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Informational Functions

lr_get_host_name ( ) lr_get_master_host_name ( ) lr_get_vuser_ip( ) lr_start_timer () lr_end_timer

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_get_host_name ( )
Returns the name of the host executing the Vuser script. Example char * my_host; my_host = lr_get_host_name( ); lr_output_message("%s", my_host); /*sends the message to the output window*/

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_get_master_host_na me ( )
Returns the name of the machine running the Controller . Example char * controller_host; controller_host=lr_get_master_ho st_name();

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_get_vuser_ip( )
Returns the IP address of the current Vuser. Example char *ip; ip = lr_get_vuser_ip(); lr_output_message("The IP address is %s", ip);

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_start_timer () lr_end_timer ()


starts and stops a timer that calculates the passage of time in seconds. Example Double timer , time_elapsed timer = lr_start_timer(); /* script */ time_elapsed = lr_end_timer(timer);

Abhranil Ghosh

Message Functions
lr_message() lr_error_message() lr_vuser_status_message()

Abhranil Ghosh


Sends a message to the Output window. Example lr_message (Login completed);

Abhranil Ghosh


Sends an error message to the Output window. Example

lr_error_message(Login Failed);
Abhranil Ghosh


Sends a message to the Vuser status area in the Controller. Example lr_vuser_status_message (Started);

Abhranil Ghosh

Run-Time Functions

lr_abort( ) lr_rendezvous() lr_think_time ()

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_abort( )
Aborts Vuser script execution. Example
if (transaction = = LR_FAIL) { lr_abort(); }

Abhranil Ghosh

Creates a rendezvous point in the Vuser script. Example lr_rendezvous (rendezvous name);

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_think_time ()
Pauses execution between commands in a Vuser script. Example lr_think_time (double time);

Abhranil Ghosh

String Functions

lr_decrypt () lr_save_string() lr_save_datetime()

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_decrypt ()

Decrypts an encoded string Example lr_decrypt("38620da61ca1093e7aa7ec") ;

Abhranil Ghosh

Saves a string to a parameter. Example lr_save_string("777", Id"); Result Saves 777 to the parameter Id.

Abhranil Ghosh


Assigns the current date and time to a parameter. Example lr_save_datetime(" %B %d %Y", DATE_NOW, tdate") Output Saves the date in month/date/year format in the parameter tdate

Abhranil Ghosh

Transaction Functions
lr_start_transaction() lr_end_transaction() lr_get_transaction_status() lr_get_transaction_duration()

Abhranil Ghosh

Marks the beginning of a transaction Example lr_start_transaction("deposit");

Abhranil Ghosh

Marks the end of a transaction and records the amount of time it took to perform the transaction. Example lr_end_transaction("deposit",


Abhranil Ghosh


Returns the current status of a transaction. Example if (lr_get_transaction_status() == LR_FAIL) { lr_output_message(Transaction Failed); }

Abhranil Ghosh

lr_get_transaction_durat ion()
Returns the duration of a transaction. Example double trans_time; lr_start_transaction ("Flight"); trans_time=lr_get_transaction_durati on("Flight"); lr_end_transaction("Flight", LR_PASS);

Abhranil Ghosh

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