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The Students as Writers

a purposeless project: Empowering students to write

Jacobo Isidro de Jess February 14th, 2013

How the idea came up?

By watching a movie, THE FREEDOM WRITERS
Students are invited to write on their own Any idea is welcome Any text is welcome
Songs Poems Stories Descriptions even Drawings

The Freedom Writers

The paperthe story

By handing in those papers the students are sharing some of themselves. (5x) By reading those texts the students are telling what they like or interest or hate or love or read or write or watch or see or anything else.

By getting back those papers the students see a Thank-you mark!

Some observations
Most of the students did the text ; however, there were some who didnt, just a few It was a voluntary assignment to accomplish it didnt count as homework

Did the students enjoy-learn from the writing task? ..who knows?

The Final Project

Typing the narrations by the students on their own Collecting them and making an electronic file (Word) Sharing that e-file throughout the classs via email so each one could see his/her word and read the others anonimously

The electronic file

Thank you!

Happy Valentines Day!!!

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