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Introduction Definition History Classification Grades Manufacture Characteristics Common applications Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion


The word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term opus caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick additives that were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic binder were later referred to as cementum, cimentum, cment, and cement.

are materials that exhibit characteristic properties of setting and hardening when mixed to a paste with water. This makes them join rigid masses into coherent structures. It is powdery bonding material having adhesive and cohesive properties. Chemically it is a finely ground mixture of calcium silicates and aluminates which set to a hard mass when treated with water. These are called as Hydraulic Cements (Portland Cement) and those setting in air are Non Hydraulic cements (Ordinary Lime).


It is uncertain where it was first discovered that a combination of hydrated non-hydraulic lime and a pozzolan produces a hydraulic mixture, but concrete made from such mixtures was first used by the Ancient Macedonians and three centuries later on a large scale by Roman engineers. They used both natural pozzolans (trass or pumice) and artificial pozzolans (ground brick or pottery) in these concretes. Many excellent examples of structures made from these concretes are still standing, notably the huge dome of the Pantheon in Rome and the massive Baths of Caracalla. The vast system of Roman aqueducts also made extensive use of hydraulic cement. The technical knowledge of making hydraulic cement was later formalized by French and British engineers in the 18th century. Modern hydraulic cements began to be developed from the start of the Industrial Revolution (around 1800). Cement was first made by Joseph Aspdin in 1824 in England.

Natural Cement: Obtained by calcinating and pulverizing natural cement rock of argillaceous and clay with limestone. It does not have sufficient strength and is cheap and quick setting & have hydraulic properties. Pozzolana Cement: Volcanic ash containing silicates of calcium, iron and aluminum when mixed with lime and heated produces this cement. Slag Cement: Mixture of blast furnace slag (Ca and Al Silicates) and hydrated lime. Sometimes accelerators like clay, salt, caustic soda are added to hasten hardening process. Portland Cement: It consists of compounds of lime, silica, alumina and iron. When mixed with water it forms a paste which binds the rock, sand and gravel to form concrete.


33 grade General Construction like plastering, finishing works etc, where strenth is not required.
43 grade Useful for structural works, precast items etc, Strength development is faster than 33 grade. 53 gradeUsed for multi-storey buildings, precast pre-stressed items, bridges, tall structures,etc. Develops very fast strength and speeds up construction.



Mixing (Wet Process)

Mixing (Dry Process) Grinding (Ball Mill and Tube Mill) Storage of Ground Materials Burning Drying Zone Calcination Zone Clinkering Zone Grinding Retarder Dispersing Agent Water Proofing Packaging

This is the first step in the manufacture of Portland Cement. Jaw crushers of various sizes employed for the crushing purpose. are

Raw materials are crushed by crushers till the size of the raw material reduces to of an inch. It is than send for either Wet process or Dry process. Wet process is universally employed.

Wet process
Calcareous materials are crushed, powdered and stored in bins. Argillaceous materials is mixed with water and washed. This removes any adhering organic impurities. Powdered Calcareous and Washed Argillaceous materials are mixed in proper proportions to get a slurry. Chemical composition is analyzed and corrected if necessary by addition of the deficient materials. This slurry is then fed into the rotary klin.

Dry process
Hard raw materials like cement rock or blast furnace slag are first crushed to 50mm pieces in ball mill, then dried and stored. Crushing is done by gyratory crushers and drying is done by rotary driers. Separate powdered ingredients are mixed in required proportions to get the raw mix which is then fed to rotary klins.


The ground materials containing 30 40% of water is stored in separate tanks equipped with agitators.

This step is followed by process of burning.


Slurry is burnt in rotary klin where actual chemical changes takes place. Klin is long steel cylinder 30-40 meter in length, 2-4 meter in diameter, lined by refractory bricks. It is inclined at gradient of 0.5-0.75 inch and can be rotated at the desired speed. The material is introduced in the klin from the upper end as the klin rotates material passes slowly towards the lower end. Klin is heated by burning pulverized coal or oil and temperature is maintained at about 1400-1500C. At clinkering temperature actual chemical reactions takes place.

Grinding can be done in two stages

Ball Mill

Consists of cast iron drum containing iron and steel balls of different sizes. The principle used in ball mill s impact and shear produced by large no. of tumbling and rolling balls. Tube Mill

Ball mill grinding is followed by tube mill grinding. Tube mill is conical at the discharge end with separate inlet and outlet. Slower is the feeding speed finer is the product coming out of the tube mill.

Clinkers are finally grinded in ball mill and tube mill to a fine powder. Additives added are as follows. Retarder: Gypsum or Plaster of Paris acts as retarder to prevent quick setting. After initial setting gypsum retards the dissolution of tricalcium aluminate by forming tricalcium sulphoaluminate. Dispersing Agent: Sodium salts and polymers of condensed napthlene or sulphonic acid are added to prevent the formation of lumps and cakes in the cement. Water proofing agents are also added.

The ground powder is packed by automatic machines in a bag. This is then dispatched to the markets where it is sold.


When water is added to initiate dry mixtures of cement and sand, hydration of cement starts and it will binds sand particles as well as the surrounding surfaces of masonry and concrete. The proportion of cement and sand will decide the strength of mortar. A richer mix than 1:3 proportion is prone to shrinkage. Solid surface are provided by well proportioned mortar. A leaner mix is not able of closing the voids in sand.


Building (floors, beams, columns, roofing, piles, bricks, mortar, panels, plaster). Transport (roads, pathways, crossings, bridges, sleepers, viaducts, tunnels, stabilization, runways, parking). Water (pipes, culverts, kerbing, drains, canals, weirs, dams, tanks, pools). Civil (piers, docks, retaining walls, silos, warehousing, poles, pylons, fencing). Agriculture (buildings, processing, housing, feedlots, irrigation).


Cement is very strong. It can create large structures quickly. It conforms to different shapes (arcs and circles, etc). It has high thermal mass (moderates temperature). Disadvantages: Cement is subjected to cracking. It is very difficult to provide idoneous curing conditions. It is not ideal for situation when settlement is expected.

Cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together.
It was first made by Joseph Aspdin in 1824 in England. It is Classified as Natural Cement, Pozzolana Cement, Slag Cement, Portland Cement. Portland cement is most commonly used. Its manufacturing process consists of Crushing, Mixing (Wet Process), Mixing (Dry Process), Grinding (Ball Mill and Tube Mill), Storage of Ground Materials, Burning, Packaging and finally transporting to sell. It is most commonly used in building construction, civil, water carrying and storage, transportation and agriculture.


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