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So Paulo Business School

The Role of Trust in Appropriation of Value Created in Buyer-Supplier Relationships

MARTINS, Guilherme S. BRITO, Luiz A. MIGUEL, Priscila L. S.
FGV-EAESP - Brazil

So Paulo Business School

Buyer-supplier relationships
Vertical collaborative relationships: achieving sustainable competitive advantage
SCM: Chen & Paulraj, 2004; Terpend, Tyler, Krause, & Handfield, 2008 (reviews); Strategy: Lazzarini, Miller, & Zenger, 2008; Mayer & Salomon, 2006; Mesquita & Brush, 2008.

Relational rents (Dyer & Singh, 1998).

So Paulo Business School

Facilitator mechanism:
Its minimize transactions costs, lowers levels of conflict, and increases information sharing and cooperation (McEvily, Perrone, & Zaheer, 2003).
Effective coordination of both tasks as well as incentives (Gulati, Lawrence, & Puranam, 2005; Mesquita &
Brush, 2008).

So Paulo Business School

How much value is created?

The problem of firm-level studies.
Total Value created by a firm $ Opportunity Cost Captured by supplier Cost Price Willingness to pay Captured by custumer

Captured by firm

Source: Brandenburger e Stuart Jr. (1996)

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Value captured by buyer

Opportunity Cost



Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Value captured by supplier

Total value created by relationship

So Paulo Business School

Trust: creating and sharing value

Trust has been found to positively effect on buyer supplier relations.
(for reviews, see McEvily and Tortoriello, 2011; Zaheer and Harris, 2006)

Is Trust Without Measure a Good Measure of Trust?

So Paulo Business School

Trust: multidimensional concept

Competence-based trust:
being confident to other partys ability to perform as expected.

Goodwill-based trust:
a perception that the other party will behave in a trustworthy (non-opportunist) manner.

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Competencebased trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Competencebased trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Competencebased trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Competencebased trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Excess of Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Value created by buyer-supplier relationship

Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willigness to pay


$ Opportunity Cost Cost Price Willingness to pay


Total value created by relationship

Excess of Goodwill-based trust

So Paulo Business School

Goodwill-based trust
45 40 35 30


25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10


So Paulo Business School

Methodological remarks
Survey or Experiment?
Real world vs. variables control?

So Paulo Business School

Thank you!
Guilherme S. Martins

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