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Uses n Properties

Fire Resistance Level

Fire Resistance Level (FRL) as defined in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the grading period in minutes for three criteria: structural adequacy, integrity and insulation.

Insulation properties of wood

Timber is a natural insulator. Air pockets within its cellular structure make timber a natural barrier to heat and cold.

Joint design and joint groups

For the purpose of joint design, all species have been classified into six joint groups; J1 to J6 for the unseasoned condition and JD1 to JD6 for the seasoned condition.

Softwoods and Hardwoods

The terms "softwood" and "hardwood" do not indicate softness or hardness in particular timbers.

The effects of temperature variation on timber

Strength of timber is affected by temperature. At below freezing temperatures, strength values for bending and compression, and for resistance to shock, are slightly higher than for values at normal temperatures.

Thermal Properties: Expansion and Insulation

Thermal expansion of wood is insignificant in most cases.

Timber Hardness
Hardness refers to the difficulty in sawing, planning, resistance to wear or abrasion and the resistance to indentation.

The definition of grain The term grain refers to direction, size, arrangement, appearance, or quality of the fibres in wood.
Description of figure Figure refers to the pattern produced on the surfaces of timber resulting from: the nature of the grain, the arrangement and realtive dimensions of the cells and colour variations. Major figures are: birds eye, fiddleback, ropey, ribbon, swirl, wavy and wild. Description of wood texture Timber can be coarse, fine, even or uneven. Texture is dependent on the size and arrangement of the wood cells. Definition and description of timber density As applied to timber, density is the mass of wood substance and moisture enclosed within a piece expressed in kg per cubic metre. Three main categories of density - green, dry and basic

Common Name
Alder Ash Beech Birch wood European Cherry Sweet Chestnut


Minor Utility Products, Plywood, Turnery Joinery, Flooring, Furniture, Panelling, Tool Handles, Crafts Interior Joinery Furniture, Flooring, Musical Instruments General Purpose Timber, Plywood, Turnery, Furniture, Ply Flooring, Furniture, Musical Instruments Joinery, Fencing, Furniture, Flooring, Exterior Joinery, Minor Goods, Turnery, Utensils Joinery, Furniture, Flooring, Exterior Joinery Woven Fencing/Hurdles Craft Work, Inlays Minor Items, Musical Instruments Furniture, Flooring, Turnery Joinery, Fencing, Furniture, Flooring, Exterior Joinery Interior Joinery, Turnery, Furniture, Plywood, Flooring Interior Joinery, Furniture, Flooring Cricket Bats, Basket Work, Toys, Woven Fencing

Elm Hazel Holly Hornbeam Lime Oak Poplar Sycamore Willow

Common Name
Western Red Cedar Cedar Douglas Fir Silver Fir Western Hemlock Turnery Larch Cladding, Scots Pine Spruce Yew

Cladding Exterior joinery, Interior joinery Exterior Joinery, Interior joinery Flooring, Structural products, Mouldings, Interior joinery, General Purpose Timber, Heavy Structural, Exterior Joinery, Exterior Joinery, Interior Joinery Interior Joinery, Veneer, Turne

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