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Origin of Christianity The Type and Evolution of Christianity The Bible The Story Of Joseph Lesson Learnt

Origin Of Christianity
Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century C.E. It is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow him are called "Christians. Central to Christian practice is the gathering at churches for worship, fellowship, and study, and engagement with the world through evangelism and social action.

The Type and Evolution of Christianity Apostolic Church

Paul the Apostle (c. AD 5 c. AD 67), is perhaps the most influential early Christian missionary and leader of the first generation of Christians. Among the many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith, Paul is often considered to be one of the two most important people in the history of Christianity. Almost half of the books of the New Testament are credited to his authorship. He was responsible for spreading of the Gospel through early Christian communities across the Roman Empire. From the mid-30s to the mid-50s he established several churches in Asia Minor and at least three in Europe, including the church at Corinth.

The Spread Of Christianity

Orthodox Christains
The Orthodox Christian belongs to the Body of Christ, the Church of Christ. This Eastern Orthodox Church is organically the same congregation (or ecclesia) which was born at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem on Pentecost, a direct continuation from the Apostles by laying on of hands from each generation of priests to the next.

Roman Catholic
The Roman Catholic denomination is the oldest and largest division of Christianity, encompassing over 1 billion members throughout Italy, Spain and most Latin American countries. The Catholic Church is believed to have begun with St. Peter, who is considered the first Pope. Like all Christians, Catholics believe in the holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). The Catholic Church believes in the intervention of saints in the lives of humans and, unlike other types of Christianity, Catholic priests take vows of celibacy.

The Breaking up of the Churches

Sixtus IV (14711484) established the practice of selling indulgences to be applied to the dead, thereby establishing a new stream of revenue with agents across Europe. Pope Alexander VI (14921503) was one of the most controversial of the Renaissance Popes. He fathered seven children, including Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia, by at least two mistresses. Fourteen years after his death, the corruption of the papacy that Pope Alexander VI exemplifiedparticularly the sale of indulgencesprompted Martin Luther to write the The Ninety-Five Theses, which he nailed to the door of a church at Wittenberg in Saxony which brings to the birth of the Anglican Church

Protestantism began around the 16th century during the reformation of the church. This denomination is distinguished by its departure from the sacraments of the Catholic Church. The only sacraments (out of seven) that Protestants hold sacred are communion and baptism. Historically, Protestants believe firmly in the work ethic set forth by Max Weber, stating that hard work, conservative spending and an accumulation of goods is a sign of respect for God and eventual salvation.

The Protestant Reformation 1517

Protestantism begins with Martin Luthers theology, which is based on the distinction between Law and Gospel. That is, between the Word of God which commands sinners to do what they cannot do; and, therefore condemns them, and the Word of God which promises Grace to sinners and gives what it promises? We are justified by faith alone apart from works of the Law. Because the Gospel is the promise of Christ, it provides a basis for certainty that God is gracious to sinners like us, which Luther could not find in other forms of medieval piety. Luther taught that salvation is not earned by good deeds but received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood. Those who identify with Luther's teachings are called Lutherans.

The Anglican Church

During the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine of Canterbury to England to form a more disciplined church, and the result was the Anglican denomination. Over time, the worship began to take on more Celtic influences and fewer Roman characteristics. The Anglican Church has no central governing unit like the Roman Catholic Church, but instead relies on bonding through tradition and common beliefs

The English Reformation 1529-1537

The English Reformation was a series of events in 16th century England by which the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.

The beginning of the sixteenth century showed significant discontent with the Roman church. Martin Luther's famous 95 Theses were nailed to the door of the church in Wittenburg in 1517, and news of this challenge had certainly reached England .20 years later, the Anglican branch of the church formally challenged the authority of Rome. Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and abbeys in 1536.
Henry VIII created the Anglican church in anger over the Pope's refusal to grant his divorce, but the historical record indicates that Henry spent most of his reign challenging the authority of Rome, and that the divorce issue was just one of a series of acts that collectively split the English church from the Roman church in much the same way that the Orthodox church had split off five hundred years before.

The Bible
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over approximately 1600 years It is the source of the Christian religion in that the Bible contains the words of God and how the Christian is to apply the words of God to his life. contains many different styles of writing such as poetry, narration, fiction1, history, law, and prophecy and must be interpreted in context of those styles.

Bible divided into two group

Old Testament Books The Old Testament Books written by the prophets such as Moses, David, Isaiah, etc. Contain of 39 books New Testament Books The New Testament Books written by those who knew Jesus or were under the guidance of those who did Contain of 27 books

The Bible

Types Of Bible
Jewish Bible Greek Orthodox Bible Catholic Bible Anglican Bible Protestant Bible King James Version Bible

The Bible Story Of Joseph In Egypt

This historical story is from book of Genesis chapter 37 till 50 In King James Version Bible It happen around 1700 B.C.

Lesson learnt
Do Forgiveness Faith In God Honesty Self Control Lies Framed Betray Dont

Festival Celebrate By Christian

Christmas Easter Day Good Friday Palm Sunday

Christians celebrate Jesus' birth on December 25th. It follows a month of preparation (Advent) and involved lots of festivities, school plays telling the story of the nativity, exchanging Christmas cards and presents, special meals, special decoration very much like big festivals in other world religions.

Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday - the first day of Holy week Christians remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem riding on a donkey - people threw palm leaves down on the road like a red carpet might be laid in front of a king. Palm crosses are given to the congregation to help them think about the week ahead. The Sunday Before Easter Sunday Date range between March 14 to April 11

Good Friday
The day that Jesus died on the cross. There are services in all Christian churches at the time Christ was crucified. These are very solemn occasions quite unlike what will occur three days later. Date Range between March 19 to April 16

Easter Day
The most important festival for Christians. It is a very joyous occasion marked in churches by wonderful music and flowers. Out of church by the exchange of cards and Easter eggs - a symbol of spring and new life as Jesus' death brought new life to Christians. On the Third day after Good Friday Date range March 21 to April 18



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