Ethics and Environment

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United Arab Emirates Higher Colleges of Technology Fujairah Womens College

Ethics and Environment

2 Oct 2012

Marwa Al Mansouri

What is Environmental Ethics

Personal Environmental Ethics

Business Ethics & The Environment

Government & Environmental Ethics

Lego Activity
Test Your Ethical View

What is Environmental Ethics

What is Environmental Ethics

considers the ethical relationship between people and the natural world and the kind of decisions people have to make about the Environment.

Case 1 ~
If you are working on the municipality and you were working on the crushing stones department. You where asked from your manager if some one asked you about Al Reem Crush Stone, you must talk about it positively , even if it is polluting the air and breaking the low. What

should you do? Is that ethical ?

Personal Environmental Ethics

Personal Environmental Ethics

Thought /carelessness acts. Short /long term decisions. Personal values.

Case 1 ~
Mohammed went on an outing with his friends. They rent a yacht for a day. Then, they decided to do a barbeque as the weather was nice. After they finished eating, they collected the trash like plaster cans, plaster dishes and leftover food from barbeque and threw them on the sea. Did they act responsibly toward the environment? Is it ethical to throw the trash on the sea?

Case 2 ~
On December 2nd, the 40th national day of UAE, all nationals were happy and celebrating. There were many cars on the street with loud music and UAE flags. But, at the end of the day, the streets were all dirty and the atmosphere was polluted. However, on December 3rd, many nationals went out on the streets to clean them from all the trash. Can anyone judge the two attitudes in the case? Why do you think the nationals cleaned the street on December 3rd?

Individual values to protect the environment

Humans have no rights to reduce the richness to satisfy vital needs. Count the environment damages as damage to your property. Recognize some ethical duties.

Business Ethics and The Environment

Case 1 ~
a business called the Olde Time Pencil Company makes pencils. The company gets the wood it needs to make pencils from a forest within its region.

What would happen to the forest if the Olde Time Pencil Company kept cutting trees down to make its pencils? If the Olde Time Pencil Company used up all the trees in the forest, where would it get the wood it needs to continue making pencils?

Business Problem
At your factory in Frankfurt, some of your workers have gotten sick from the smoke your factory blows into the air.

Ethical Ideas
Go Green Campaign Solar Energy Waste Management

Government & Environmental Ethics

Case ~
In East Asia where most of the countries are facing increased probabilities of natural disasters. The government abrogate its responsibility to create incentives for people by providing them with reconstruction aid every time disaster strikes. The government has two options; either require that all people to purchase private insurance, or they will not be compensated for their loss of property by the government if disaster strikes.

Is this decision ethical? Why

Government role in protecting the environment How can the government solve: Overfishing Transportation

Government Strategy in 2011 2013

Questions ?


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