime.

 1986 - Electronic Communications Privacy Act- extended version of

the Omnibus Crime control and Safety Streets Act because of
advancing technology. (i.e. cell phones, pagers, and emails)
 1988 Employee Polygraph Protection Act- prohibits the private
sector’s use of lie detector tests for employment purposes, except
in certain circumstances.

 1988 - Video Privacy Protection Act- prohibits video stores from

disclosing customer names, addresses, and the specific videotapes
rented or bought by customers, except in certain circumstances.
Technological component- advances in science
and technology are allowing for Government
agencies to track communication, habits, and
patterns, and utilize that information in
anyway deemed necessary.

Informational component- what we’re allowed

know, access, or find interest in.

Psychological component- invasion of intimate

“In order to curb terrorism in this
country, do you think it will be necessary
for the average person to give up some
civil liberties, or not?”

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