Human Resource Management Information System

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of the problem Scope of the project Objectives of the project Methodology used Function of the system Application of the project Problems faced during development Conclusion and Recommendation
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Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) is the process of acquiring , training, appraising, and compensating employees, attending their labor relations, health, safety and fairness concerns. Recruitment & Placement System manages the recruitment and placement process based on the manpower requisition

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Statement of the problem


an organization to be successful in its activities the need for wellstructured system and placing the right employee in the right place is necessary. So doing this manually is difficult to accomplish tasks easily and effectively.
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Scope of the project

The scope of our project is limited to the recruitment and placement subsystem of Human Resource Management information system of Adama University. Due to the following constraints Information Accessing, Budget Time

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General Objectives

The objective of this project is to develop a system that is computerized and applicable in improving the AU manual personnel system.



Specific Objectives Study the existing system Identifying the problem under the existing system Identifying the Alternatives solutions Select the best alternative solution System and Object design Implementations Testing
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Information gathering
Interview. Observation, and reviewing related literature Discussion among group members and advisor


System Analysis and Design

UML (Unified Modeling Language). use case diagrams, activity, Sequence and CRC diagrams Component, Deployment, Persistence, and class diagrams.
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System development we use VB 6.0 for the front end as means of communication between system & the user. SQL 2000 as a back end to define the structure of the system for storing all the records.
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Function of the system

Provides information about AU Employee

Search Delete Add update

Data storage and Retrieval

Enquiries and Reports facilities
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Application of the project out put

Reduce the manpower required during the recruitment and placement process Easy to handle employee record after placement Information accessing is easy and fast Minimize the time that it takes to achieve a specific operation
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Problems faced during development

Information accessing Resources Time and budget Data lose due to viruses and system failure were some of the challenges that we faced during the development.
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HRMIS is one of the basic activity or services held in AU AU personnel system uses manual system and has a lot of problems We tried to solve those problems as much as possible related to recruitment and placement subsystem

use the object oriented technique


Analyze the problem of the existing system



We use object oriented analysis Requirement analysis phase is the

backbone of the system development

We design the system using different UML diagrams We implement and accordingly test our system
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Based on our experience in the process of this project undertaking and as CSIT professional we recommend:Department of CSIT Developing a system is not an easy task and it requires : Time Budget and resource So our department should give attention to these constraints
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Adama university personnel officers Should have transparent relation with the developer If the personnel officer use this system it reduces time and work load knowledge of ICT/IT is very essential for the personnel officers




voluntary persons/CSIT professionals

The respective staffs should work together for the betterment of the development It is possible to add, update and modify this project fully computerized by doing the rest of subsystems.
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