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Unit 2: The experimental method

Scientific problems resolution

Scientific investigation gives new information about a

topic and departs from one question which result is previously unknown.

Experiments, generate new knowledge, and are defined as the

procedures that try to prove one or several related hypothesis about a phenomena Experimentation is the source of scientific knowledge.

In laboratory practices, new knowledge is not generated,

but abilities and scientific knowledge is acquired

Generally, a practices result is known from the beginning. It starts from precise directions that must be followed as

faithfully as possible, to obtain the expected results

Humberto Eco settles 4 requirements for an

investigation to be scientific:
The investigation is about a recognizable and defined object, in order to be recognizable as well by others

The investigation says new things about this object. The investigation is useful for others. The investigation gives elements that permit the verification and refutation of the hypothesis presented.

Scientific investigation has the following general phases:

1. Problem emergence.

a problem, any difficulty that cannot be solved automatically through what we have learned before.

2. Review of previous knowledge.

3. Problem definition.

Also known as theoretical framework, is the reviewing of previous ideas, concepts, hypothesis, theories, and procedures that are required to describe and explain factually the investigations object.

Must include all the facts, relationships, and explaining importance of the investigation. ,

4. Solution finding, 5. Planning the experiment,
including its possible explanation, through hypothesis formulation. including the adequate method to make it. applying rigorously the method with ability, intelligence, and imagination

6. Experiments execution,

7. Obtaining some result, verifiable or demonstrable 8. Demonstration or experimental verification of the result 9. Results interpretation 10. Insertion of the result in the acquired knowledge system

11. Research of some consequences involved by the result 12. Emergence of new problems.

In scientific investigation, from the observation, emerge the

problem definition to study, which leads to set some hypothesis or possible answers to what is pretended to solve. Experimentation is the study of a phenomena, reproducing in a lab, the study conditions of interest, deleting or introducing those variables that can affect it. Every experiment must be reproducible, it means that must be raised and described in a way that can be repeated by any researcher. Results of an experiment can be written in tables, graphics and equations to be easily analyzed, which allow finding relationships between them to support or not the hypothesis settled. A confirmed hypothesis can be transformed into a scientific theory, that allows predictions about new relationships and phenomena that can be proved experimentally.

Hypothesis setting and importance of data registration

A hypothesis is an assumption, a reasoned affirmation

about a phenomena property that is submitted to empirical checkout.

Investigation report
Practice title. Practices objective. Introduction.
must be written centered, in a higher font size than the rest of the text and preference in bold. Must be specified what is pretended to obtain with the making of the practice. Must document and summarize the topic. must be organized coherently, Investigations question must be contextualized and formulated. A list of equipment and material used during the practice must be written Clear and precise directions for the making of the practice must be redacted. It can be joined by schemes or pictures. Are the findings of the practice, must be redacted clearly and can be joined by drawings, schemes, tables and graphics. his section resumes the obtained results most important points. To document the practice, must be quoted the bibliographical sources consulted.

Problem definition.
Material. Procedure. Results and discussions. Conclusions.

References or bibliography.

To redact results it is recommended to answer the

following questions: Results are the expected ones? Why? Which complications were found in the data obtaining? Which were the error sources for each obtained data? How do limitation and error sources affect the obtained result? What solutions are proposed for the limitations of techniques or used methods? How to improve practice?

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