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Environment Management

Field of study dedicated to understand human-environment interactions and the applications of science and common sense to solve problems. Encourages planned investment Develop Integrated system Concern for the local community


Formulation of environmentally sound development strategies The process of allocating natural and artificial resources so as to make optimum use of the environment in satisfying basic human needs on a sustainable basis Seeking the best practicable environmental options (BPEO), generally using the best available techniques not entailing excessive cost (BATNEEC)


A system of integrated approch to management which takes into account the benefits and cost to owners ,workers and society as a whole Practice of using physical resources efficiently and reducing waste


A decision making process which regulates the impact of human activities on the environment in such a manner that the capacity of the environment to sustain human development will not be impaired.

Characteristics of EM

Generic term It deal with a world affected by human Multidisciplinary /Interdisciplinary Holistic-Integrate different development view points Precautionary & Participatory style Promote Sustainable Development Stewardship, rather than exploitation

Factors that Promoted Business Interest in EM

Globalization Increasing public demand for access to information Activity of green business group NGO concern for environmental issues To reduce inspection by regulatory bodies Insistence by funding ,insurance, and licensing bodies Green environmental policies adopted by companies Sense of responsibility Avoidance of litigation Powerful Environmental Ministries

Scheme of Practice adopted for EM

Identify need / goals Define problem Determine appropriate action

Broad Strategic Policies

Draw up plan

Implementation I (evaluate success)

Develop on going management Information Evaluate and adjust management Information

Future EM

Approaches to EM


Through education Demonstration Media Advice

Taxation Grants ,loan ,aid Subsidies Quotas, trade agreement

Economic or Fiscal



Through Standards Restriction and monitoring Licensing Zoning

Thing to be done by EM

Identify goals Establish whether these can be met Develop and implement the means to do

Environmental Managers

Henderson (1981) advised think globally ,act locally adopt a long term outlook . Co-ordination of environment and development Requires awareness of environmental and human limits , potential and risks or hazards

Managers Environmental Awareness help to attain..

Survival Goal
through closer co-operation with govt. and society , to seek out areas of common interest ,conservation of needed material resources ,prevention of nuisances;

Profitability Goal
through more efficient ,less wasteful, resource conserving technology

Growth Goal
through more efficient, safer, healthier ,and durable products

Env. Manager & Community Relations

Managerial decisions result in environmental impacts. If environmental problems occurs ,they are the early warning signals of economic and community relation problem ahead . Community and Govt. will not tolerate a situation that continues to jeopardize the health and quality of community members. Values and tolerance level within the community and Govt. change according to circumstances and time , usually a greater demand for quality.

Env. Managers decision



Decisions for preventive actions are less costly than curative ones.

Challenges faced by Env. Managers

Unproven threats Trans boundary or global challenges Problems demanding rapid decisions Increasing exchange of information with NGOs

Skills & Knowledge required for Env. Managers

Broadened awareness of influences in the external environment Ability to recognize public issues that will affect the company A comprehensive decision-making frame work based on holistic view of business and its relationship to the larger society Ability to think strategically and be concerned with the kind of environment that business will face in future The need for knowledge about organizational structure The development of political skills (compromise and negotiation) Need for communication skill Ability to think clearly about public issues The need for behavioral and attitudinal changes

Environmental Problems

Of human history worries have been mainly been caused by acquisition of inputs food , air, fuel etc. Over last century appeared added problems over outputs pollution , waste etc.


Consumerism Growing human population Poverty Env. Degradation Decline of Ecosystem Loss of Biodiversity Global Atmospheric Changes Desertification Industrial growth Tourism and Recreation Transport and Infrastructure Land use pattern Pollution

Various Bodies in EM

Governmental agencies (MoEF, CSE ) International organizations (UNEP,IBRD,USAID) Research Institute (World Watch Institute, International Institute for Environmental Development NGOs WWF, IUCN, Friends on Earth, Green Peace

What Motivates EM

Pragmatic reasons Desire to save cost Compliance Shift in ethics Economic expansion

Principles of EM



They are achieved by Forward looking , broad view policy making and planning Establishing std., rules, monitoring and auditing Co-ordination- Multidisciplinary , Interdisciplinary and holistic Operationalization and Implementation

Little remain fixed. Demand for stake holders alter, Environment changes Public attitude changes Human capabilities varies Environment Management must be flexible, adaptive, perceptive

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