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To create a breakthrough branding, advertising creative and media strategy for GOLD SPOT.

High Brand Recall Past Cult Following


Strong Taste Tangy Flavour Fizz Content


Connect with older generation


Break Monotony

Experimental Target Market


Market Share of Fanta & Mirinda

Saturated Aerated Drinks Market

The GoldSpot comeback personality is still youthful with some new era elements added to it. It is for the generation that is fearless or wants to be, but is living with a lot of inhibitions.


GoldSpot wants to put forth the idea that its okay to let yourself loose and do things that you would think a million times before doing. Using burping as a metaphor for the same. So when you burp it brings about a sense of achievement like you have finally arrived! Thus, by drinking GoldSpot you have a chance to stand out and be appreciated for it


Zingy fizzy strong flavour

Mainly young adults and teenagers of the age group of 13 to 35, both female and male
PSYCHOGRAPHIC Fun, bold by nature, trend setters, like to make a statement, quirky, not suppressed by social norms GEOGRAPHIC Pilot phase. To be launched in certain cities Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru and Kolkata. BEHAVIOURAL Who cares? attitude, not afraid to experiment, risk takers


Young adults belonging to SEC A and SEC B Prime locations for the same would be colleges, universities, bars and restaurants, hotels, fast food outlets, retail outlets and other kirana stores


The main theme of Gold Spot is Dont be shy.

The branding strategy will create a picture of an extrovert person with a bold attitude who has his/her own style and is brave enough to show it off.
Positioning statement Every one of us has been in an awkward social situation when we have wanted to burp. But keeping in mind social protocol we have refrained from doing so. GoldSpot encourages a way of life that asks you to not be shy and let go of your inhibitions. Tagline- Sharma mat, Dakaar maar!


Insight- People feel awkward to burp in public settings Appeal- Emotional

Tone Vivid + humorous + bold

Manner Striking Personality - Fearless


Sharma Mat, Dakaar Maar!

Advertising Plan
Media Objective: To attract the interest of teenagers and young adults, living in urban areas, using a mix of new media innovations and traditional media. Media Selection:

Television - AXN, Zee Caf, Star World, Colors Big Boss OOH College campuses and Shopping malls. On ground activation Buzz Marketing - create hype through viral marketing before and during launch which will generate word of mouth. Merchandise branding T-shirts, Badges, Notepads, Pens, etc.


Teaser poster ads in college campuses

Youtube: Upload a video of you burping the jingle of GoldSpot and maximum hits will get a chance to act in the next GoldSpot TVC and free supply of GoldSpot for a month. Twitter: #GoldSpotDakaarMaar - Tweet your most embarrassing burp stories to us Old bottle crowns: Upload a picture of the crown that you own, go to your nearest shop and use our coupon code to get a free GoldSpot bottle


OOH: The Burp-o-meter: Burp into the burp-ometer and if your burp is loud enough, you can hit jackpot and win a bottle of GoldSpot. Placed in malls. A mobile billboard that will be parked outside colleges, multiplexes and malls.
The billboard truck will have a 8 feet long bottle of GoldSpot with a tap from which samples will be distributed at all the selected locations.

TVC Scene 1: Fashion waali Dakaar: A model backstage of a runway takes a sip of Goldspot and gets onto the stage. She walks to the headramp and burps loudly. The audience applauses in awe.


Scene 2: Gyan waali Dakaar: Students studying for the exam. One of them is drinking GoldSpot while they others study. Cut to the classroom, everybody is stressed out and writing the paper, while this guy burps loudly and writes furiously and confidently and walks out of the class first.
Scene 3: Pyaar waali Dakaar: Old movie scene, hero heroine behind flowers, instead of chumma noise, the sound of a loud burp and an even louder burp follow.

Scene 4: Nautanki waali Dakaar: Actress drinks goldspot before a shot on the set. She burps after her dialogue. The scene cuts to an award show where shes the winner for best actress in that film. Scene 5 Khatirdari waali dakaar : Jamai at the dining table being force fed by inlaws, but he refuses to burp. The in-laws feel that they havent done enough and finally get him a bottle of GoldSpot. He then burps and the inlaws rejoice. The voice-over at the end says, Sharma mat, dakaar mar! Followed by GoldSpot jingle. Pay with a tweet: 10 tweets using #GoldspotDakaarMaar and you will be DMed a coupon code which you can redeem for a free bottle of GoldSpot.


Thank You!

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