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Fundamentals of Bus Bar Protection

GE Multilin

Bus arrangements

Bus components Bus protection techniques CT Saturation Application Considerations: High impedance bus differential relaying Low impedance bus differential relaying Special topics

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Single bus - single breaker

Distribution and lower transmission voltage levels No operating flexibility Fault on the bus trips all circuit breakers

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Multiple bus sections - single breaker with bus tie

Distribution and lower transmission voltage levels Limited operating flexibility

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Double bus - single breaker with bus tie

Transmission and distribution voltage levels Breaker maintenance without circuit removal Fault on a bus disconnects only the circuits being connected to that bus
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Main and transfer buses

Increased operating flexibility A bus fault requires tripping all breakers Transfer bus for breaker maintenance
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Double bus single breaker w/ transfer bus

Very high operating flexibility Transfer bus for breaker maintenance

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Double bus - double breaker

High operating flexibility Line protection covers bus section between two CTs Fault on a bus does not disturb the power to circuits
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Breaker-and-a-half bus

Used on higher voltage levels More operating flexibility Requires more breakers Middle bus sections covered by line or other equipment protection

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Ring bus

Higher voltage levels High operating flexibility with minimum breakers Separate bus protection not required at line positions
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Bus components


Low Voltage circuit breakers

SF6, EHV & HV -

11 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin Synchropuff 17-Feb-13

Disconnect switches & auxiliary contacts

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Current Transformers

Gas (SF6) insulated current transformer Oil insulated current transformer (35kV up to 800kV)

Bushing type (medium voltage switchgear)

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Protection Requirements
High bus fault currents due to large number of circuits connected:
CT saturation often becomes a problem as CTs may not be sufficiently rated for worst fault condition case large dynamic forces associated with bus faults require fast clearing times in order to reduce equipment damage

False trip by bus protection may create serious problems:

service interruption to a large number of circuits (distribution and subtransmission voltage levels) system-wide stability problems (transmission voltage levels)

With both dependability and security important, preference is always given to security
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Bus Protection Techniques

Interlocking schemes Overcurrent (unrestrained or unbiased) differential Overcurrent percent (restrained or biased) differential Linear couplers High-impedance bus differential schemes Low-impedance bus differential schemes

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Interlocking Schemes
Blocking scheme typically used Short coordination time required Care must be taken with possible saturation of feeder CTs Blocking signal could be sent over communications ports (peer-to-peer) This technique is limited to simple one-incomer distribution buses
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Overcurrent (unrestrained) Differential

Differential signal formed by summation of all currents feeding the bus CT ratio matching may be required On external faults, saturated CTs yield spurious differential current Time delay used to cope with CT saturation Instantaneous differential OC function useful on integrated microprocessor-based relays

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Linear Couplers

ZC = 2 20 - typical coil impedance (5V per 1000Amps => 0.005 @ 60Hz )

40 V

10 V

10 V


20 V



External Fault
If = 8000 A 2000 A 2000 A 0A 4000 A
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Linear Couplers
Esec= Iprim*Xm - secondary voltage on relay terminals IR= Iprim*Xm /(ZR+ZC) minimum operating current

where, Iprim primary current in each circuit Xm liner coupler mutual reactance (5V per 1000Amps => 0.005 @ 60Hz ) ZR relay tap impedance ZC sum of all linear coupler self impedances
If = 8000 A Internal Bus


40 V 0V 10 V 10 V 0V 20 V



2000 A

2000 A


4000 A

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Linear Couplers
Fast, secure and proven Require dedicated air gap CTs, which may not be used for any other protection Cannot be easily applied to reconfigurable buses The scheme uses a simple voltage detector it does not provide benefits of a microprocessor-based relay (e.g. oscillography, breaker failure protection, other functions)

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High Impedance Differential

Operating signal created by connecting all CT secondaries in parallel
CTs must all have the same ratio o Must have dedicated CTs

Overvoltage element operates on voltage developed across resistor connected in secondary circuit

Requires varistors or AC shorting relays to limit energy during faults

Accuracy dependent on secondary circuit resistance


Usually requires larger CT cables to reduce errors higher cost

Cannot easily be applied to reconfigurable buses and offers no advanced functionality

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Percent Differential
Percent characteristic used to cope with CT saturation and other errors Restraining signal can be formed in a number of ways No dedicated CTs needed Used for protection of reconfigurable buses possible

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Low Impedance Percent Differential

Individual currents sampled by protection and summated digitally
o CT ratio matching done internally (no auxiliary CTs)

o Dedicated CTs not necessary

Additional algorithms improve security of percent differential characteristic during CT saturation Dynamic bus replica allows application to reconfigurable buses
o Done digitally with logic to add/remove current inputs from differential

computation o Switching of CT secondary circuits not required

Low secondary burdens Additional functionality available

o Digital oscillography and monitoring of each circuit connected to bus zone o Time-stamped event recording o Breaker failure protection
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Digital Differential Algorithm Goals

Improve the main differential algorithm operation o Better filtering o Faster response o Better restraint techniques o Switching transient blocking Provide dynamic bus replica for reconfigurable bus bars Dependably detect CT saturation in a fast and reliable manner, especially for external faults Implement additional security to the main differential algorithm to prevent incorrect operation o External faults with CT saturation o CT secondary circuit trouble (e.g. short circuits)

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Low Impedance Differential (Distributed)

Data Acquisition Units (DAUs) installed in bays Central Processing Unit (CPU) processes all data from DAUs Communications between DAUs and CPU over fiber using proprietary protocol Sampling synchronisation between DAUs is required Perceived less reliable (more hardware needed) Difficult to apply in retrofit applications

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Low Impedance Differential (Centralized)

All currents applied to a single central processor No communications, external sampling synchronisation necessary Perceived more reliable (less hardware needed) Well suited to both new and retrofit applications.

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CT Saturation

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CT Saturation Concepts
CT saturation depends on a number of factors o Physical CT characteristics (size, rating, winding resistance, saturation voltage) o Connected CT secondary burden (wires + relays) o Primary current magnitude, DC offset (system X/R) o Residual flux in CT core Actual CT secondary currents may not behave in the same manner as the ratio (scaled primary) current during faults End result is spurious differential current appearing in the summation of the secondary currents which may cause differential elements to operate if additional security is not applied

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CT Saturation
No DC Offset
Waveform remains fairly symmetrical

With DC Offset
Waveform starts off being asymmetrical, then symmetrical in steady state
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External Fault & Ideal CTs

t1 t0

Fault starts at t0 Steady-state fault conditions occur at t1

Ideal CTs have no saturation or mismatch errors thus produce no differential current

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External Fault & Actual CTs



Fault starts at t0 Steady-state fault conditions occur at t1

Actual CTs do introduce errors, producing some differential current (without CT saturation)

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External Fault with CT Saturation




Fault starts at t0, CT begins to saturate at t1 CT fully saturated at t2

CT saturation causes increasing differential current that may enter the differential element operate region.

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Some Methods of Securing Bus Differential

Block the bus differential for a period of time (intentional delay)
o Increases security as bus zone will not trip when CT saturation is present

o Prevents high-speed clearance for internal faults with CT saturation or

evolving faults

Change settings of the percent differential characteristic (usually Slope 2)

o Improves security of differential element by increasing the amount of

spurious differential current needed to incorrectly trip o Difficult to explicitly develop settings (Is 60% slope enough? Should it be 75%?)

Apply directional (phase comparison) supervision

o Improves security by requiring all currents flow into the bus zone before

asserting the differential element o Easy to implement and test o Stable even under severe CT saturation during external faults
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High-Impedance Bus Differential Considerations

34 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

High Impedance Voltage-operated Relay

External Fault 59 element set above max possible voltage developed across relay during external fault causing worst case CT saturation For internal faults, extremely high voltages (well above 59 element pickup) will develop across relay

35 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

High Impedance Voltage Operated Relay

Ratio matching with Multi-ratio CTs Application of high impedance differential relays with CTs of different ratios but ratio matching taps is possible, but could lead to voltage magnification. Voltage developed across full winding of tapped CT does not exceed CT rating, terminal blocks, etc.

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High Impedance Voltage Operated Relay

Ratio matching with Multi-ratio CTs Use of auxiliary CTs to obtain correct ratio matching is also possible, but these CTs must be able to deliver enough voltage necessary to produce relay operation for internal faults.

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Electromechanical High Impedance Bus Differential Relays

Single phase relays High-speed High impedance voltage sensing High seismic IOC unit

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P -based High-Impedance Bus Differential Protection Relays

Operating time: 20 30ms @ I > 1.5xPKP

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High Impedance Module for Digital Relays

RST = 2000 - stabilizing resistor to limit the current through the relay, and force it to the lower impedance CT windings. MOV Metal Oxide Varistor to limit the voltage to 1900 Volts 86 latching contact preventing the resistors from overheating after the fault is detected

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High-Impedance Module + Overcurrent Relay

41 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

High Impedance Bus Protection - Summary

Fast, secure and proven Requires dedicated CTs, preferably with the same CT ratio and using full tap Can be applied to small buses Depending on bus internal and external fault currents, high impedance bus diff may not provide adequate settings for both sensitivity and security Cannot be easily applied to reconfigurable buses Require voltage limiting varistor capable of absorbing significant energy May require auxiliary CTs Do not provide full benefits of microprocessor-based relay system (e.g. metering, monitoring, oscillography, etc.)
42 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Low-Impedance Bus Differential Considerations

43 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

P-based Low-Impedance Relays

No need for dedicated CTs Internal CT ratio mismatch compensation Advanced algorithms supplement percent differential protection function making the relay very secure Dynamic bus replica (bus image) principle is used in protection of reconfigurable bus bars, eliminating the need for switching physically secondary current circuits Integrated Breaker Failure (BF) function can provide optimal tripping strategy depending on the actual configuration of a bus bar
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Small Bus Applications

2-8 Circuit Applications
Up to 24 Current Inputs 4 Zones Zone 1 = Phase A Zone 2 = Phase B Zone 3 = Phase C Zone 4 = Not used Different CT Ratio Capability for Each Circuit Largest CT Primary is Base in Relay

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Medium to Large Bus Applications

9-12 Circuit Applications
Relay 1 - 24 Current Inputs 4 Zones Zone 1 = Phase A (12 currents) Zone 2 = Phase B (12 currents) Zone 3 = Not used Zone 4 = Not used Relay 2 - 24 Current Inputs 4 Zones Zone 1 = Not used Zone 2 = Not used Zone 3 = Phase C (12 currents) Zone 4 = Not used

Different CT Ratio Capability for Each Circuit Largest CT Primary is Base in Relay

CB 11

CB 12

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Large Bus Applications

87B phase A 87B phase B 87B phase C

Logic relay (switch status, optional BF)

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Large Bus Applications

For buses with up to 24 circuits

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Summing External Currents

Not Recommended for Low-Z 87B relays
Relay becomes combination of restrained and unrestrained elements In order to parallel CTs:
CT performance must be closely matched o Any errors will appear as differential currents Associated feeders must be radial o No backfeeds possible Pickup setting must be raised to accommodate any errors
49 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Definitions of Restraint Signals

sum of

scaled sum of

geometrical average

maximum of
50 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Sum Of vs. Max Of Restraint Methods

Sum Of Approach
More restraint on external faults; less sensitive for internal faults Scaled-Sum Of approach takes into account number of connected circuits and may increase sensitivity Breakpoint settings for the percent differential characteristic more difficult to set

Max Of Approach
Less restraint on external faults; more sensitive for internal faults Breakpoint settings for the percent differential characteristic easier to set Better handles situation where one CT may saturate completely (99% slope settings possible)

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Bus Differential Adaptive Approach

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Bus Differential Adaptive Logic Diagram




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Phase Comparison Principle

Internal Faults: All fault (large) currents are approximately in phase.

External Faults: One fault (large) current will be out of phase

No Voltages are required or needed

Secondary Current of Faulted Circuit (Severe CT Saturation)

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Phase Comparison Principle Continued

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CT Saturation



Fault starts at t0, CT begins to saturate at t1 CT fully saturated at t2

56 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

CT Saturation Detector State Machine


SAT := 0 The differential current below the first slope for certain period of time saturation condition

SAT := 1
The differential characteristic entered

The differentialrestraining trajectory out of the differential characteristic for certain period of time

SAT := 1

57 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

CT Saturation Detector Operating Principles

The 87B SAT flag WILL NOT be set during internal faults, regardless of whether or not any of the CTs saturate. The 87B SAT flag WILL be set during external faults, regardless of whether or not any of the CTs saturate. By design, the 87B SAT flag WILL force the relay to use the additional 87B DIR phase comparison for Region 2 The Saturation Detector WILL NOT Block the Operation of the Differential Element it will only Force 2-out-of-2 Operation
58 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

CT Saturation Detector - Examples

The oscillography records on the next two slides were captured from a B30 relay under test on a real-time digital power system simulator First slide shows an external fault with deep CT saturation (~1.5 msec of good CT performance) o SAT saturation detector flag asserts prior to BIASED PKP bus differential pickup o DIR directional flag does not assert (one current flows out of zone), so even though bus differential picks up, no trip results Second slide shows an internal fault with mild CT saturation o BIASED PKP and BIASED OP both assert before DIR asserts o CT saturation does not block bus differential More examples available (COMTRADE files) upon request

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CT Saturation Example External Fault

200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 0.06

~1 ms

current, A







time, sec

Despite heavy CT saturation the external fault current is seen in the opposite direction 60 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

CT Saturation Internal Fault Example

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Applying Low-Impedance Differential Relays for Busbar Protection

Basic Topics Configure physical CT Inputs Configure Bus Zone and Dynamic Bus Replica Calculating Bus Differential Element settings Advanced Topics Isolator switch monitoring for reconfigurable buses Differential Zone CT Trouble Integrated Breaker Failure protection

62 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Configuring CT Inputs
For each connected CT circuit enter Primary rating and select Secondary rating. Each 3-phase bank of CT inputs must be assigned to a Signal Source that is used to define the Bus Zone and Dynamic Bus Replica

Some relays define 1 p.u. as the maximum primary current of all of the CTs connected in the given Bus Zone
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Per-Unit Current Definition - Example

Current Channel Primary Secondary Zone

CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4 CT-5 CT-6

F2 F3

3200 A
2400 A 1200 A

5A 1A

1 1

F5 F6

3200 A
1200 A 5000 A

5A 5A

2 2

For Zone 1, 1 p.u. = 3200 AP For Zone 2, 1 p.u. = 5000 AP

64 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Configuration of Bus Zone

Dynamic Bus Replica associates a status signal with each current in the Bus Differential Zone Status signal can be any logic operand o Status signals can be developed in programmable logic to provide additional checks or security as required o Status signal can be set to ON if current is always in the bus zone or OFF if current is never in the bus zone CT connections/polarities for a particular bus zone must be properly configured in the relay, via either hardwire or software

65 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Configuring the Bus Differential Zone

Bus Zone settings defines the boundaries of the Differential Protection and CT Trouble Monitoring.

1. Configure the physical CT Inputs

o o o

CT Primary and Secondary values Both 5 A and 1 A inputs are supported by the UR hardware Ratio compensation done automatically for CT ratio differences up to 32:1

2. Configure AC Signal Sources 3. Configure Bus Zone with Dynamic Bus Replica
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Dual Percent Differential Characteristic

High Set (Unrestrained)

High Slope Low Slope High Breakpoint

Min Pickup

Low Breakpoint

67 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings

The following Bus Zone Differential element parameters need to be set:
o Differential Pickup o Restraint Low Slope

o Restraint Low Break Point

o Restraint High Breakpoint o Restraint High Slope o Differential High Set (if needed)

All settings entered in per unit (maximum CT primary in the zone) Slope settings entered in percent Low Slope, High Slope and High Breakpoint settings are used by the CT Saturation Detector and define the Region 1 Area (2-out-of-2 operation with Directional)

68 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings Minimum Pickup

Defines the minimum differential current required for operation of the Bus Zone Differential element Must be set above maximum leakage current not zoned off in the bus differential zone May also be set above maximum load conditions for added security in case of CT trouble, but better alternatives exist

69 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings Low Slope

Defines the percent bias for the restraint currents from IREST=0 to IREST=Low Breakpoint Setting determines the sensitivity of the differential element for low-current internal faults Must be set above maximum error introduced by the CTs in their normal linear operating mode Range: 15% to 100% in 1%. increments

70 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings Low Breakpoint

Defines the upper limit to restraint currents that will be biased according to the Low Slope setting Should be set to be above the maximum load but not more than the maximum current where the CTs still operate linearly (including residual flux) Assumption is that the CTs will be operating linearly (no significant saturation effects up to 80% residual flux) up to the Low Breakpoint setting

71 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings High Breakpoint

Defines the minimum restraint currents that will be biased according to the High Slope setting Should be set to be below the minimum current where the weakest CT will saturate with no residual flux Assumption is that the CTs will be operating linearly (no significant saturation effects up to 80% residual flux) up to the Low Breakpoint setting

72 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Bus Differential Settings High Slope

Defines the percent bias for the restraint currents IRESTHigh Breakpoint Setting determines the stability of the differential element for high current external faults Traditionally, should be set high enough to accommodate the spurious differential current resulting from saturation of the CTs during heavy external faults Setting can be relaxed in favour of sensitivity and speed as the relay detects CT saturation and applies the directional principle to prevent maloperation Range: 50% to 100% in 1%. increments
73 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Calculating Unrestrained Bus Differential Settings

Defines the minimum differential current for unrestrained operation Should be set to be above the maximum differential current under worst case CT saturation Range: 2.00 to 99.99 p.u. in 0.01 p.u. increments Can be effectively disabled by setting to 99.99 p.u.

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Dual Percent Differential Characteristic

High Set (Unrestrained)

High Slope Low Slope High Breakpoint

Min Pickup

Low Breakpoint

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Reconfigurable Buses

Protecting re-configurable buses

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Reconfigurable Buses

Protecting re-configurable buses

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Reconfigurable Buses

Protecting re-configurable buses

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Reconfigurable Buses

Protecting re-configurable buses

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Reliable Isolator Closed signals are needed for the Dynamic Bus Replica In simple applications, a single normally closed contact may be sufficient For maximum safety:
o Both N.O. and N.C. contacts should be used o Isolator Alarm should be established and non-valid combinations

(open-open, closed-closed) should be sorted out o Switching operations should be inhibited until bus image is recognized with 100% accuracy o Optionally block 87B operation from Isolator Alarm

Each isolator position signal decides:

o Whether or not the associated current is to be included in the

differential calculations o Whether or not the associated breaker is to be tripped

80 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Isolator Typical Open/Closed Connections

81 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Switch Status Logic and Dyanamic Bus Replica

Isolator Open Auxiliary Contact Off Off On On Isolator Closed Auxiliary Contact On Off On Off Isolator Position Alarm Block Switching


No After time delay until acknowledged No

No Until Isolator Position is valid


NOTE: Isolator monitoring function may be a built-in feature or userprogrammable in low impedance bus differential digital relays

82 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Differential Zone CT Trouble

Each Bus Differential Zone may a dedicated CT Trouble Monitor Definite time delay overcurrent element operating on the zone differential current, based on the configured Dynamic Bus Replica Three strategies to deal with CT problems: 1. Trip the bus zone as the problem with a CT will likely evolve into a bus fault anyway 2. Do not trip the bus, raise an alarm and try to correct the problem manually 3. Switch to setting group with 87B minimum pickup setting above the maximum load current.
83 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Differential Zone CT Trouble

Strategies 2 and 3 can be accomplished by:
Using undervoltage supervision to ride through the period from the beginning of the problem with a CT until declaring a CT trouble condition Using an external check zone to supervise the 87B function Using CT Trouble to prevent the Bus Differential tripping (2) Using setting groups to increase the pickup value for the 87B function (3)

84 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Differential Zone CT Trouble Strategy #2 Example

87B operates Undervoltage condition CT OK

CT Trouble operand is used to rise an alarm The 87B trip is inhibited after CT Trouble element operates The relay may misoperate if an external fault occurs after CT trouble but before the CT trouble condition is declared (double-contingency)
85 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Example Architecture for Large Busbars

Dual (redundant) fiber with 3msec delivery time between neighbouring IEDs. Up to 8 relays in the ring Phase A AC signals and trip contacts

Phase B AC signals and trip contacts

Phase C AC signals and trip contacts

Digital Inputs for isolator monitoring and BF

86 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Example Architecture Dynamic Bus Replica and Isolator Position

Phase A AC signals wired here, bus replica configured here

Phase B AC signals wired here, bus replica configured here

Phase C AC signals wired here, bus replica configured here

Auxuliary switches wired here; Isolator Monitoring function configured here

87 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Example Architecture BF Initiation & Current Supervision

Phase A AC signals wired here, current status monitored here

Phase B AC signals wired here, current status monitored here

Phase C AC signals wired here, current status monitored here

Breaker Failure elements configured here

88 GE Consumer & Industrial Multilin 17-Feb-13

Example Architecture Breaker Failure Trip Tripping

Phase A AC signals wired here, current status monitored here



Phase B AC signals wired here, current status monitored here


Phase C AC signals wired here, current status monitored here

Breaker Fail Op command generated here and send to trip appropriate breakers

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IEEE 37.234
Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power System Buses is currently being revised by the K14 Working Group of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee.

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