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Presentation Session Of INTERNATIONAL TRADE

FGFH 900890

Behavior may be defined as the way how

people act as individual and as groups. Behavior is defined as goal oriented activities of a person. Generally the behavior of the person is determined by the goal which he wants to achieve. As a student, we want to get good division in examination. All our activities are concerned with study during examination and it develops a particular type of behavior at the time..


You stand up for your personal rights and express your thoughts feelings and beliefs in a way which is usually inappropriate and always violates the rights of the other person.
2. PASSIVE Not expressing honest feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, allowing others to violate your rights. Can also mean expressing thoughts and feelings in an apologetic, self-effacing way so that others easily disregard them.

A way of communicating our feelings, thoughts, and beliefs in an open, honest manner without violating the rights of others.

Behavioral attributes
In discipline 2. Trust worthy 3. Bravery

I am very sorry to say this but we Pakistanis are very in

disciplined in our daily lives. We dont follow the rules and regulation at all. Every one try to escape from the shortest mean. We often break Queue and try to create mess out of the simple issues. We have many bad habits that also disturb the people in our surroundings. Like playing music at high volume and while talking on mobile phones we speak so loud that someone may be get disturbed by it. In Karachi many people use to eat pan and they spit it everywhere they want. In our family occasions we behave very weird. Fire


We get angry very easily and on very small issues. Without getting solved it by talk we try to fight and create mess which is not good. Recently we have seen that in riots against that blasphemous film some people put public property on fire which is not good. We are very biased towards certain classes and dont treat them good. Like balochis are against the Punjabis and if someone go into Baluchistan some biased people kill them.

Are we honest enough to be trusted?. I think we

are not even honest to ourselves, how can we honest to others In Pakistan the honest is the one who doesnt get the opportunity yet to cheat. When ever there is opportunity we try to cheat. For example if someone is selling his car, he never tells the truth about it rather he tried to lie and sell it on high price.

How to change these behavior?

First of all education is must through which we can control and make the behavior. More effort is put on knowledge rather then just cramming the books. 2. Te curriculum should be devised sensibly . 3. Media is the third thing thats need to put some light on programs through which children learn positive attributes of behavior. 4. at homes its parents duty to behave nicely because children's learns and adopt those behaviors which they see in their parents.


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