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C++, an extension to C

Pooja Jain Senior Lecturer, JUIT Waknaghat

Preprocessor Directive

The first line of the program # include<iostream.h> tells the compiler to add the source file iostream.h to the programs source file.

It contains the declarations that are needed by the cout, cin identifiers and the << , >> operators. It might look like a program statement but is not a program statement. Instead it starts with a sign (#) called preprocess or directive.

Output using cout

The identifier cout (pronounced as Console out) is actually an object. It is predefined in C++ to correspond to the standard output stream. (A stream is an abstraction that refers to a flow of data). The standard output stream normally flows to the screen display although it can be redirected to other output devices. The operator << is called the insertion or put to operator. It directs the contents of the variable on its right to the object on its left. Consider the following statement: cout << Welcome to the world of C++ ; This statement directs the string constant Welcome to the world of C++ to cout, which sends it to the display unit.

Input using cin

The identifier cin (pronounced console in ) is an object, predefined in C++ to correspond to the standard input stream. This stream represents the data coming from the keyboard. The >> is the extraction or get from operator. It takes value from the stream object on its left and places it in the variable on its right. Consider the following statements:

int temp ; // declaration of int type variable cin >> temp ; // Input using cin object

The second statement causes the program to wait for the user to type in an integer number. The resulting number is placed in the variable temp.

Example: Output/ Input using cout and cin objects #include<iostream.h> void main() { int x; float f; char c; char str[20] ; Sample output: cout << \n Enter the value of x: ; cin >> x ; Enter the value of x: 5 cout << \n Enter the value of f: ; Enter the value of f: 4.5 cin >> f Enter the value of c: y cout << \n Enter the value of c:; Enter the value of str: hello cin >> c; cout << \n Enter a string: ; cin >> str ; The value of x = 5 cout << \n The value of x = << x; The value of f = 4.5 cout << \n The value of f = << f; The value of c = y cout << \n The value of c = << c; The value of str = hello cout << \n The value of str = << str; }

Cascading of << and >> operators

When the operator (<<) is used repeatedly in the cout statement, it is called cascading of extraction or output operator. The insertion operator (>>) can be cascaded with cin in the same way, allowing the user to enter a series of values:

#include<iostream.h> void main() { int x, float f, char c, char str[20]; cout << \n Enter the value of x, f, c and str ; cin >> x >> f >> c >> str ; // Cascading of input operator // Cascading of output operator cout << \n x = << x << f = << f << c= << c << str= << str ; } Sample Output: Enter the value of x, f, c and str: 3 x = 3 f = 4.5 c = a str = hello 4.5 a hello

Flexibility in the declaration of the variables

C requires that all variables be declared before the first executable statement. As against this, C++ allows definition of variables at the point where they are used. The following example illustrates this:
#include<iostream.h> void main() { int x , y ; cout << \n Enter the value of x: ; cin >> x ; cout << \n Enter the value of y: ; cin >> y; int z ; z = x + y; cout << \n The sum of the numbers is: << z ; }

Function Prototypes:

A function prototype is one of the major improvement added to C++ function. The prototype describes the function interface to the compiler by giving details such as: the number of arguments, the type of arguments and the type of return value. The compiler uses the prototype to ensure that the types of actual arguments that you pass in a function call are the same as the types of the formal arguments in the function definition. No C++ function can be called unless its prototype is available to the compiler to crosscheck the argument type and the return value. This is known as strong type checking.

Function prototype is a declaration statement in the calling program and is of the following form:

return-type function_name (argument_list) ;

#include<iostream.h> int sum(int, int); // Function prototype void main() { int a = 4, b = 6; int c = sum(a, b); // Calling function cout << \n The sum is: << c ; }
// function definition

int sum(int x, int y) { int z = x + y ; return z ; }

Function overloading

Overloading refers to the use of the same thing for different purposes. C++ also permits overloading of functions. Thus, one can use the same function name to create functions that perform a variety of different tasks. This is known as the function overloading in OOP. Using the concept of the function overloading, one can design a family of functions with one function name but with different argument lists. The function would perform different operations depending on the argument list in the function call. The correct function to be invoked is determined by checking the number and the type of the arguments but not on the function type.

Example: function overloading

//Function Declarations #include<iostream.h> int sum( int , int ); //prototype1 int sum( int , int, int); //prototype2 float sum( float, int); //prototype3 int sum( char, char); //prototype4
void main() { int i1=5, i2 =6; int i3 = sum(i1, i2); //Calling function1 int i4 = sum(i1, i2, i3); // Calling function2 float f1 = 4.5; float f2 = sum(f1, i1); // Calling function3 char c1 =a, c2 = b; int c3 = sum(c1, c2); // Calling function4 cout << i3 = << i3 ; cout << i4 = << i4 ; cout << f2 = << f2; cout << c3 = << c3; }

Cont. Definitions // Function

int sum(int a, int b) { return (a + b); } int sum(int a, int b, int c) { return ( a + b + c ) ; } float sum(float f, int i) { return ( f + i) ; } int sum(char c1, char c2) { return (c1 + c2); }

Sample Output: i3 = 11

i4 = 22
f2 = 9.5 c3 = 195

Reference in C++
A reference, as the name suggests is like an alias.
It is similar to the pointer. indicated by using the & operator you use the * operator to indicate a pointer.
Segment1, using pointer int a = 5; int *p = &a; // p is a pointer to variable a cout << *p = << *p ;

A reference is in the same way

Segment2, using reference int a = 5; int &p = a ; // p is a reference to variable a cout << \n p = << p ;

A pointer has to be de-referenced before you can access a value using it, while a reference need not be. (see the third statements of each segment)

A variable and its reference are so tightly interlocked, that a change in one necessarily results in a change in the other.
#include<iostream.h> void main() { int i = 10; int &j = i ; // j is a reference to i cout << \n i = << i << j = << j ; j = 20; cout << \n i = << i << j = << j ; i++; cout << \n i = << i << j = << j ; j++; cout << \n i= << I << j = << j ; }

i = 10 j = 10 i = 20 j = 20 i = 21 j = 21 i = 22 j = 22


A reference must always be initialized. Like pointers, it is not possible to first declare the reference in one statement, and then initialize it with the variable, in the next statement.

//Using reference
int a = 5 ; int &p ; // error

//Using pointer
int a = 5 ; int *p ; // valid


p = &a

A variable can have multiple references. Changing the value of one of them effects a change in all others. #include<iostream.h> void main() { int i = 5 ; int &j = i ; int &k =i ; int &l = i ; cout << \n i = << i << j = << j << k = << k << l = << l; k = 20; cout << \n i = << i << j = << j << k = << k << l = << l; }
i=5 j=5 k=5 l=5 I = 20 j = 20 k = 20 l = 20


Once a reference variable has been defined to refer to a particular variable, it cannot refer to any other variable. Though an array of pointers is acceptable, an array of references is not.

Referencing offers a clean, elegant an efficient way to pass parameters to functions that intend to change their values. #include<iostream.h> void update1(int); void update2(int*); void update3(int&); void main() { int i =j = k = 5; update1(i) ; // Call by value update2(&j); // Call by pointer update3(k); // Call by reference cout << \n i = << i ; cout << \n j = << j ; cout << \n k = << k ; }

void update1(int i); { i = i + 1; cout << \n i = << i ; } void update2(int* j) { *j = *j + 1; cout << \n *j = << *j ; } void update3(int& c) { c = c + 1; cout << \n c = << c ; }

const qualifier

If the keyword const, precedes the data type of a variable, the value of the variable will not change throughout the program. Any attempt to alter the value of the variable defined with this qualifier will result into an error message from the compiler. The syntax is: const data_type VAR_NAME = value ;

#include<iostream.h> const float PI = 3.14 ; void main() { float radius ; cout << \n Enter the radius : ; cin >> radius ; float area = PI*radius*radius ; cout << \n Area of circle = << area ; PI = PI +1 ; // Error! The symbolic constant cannot be modified }

new and delete operators

The dynamic memory allocation in C is done by using the functions: malloc() and calloc().
The memory allocated from system heap using malloc() and calloc() is vacated (deallocated) using the function free(). C++ Offers a better way to accomplish the same job through the use of the new and delete operators. The new operator allocates memory from free store (in the C++ lexicon, heap is called free store). The delete operator returns the allocated memory back to the free store. The new operator, when used with the pointer to a data type, a structure, or an array, allocates memory for the item and assigns the address of that memory to the pointer. The delete operator does the reverse.

Using new and delete operators

The general form of using new operator is: data_type *variablename = new data_type ; Eg: int *p = new int ; float *q = new float ; *p = 25; // assigns 25 to the newly created int object *q = 7.5; // assign 7.5 to the float object.

One can also initialize the memory using the new operator. This is done as follows: pointer_variable = new data_type(value); // Here, value specifies
// the initial value

Eg: int *p = new int(25); float *q = new float(7.5);


When a data object is no longer needed, it can be destroyed by the delete operator to release the memory space for the reuse. The general form of its use is:

delete pointer-variable ;
Eg: delete p ; delete q ;

Allocating space for arrays, during run time

The general form of one dimensional array is: data_type *poiter-variable = new data_type[size];

To free a dynamically allocated array, use the following form of delete: delete [ ] pointer-variable ; Eg: int *p = new int[5]; //Creates a memory space for an array of 5 integers.

When creating multi-dimensional arrays with new, all the array sizes must be supplied.
Eg: array_ptr array_ptr array_ptr array_ptr = new int[3][5][4] ; = new int[m][5][4] ; = new int[3]]5][ ] ; = new int[ ][5][4] ; // legal // legal // illegal // illegal


To free a dynamically allocated array, we must use the following form of delete: delete [ ] pointer-variable ;

Allocation and deallocation, [ using malloc() and free() functions in C ] and and delete operators in C++ ]
Using C struct List { int data ; List* next ; }; void main() { /* Allocating the space for one object of List type*/ struct List * node = (List*) malloc(sizeof(List)); ------------free(node); } int *p ; p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*5); /* Allocating space -----for 5 integer elements */ -----free(p);

[ new

Using C++ struct List { int data ; List* next; }; void main() { // Allocating space for one // object of List type List* node = new List ; ------------delete node ; }

int *p ; p=new int[5]; //Allocating space // for 5 integer elements ----------delete [ ] p ;

Example: Allocating space for single-dimensional array of integers

#include<iostream.h> void main( ) { int n ; cout << "\n Enter the size of array: "; cin >> n ; int *p = new int [n]; // Allocate the space for n integer elements cout << "\n Enter the elements in the array: \n "; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) Sample Output: { cout << "\n p[" << i << "] = " ; Enter the size of array: 4 cin >> *(p+i); Enter the elements in the array: } for(i = 0; i < n; i++) p[0] = 6 { p[1] = 4 cout << "\n The elements are: " ; p[2] = 3 cout << *(p+i) ; } p[3] = 5 delete [ ] p; // Deallocate the space The elements are: 6 4 3 5 }

Example: Allocating space for two-dimensional array of integers

#include<iostream.h> void main() { int row, col ; cout << "\n How many rows to enter: "; cin >> row ; cout << "\n How many columns to enter: " ; cin >> col ; int **a = new int *[row]; for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) { a[i] = new int[col]; for(int j = 0; j < col ; j++) { cout << "\n Enter the element at a[" << i << "] [" << j << "] = "; cin >> *(*(a+i) + j); } }

cout << \n The array is:\n for(i = 0; i < row; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < col; j++) { cout <<" " << *( *(a+i) + j ) ; } cout << endl; } for(i =0; i < row; i++) delete[ ] a[i]; delete[ ] a; }

Sample Output:
How many rows to enter: 3

How many columns to enter: 3

Enter the element at a[0][0] = 3 Enter the element at a[0][1] = 2 Enter the element at a[0][2] = 1 Enter the element at a[1][0] = 6 Enter the element at a[1][1] = 3 Enter the element at a[1][2] = 4

Enter the element at a[2][0] = 9

Enter the element at a[2][1] = 5 Enter the element at a[2][2] = 7 The array is: 3 2 1 6 3 4 9 5 7

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