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Without Learning The Wise Become Foolish By Learning The Foolish Become Wise

Westing Tours
Group 3
Amit Sravya Chhavi A Chhavi G Swetha Vidhi

Issues present in case while developing Westing as a learning organization

Lack of proper communication Joseph D to all stakeholders Lack of awareness among employees for the need of strategic thinking Lack of Adaptability & Flexibility on both sides Lack of Team work and respect for others as individuals Reluctance to Change Absence of : Observation, Reflection, Thinking, Deciding and Doing

Observe ? YES -Need for IT enablement in the case of changing business scenario - Did not see how introducing IT will have an impact on the current organization structure and culture - Did not think how he will integrate IT with the already successful model of Westin -Did not think whether or not the current management will accept and utilize IT or change their old ways -Straightaway decided to hire an IT guru and asked him to implement his ideas -Gave both Jack & Kevin all resources, time and space they needed

Reflect ?


Think ?


Decide ?


Do ?


Reynolds model (8 steps)

Development & Sharing of Vision No Sharing

Empowering of Employees
Providing employees with a supportive learning environment Use of coaching techniques Guiding Employees through their work challenges, and providing them with time, resources and feedback Importance of managers acting as role models Encouraging of networks

JDs strong effort of coaching and sending both Jack & Kevin to a meet together to inculcate team spirit Present Coaching in IT skills programme for Jack Feedback clearly missing for and from both Jack & Kevin Absent Lack of bird eye view from both managers (Functional orientation rather Organizational orientation) Absent

Aligning systems to vision and getting rid of bureaucracy

Not Present

Issues Kevin & Jack per se

Jack : unable to Relearn
Perpetual learning Learning from others Should be more open minded of views from top management

Kevin : unable to Unlearn

Doesnt respect the existing organization culture & people Unable to integrate & streamline IT with the Current strategy of Westing (insists on changing the business direction from Personalized selling to Standardized one)

Role of HR in transformation
HR should promote Generative Learning
A proactive & interpretative style of learning Employee Engagement Activities Leads to both short term & long term applications
Use of social media / employee engagement techniques / role plays to see how the new additions will be utilized and accepted in the organization For eg : GE puts up big posters next to each employees cubicle highlighting the change and the growth values, whenever any new initiative is employed

Game Theory
I dont Win I Win

Submission Acquiescence You Win

Collaboration Assertiveness

You Dont Win
Withdrawal Blocking/Sabotage Aggression Dominance

Weakness of JDs strategy

Did not share his vision with all the employees
Strategy needs to be bought by all top and middle level management

Lack of Effective Communication Not a Transformational Leader

Lack of cross functional co-ordination

Future Plans
How to Resolve the Issue
Have a clear powerful & coherent Vision Should be Long term plan of action, and not just to fill the current gaps

Develop an implementable Plan of Action about how to achieve it. : Must be Open Ended & Unambiguous

Behavioral Hold both Individual & Joint meetings with Jack & training Kevin, and get them on the same platform as JD is. suggested for Kevin Instead of having High Tech-Low Touch operations, since he is opt for High Tech-High Touch young and can easily be reGo for Pilot testing instead of Total Turnaround trained

Holding Individual Discussions

What To Communicate

Should understand that enabling IT is going to be critical for future growth for any business

Should respect Jack for his experience and seniority

Should understand that a change in Should not undermine the importance of strategy may require in order to achieve People Skills in selling the tour packages organizations vision (also defined by Harrison, 1997) Both of them Lack the Vision of Horizontal Fit They should have more Eagles View

Common Goal

Behavioral Training for Kevin Proper orientation programme for new employees like Kevin who are directly in charge of a new initiative Continuous training and feedback sessions for old employees like Jack to keep them aware of the changing business scenario in the industry Proactive change management on part of JD

Collaborative decision making is a must while introducing or implementing Change Must respect individual diversity, especially for senior employees New employees should not feel demotivated about their position and enthusiasm Top Management to act as Disturbance Handler : taking corrective action during crisis, resolve conflicts amongst staff, adapt to external changes


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