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Product Testing Careers

Net Engage Session Shridhar Shukla 27 February 2013

Who we are
10 years old, 250+ employees, presence in India, US Profitable since inception

Our Business
Early stage product development services Work with Silicon Valley startups, largest networking, chip-making companies

Strong technology domains Focus on IP development

Area of work
SaaS, Mobility, Big Data, Security, Networking, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Telecom, Embedded

Testing is at the core of Product Development

Function, System, Performance Testing Requirements Automated Integration Testing Acceptance Testing

General Design Specification

Component Testing

Test harness

Detailed Design Specification

Unit Testing

Source Code

Product Testing Example - Web Service Security Gateway

Testing with: SAML, Oauth, Kerberos, REST, Web Services Security, XML / XPATH Fuzzing, Tokenization, API Automation

Product Testing Example Networking Soft Switch

Functional as well as automation testing: Installation and configuration, traffic, performance and stress, interoperability

Product Testing Example - kPoint Cloud

Product Technologies - Java/C - HTML5/Javascript/CSS - PHP/Flash - iOS/Android - RTMP/HTTP/XMPP - AV codec (H264) - Appshare codec (VNC) - MySQL - Linux

kPoint Control Server on Amazon EC2 kPoint Media Server on Amazon EC2 US Region Amazon S3

kPoint DataStore on Amazon EBS

kPoint Backup in Amazon S3

kPoint Media Server on Amazon Amazon S3 Asia Pacific Region

Geographically distributed consumer customers

Enterprise as Customer

Enterprise Authentication

Testing Technologies - Ruby - Watir - Webdriver/Selenium - Capistrano - Opennebula

Single sign-on Enterprise Apps

Product Testing Example Cloud Based Video Conferencing

Testing with: h323, SIP, XMPP, SAML, Oauth, REST, API Automation

Product Testing Example VoIP Device and Application Features

Test Engineering at GS Lab

What do I need to have as a Test Engineer ?

Programming skills
Fundamentals and System view

How things work and why they work the way they do

Analytical skills
Logical questioning

Communication skills
Effective, tactful and modest

Tech Awareness
Updates in technology and whats new

Myths prevalent to Testing as a Career

There is no creativity in testing

Testing does not offer opportunities for growth

Testing has lower budgets

Anybody can test

Test engineers are paid less

Testing does not require programming


Thank you!

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