CAT Word List

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fitness; talent

curved; hooked; of or like an eagle

Aquiline-> A-Q-Line, now when we write the letter Q, its not a straight line, but a curved line. synonyms : hooked

fit for growing crops

associate the word with ARAB.The desert is totally unfit for agriculture.hence,you remember ARABLE as it's exact opposite synonyms : cultivable , cultivatable , tillable


person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge who is in a position ot make influential

arbiter ~ a right and bitter; many times statements by people in power are right but bitter. synonyms : arbitrator , umpire

unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical

Just try remind "arbitrarily" (which we use often in regular speaking) means "a reckless manner".


act as judge (at the request of both sides)

bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer.. synonyms : intercede , intermediate , liaise , mediate


of or living in trees

ar-bore-al : think of a woodpecker who makes a bore (a hole) to live in trees synonyms : arborary , arborical , arborous


place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited

ARBORE(t)um arboreum.sounds like herbarium.and it is a collection of plants & .all botany students need to prepare herbarium.....the word herb is related with small trees in herbarium you exhibit...all kind of trees and a sample.....

synonyms : botanical garden


a covered passageway usually lined with shops

synonyms : colonnade


esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the

Arcane=ar+cane(Kane).... this is for WWF watchers...Kane (undertaker brother) he has really mysterious he many times fought with his brother also.


study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

Arch -> A prefix meaning first or foremost. synonyms : archeology

antiquated; no longer used; belonging to the past

Remember with Archive. As we keep very old thing in archive- Archaic is related something very old. synonyms : antediluvian , antiquated


prototype; primitive pattern

arch(means old) something of old type orof primitive pattern synonyms : original , pilot


group of closely located islands

Consider the "CHIP" in the word.It sounds like SHIP..we use ships to travel to islands..So archipelago refers to a group of islands.


public records; place where public records are kept

sounds like archies, which is a collection of greeting cards, which is also a collection of records

heat; passion; zeal

ardor ~ our door; please close the door and windows, to prevent the heat from going outside. synonyms : ardour , fervency , fervidness , fervor

hard; strenuous

(h)ard + u (you) + ous (we); This work is very difficult and required full of hard work from us and your side. synonyms : backbreaking , grueling , gruelling , hard , heavy

slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people

argot ~ ar + got (goat); when our goat says "meh...mheh...meh..." we cannot understand its lingo - only other goats can understand it. So, argot is a lingo only small group of people (here goats) can understand. synonyms : cant , jargon , lingo , patois


operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera or oratorio

Heyy u hav d famous mARIA song by Ricky Martin...


(of land) dry; barren; unproductive

arid : Take it as a-rigid; a rigid thing can't be made to change it's shape, thus it can be taken as dry, barren, and unproductive. synonyms : desiccate , desiccated


hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by

Remember by the famous liquor : ARISTOCRAT since its very costly, only UPPER CASS ppl can have it.. synonyms : gentry


fleet of warships

arm + data ~ collection of arms that is only possible in the warships....

fragrant; having a sweet smell

synonyms : redolent


charge in court; indict

arraign ~ an error again; imagine you wrote some computer program which is giving you error again and again.. so you are called by your boss (kind of court) for punishment.


marshal; draw up in order; arrange in order; clothe splendidly; adorn

synonyms : raiment , regalia


being in debt; money that should have been paid; work that should have been done

sounds similar to 'in-tears', why? because of DEBT

lacking rhythm or regularity

arr (sounds like ERR-ERROR) + rhythm ~ error or lacking of rhythm; synonyms : jerking , jerky

pride; haughtiness

arrogance ~ error + ignorance; when you do some error yourself and ignore it ..but you generally scold your juniors if they made any mistake, you are arrogant. synonyms : haughtiness , hauteur , high-handedness


gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater

'Arroyo' sounds like a famous toy 'Yo Yo'; which has a 'Gully' - like shape to coil the rope around.


storage place for military equipment

arsenal ~ arms; synonyms : armory , armoury



synonyms : arteria , arterial blood vessel

exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning

think of "arts and crafts" to get to crafty, clever, wily, etc. synonyms : disingenuous


effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly; having clear sounds; having joints

articulate ~ art + calculate; if you are good in art of speaking as well as good in calculations (maths), you will be able to express yourself in a better way. synonyms : enunciate , vocalise , vocalize


deception; trickery

art(ART)+ fice (SOUNDS LIKE FISH); fisherman know art of catching fish, they use some clever techniques like giving them bait, and thus catch them, so offering bait to fishes, a trick commonly used by fisherman. synonyms : ruse


a manually skilled worker

Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled worker or craftsman. synonyms : artificer , craftsman , journeyman


without guile; open and honest

art + less, without having any art(skill) synonyms : uncultivated , uncultured

controlling influence; position of controlling influence

ascend ~ rising upward; when you rise to a senior position, you generally control your juniors; synonyms : ascendance , ascendence , ascendency , control , dominance


find out for certain; make certain

When you have determined your chances of admission into a college AS CERTAIN, then you have ASCERTAINed your chance to be 100% synonyms : assure , check , control , ensure


practicing self-denial; avoiding physical pleasures and comforts; austere

ascetic ~ acidic; he is living ascetic life by drinking and eating only acidic things (not good in taste) and avoid anything have good taste. synonyms : ascetical , austere , spartan


refer; attribute; assign

ascribe ~ describe; you should also give a small description of person whom you are going to give credit for his work. synonyms : assign , attribute , impute


preventing infection; having a cleansing effect

Antiseptic and aseptic is same synonyms : sterile


ash-colored; deadly pale

split like ash coloured hen. synonyms : blanched , bloodless , livid , white


stupid; Ex. asinine remarks

as(ASS)+inine; focus on ass - A TYPE OF DONKEY AND DONKEYS OR ASS ARE GENERALLY STUPID in nature. synonyms : fatuous , inane , mindless , vacuous


with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or

so here u are indirectly...looking at her or in other u are viewing synonyms : askant , asquint , sidelong , squint


crookedly; slanted; at an angle

a +skew; skewed : means something which is not straight and leveled...something which is crooked synonyms : awry , cockeyed , lopsided , skew-whiff , wonky


sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or

aspiri + ty : aspiriN; ASPIRIN - IS given when there is SEVERE pAIN OR headache; synonyms : grimness , hardship , rigor , rigorousness , rigour


slanderous remark; Ex. cast aspersions on

As + persion ~ Ass + person; calling someone As(s)pers[i]on means passing slanderous remark synonyms : calumny , defamation , denigration , slander


seeker after position or status

synonyms : aspirer , hopeful , wannabe , wannabee

seek to attain (position or status); long for

aspire sounds like vampire which always aspire for blood synonyms : aim , draw a bead on , shoot for


assail ~ a sale; a customer argued with sales person of the store using force and bad words. synonyms : assault , attack , lash out round , snipe


analyze (to discover what materials are present); evaluate (soil or ore)

assay ~ SOUNDS SIMILAR TO ESSAY; and you have been asked to analyze an essay. synonyms : attempt , essay , seek , try

agree; accept

assent ~ as sent; press editor agreed and published the article as we have sent without any modifications. synonyms : accede , acquiesce


state strongly or positively; demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc.); make a claim to (by forceful

synonyms : asseverate , maintain


Ass is donkey and donkey is hardworking. synonyms : sedulous

absorb; take (food) into the body and digest it

try to [as]similate means try to be similar to something may be food habits, language or behaviour. synonyms : absorb , ingest , take in


mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)

assuage .....sounds like AT YOUR AGE. imagine a nurse is ASSUAGING a 70 year old PATIENT and saying "AT YOUR AGE you should take some rest" synonyms : alleviate , palliate , relieve


something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of

synonyms : effrontery , presumption , presumptuousness


firm statement that something is certainly true

a SURE + ran (RUN) : so people are sure that your government will RUN for all 5 years, because people have confidence in you. synonyms : authority , confidence , self-assurance , self-confidence

small planet

synonyms : star-shaped

eye defect which prevents proper focus

STIGMA is "a symbol of disgrace or infamy" so Astigmatism is lack of seeing STIGMA or "impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea" synonyms : astigmia


relating to the stars

aSTRAl ~ check the letters in capital, i.e. STRA, jumble it a bit, related to stars. synonyms : stellar


binding; causing contraction (stopping bleeding); harsh or severe; stringent

astringent ~ a strict agent; an agent who is harsh synonyms : astringent drug , styptic


enormously large or extensive

ASTRO (means STARS)+ NOMICAL...and we all know that stars are many times bigger in shape than our solar systems member's. synonyms : astronomic , galactic


wise; shrewd; keen; seeing quickly something that is to one's advantage

a stute ~ a status; to reach high status you has to be sharp and shrewd. synonyms : sharp , shrewd

into parts; apart

Asunder reminds me the word Thunder. The result of thunder is everything breaks apart into many parts. In the same way Asunder means into parts, apart synonyms : apart


place of refuge or shelter; protection (religious or political)

sounds like a-slum. refuge look like slums synonyms : insane asylum , institution , mental home , mental hospital


not identical on both sides of a dividing central line

synonyms : asymmetrical


resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback

by ATAVISM you should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are an avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors... synonyms : reversion , throwback

denying the existence of God

a "without" + theos "a god"; someone who says this world is surviving without GOD, actually he is DENYING THE EXISTENCE OF GOD synonyms : atheist , atheistical

make amends for; pay for

atone ~ at stone; imagine someone throws a stone on (at)someone else and then realizes his mistake. So, he atones. synonyms : aby , abye , expiate

brutal deed

Remember TROY-CITY, if have seen the Hollywood movie Troy, you can remember this easily.In Troy, Greek destroyed everything,killed thousands of unarmed man,children etc synonyms : atrociousness , barbarity barbarousness , heinousness

wasting away

A + trophy; Even after many years of practice, he didn't win a trophy, so that was just wastage of his energy. synonyms : wasting , wasting away


alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely

synonyms : heedful , paying attention thoughtful


make thin; weaken

attenuate ~ at ten + you + ate; if you will eat only at 10 PM (once in a day), you will attenuate. synonyms : attenuated , faded , weakened


testify; bear witness

A +TTEST(TEST)...ATTEST IS TO TESTIFY your originality. synonyms : certify , demonstrate , evidence , manifest


attire ~ at hire; if you are going at a job fair to hire someone, you should wear good formal clothes. synonyms : dress , garb

essential quality

paying tribute to someone, is a good quality. synonyms : dimension , property


rubbing away by friction; gradual decrease in numbers or strength

attrition = at + rition (sounds like RATION); Due to flood, ration is available in very limited amount. there is a shortage of food everywhere in our city. synonyms : contriteness , contrition


not normal; not typical

synonyms : untypical

daring; bold

when you go for some audition you need to be bold and daring. synonyms : daring , venturesome , venturous


examination of accounts of a business; official examination

audit ~ add it; you do a lot of addition and subtraction while auditing. synonyms : inspect , scrutinise , scrutinize


increase; add to

AAG+MINT- if u put MINT in AAG then aag's intensity increases.

omen; prophecy; sign of coming events

Augury : Aug (August) + ur (your) + y (day); 1st day of coming August some great things will happen. synonyms : foretoken , preindication sign


impressive; majestic

august reminds the king Augustus who was majestic and impressive synonyms : revered , venerable


sun's corona; halo; bright circle of light

aurora+hole,aurora refers to star which is bright and hole refers to round shape,aureole refers t bright hole around a saint

synonyms : aura , gloriole , glory

pertaining to the aurora borealis

synonyms : aurorean

favoring success; giving signs of future success

auspicious sounds similar to suspicious; being suspicious in nature can really favor your success if your a detective.


forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or enjoyment; severely simple and unornamented

austere sounds like severe which it means synonyms : ascetic , ascetical , spartan

prove genuine


subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will

authorized to do terror


having the weight of authority; regarded as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable

synonyms : authorised , authorized

having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial

auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...............goverment by self ,goverment by one person.

synonyms : authoritarian , despotic , dictatorial


mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself

Zombie.. Somethin thats automatic like a machine and imitates actions of humans synonyms : golem , robot


Autonomous resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help..

synonyms : self-directed , self-reliant

examination of a dead body; postmortem

Via French or modern Latin < Greek autopsia "seeing with your own eyes" < autopts "eyewitness synonyms : necropsy , pm , postmortem , post-mortem examination


offering or providing help; additional or

synonyms : subsidiary , supplemental supplementary


great mass of falling snow and ice

this sounds like aval(available) an (an) che (huche) means cold ; ie cold is available . it means mass of ice and snow.

synonyms : roll down

greediness for wealth

avarice- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person. synonyms : avaritia , covetousness , greed , rapacity


take vengence for something or on behalf of

avenge sounds like, you killed the man to fulfil your revenge and avenged your brother's death. synonyms : retaliate , revenge


state confidently; declare as true

A VERy confident statement!

synonyms : affirm , assert , avow , swan , swear

reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed

averse- remember with adverse> opposite situation synonyms : antipathetic , antipathetical , indisposed

firm dislike

made of word averse + ion....averse as in the above who is disinclined towards something...............and such a person always has a firm dislike for things.
synonyms : antipathy , distaste

prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought)

i dunno if dis helps...but avert sounds like 'hurt' ......u always avoid getting avert=avoid synonyms : avoid , debar , deflect , fend off , forefend


enclosure for birds; large cage

not a mnemonic.. just something that can help.. aviary is where birds are kept and apiary is where bees are kept.. this might help relate in some way.. synonyms : bird sanctuary , volary

greedy; extremely eager for

a person is always eager to be in avid(a video) synonyms : devouring , esurient , greedy

secondary or minor occupation

in a vacation u do very little /minor work only....hence avocation implies minor occupation synonyms : by-line , hobby , pursuit , sideline

declare openly

(a-vow) vow means to make a promise so you declare openly synonyms : affirm , assert , aver , swan , swear , verify


of or like an uncle

split the word like av + UNCUL(UNCLE) + AR...SO related to an uncle or suitable to an uncle..avUNCULar..uncle.


solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear

when surprised with a feelin of wonder n fear..we tend to say 'w'hao!! A'w'e synonyms : fear , reverence , veneration


terrible; very bad

aw(an exclamation used to express something which you don't consider good,or you disapprove of something)+ful.............and something which is full of aw is always very bad. synonyms : awfully , frightfully , terribly

pointed tool used for piercing

we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry.

distorted; crooked; bent

this mnemonic is in hindi....awry sounds like a cutting tool in hindi "aarii"which is bent and somewhat distorted in shape

synonyms : askew , skew-whiff


self-evident truth requiring no proof

Ax +i+om - when the axe is on me I will tell the truth. This is surely evident. synonyms : maxim

sky blue

sounds simillar to azo..which is dye used to colour clothes..........derived from azo compounds...this dye is available in blue from also

synonyms : cerulean , lazuline , sapphire , sky-blue


full-bosomed; plump; jolly

bux edu- yaarige ? to one who is fully blossemed and have a plumpy....????!!! plz take it in a rite sense,edu thamashegagi(jolly)..!! synonyms : zaftig , zoftig


support; prop up
remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :) synonyms : buttressing


piece of sculpture showing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest

Bust is above breast in the chest; police busted him in haste synonyms : binge , bout , tear


make shiny by rubbing; polish

burnish-this brings us to the word ,cald furnish,ie , polishing and rubbing to make it shine..
synonyms : gloss , glossiness , polish


give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly

burlesque..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..wha do bad ppl do?? ridicule others..
synonyms : charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , puton , sendup , spoof , takeoff , travesty


grow rapidly; grow forth; send out buds

burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)


overregulated administrative system marked by red tape bureau(noun........means..a source which provide information..may be an office or an organization.)+cracy(means...govermen t or the rule....) goverment run by officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g synonyms : bureaucratism


able to float; cheerful and optimistic

buoyant = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light and lively.
synonyms : chirpy , perky


mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior

mungle-jungle...U thought of doing mungle in jungle and got caught red handed...DESTROYED ur reputation
synonyms : bloomer , blooper , blunder , boner , boo-boo , botch , flub , foul-up , fuckup , pratfall

hit or knock against with force
sounds similar to hit somebody with closed fists. synonyms : blow


strong wall built for defense; earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends

BULL + WORK--BULLs were carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.
synonyms : breakwater , groin , groyne , jetty , mole , seawall


one who is habitually cruel to weaker people

.bully....made of bull(the male in cow family) if you have observed why the fight is always arrenged between bulls,why not cows,because bulls are symbol of strength and cruilty(as they fight).......and a bull 's work is to weak its opponent synonyms : hooligan , roughneck , rowdy , ruffian , tough , yob , yobbo , yobo


gold and silver in the form of bars

He has billions, and so he buys bullions


size or volume (esp. when very large)

synonyms : mass , volume


protruding part; swelling of a surface

synonyms : bump , excrescence , extrusion , gibbosity , gibbousness , hump , jut , prominence , protrusion , protuberance , swelling

bugbear; object of baseless terror
boo!! u use it when u wonna scare relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor synonyms : bogeyman , booger , boogeyman , bugbear


stupid person; clown
A Baffoon is a cartoon. synonyms : clown , goof , goofball , merry andrew


strike forcefully; slap; batter; knock out

uff,is the one to see..wen someone slaps u ,u slap them back with a verbal assail " wat the ff "!!! synonyms : counter , sideboard

Bucolic rustic; pastoral

bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"... synonyms : eclogue , idyl , idyll

Buccaneer pirate
from nw jst remember BUCCANEER OF CARRIBEANS.....n not PIRATE OF CARRIBEANS ;-) synonyms : pirate , sea robber , sea rover


blunt; abrupt; curt; not wanting to waste time being nice

brusque...sounds like brisk...and if you solve someone's doubt are trying to be abrupt..... synonyms : brusk , curt , short


main impact or shock (of an attack or blow)

brunt-run is the word to check .people will run,wen there is an impact or shock.


injure without breaking the skin

Sounds like "Bru"-the coffee....imagine a cup of hot BRU Coffee felt on ur hand..u got injured and ur skin got discolored though ur bones remained unbroken. synonyms : contusion


graze; feed on growing grass; skim or glance at casually

synonyms : browsing


bully; intimidate
synonyms : bully , swagger

Brook tolerate; endure

Brook can be split into B(be) - ROOK (rookie). A "rookie" is an untrained army personel who has to put up with (tolerate) the rigors of training. synonyms : abide , bear , digest , endure , put up , stand , stick out , stomach , suffer , support , tolerate


sit on in order to hatch; think deeply or worry anxiously

wen u have done somthing roo(U)de, probly u have to worry and think deepy later by sitting in an order to hatch..!! synonyms : cover , hatch , incubate

ornamental clasp; pin
relate brooch with uncle Scrooch...he use to have a ornamental clasp on his coat synonyms : breastpin , broach


platitude; chemical compound used to calm excitement

bromide is the COMMON salt ever found synonyms : banality , cliche , commonplace , platitude


cook by direct heat

broil-boil- people boil to cook food. synonyms : broiling , grilling

synonyms : booklet , folder , leaflet , pamphlet


rich, figured(patterned) fabric

brocade-cade-make this as jade. jade is a jewel,ornament ,which is seen in rich and used in fabric.


introduce as a subject; moot; open up

When YOU appROACH a girl for the first time, its an initiative that YOU have taken. synonyms : breastpin , brooch


hard but easily broken; difficult; unstable

synonyms : toffee , toffy


short stiff hair

remember tooth brush bristles.


quick and active; marked by liveliness and vigor

quick and active; marked by liveliness and vigor synonyms : brisk up , brisken


edge (at the top of a cliff)

brink sounds like "drink". To drink wine you have to pour it from the edge of the glass synonyms : verge


tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)

brindled-Remember BRINDA KARAT (communist party MP and prakash karat's wife)...she wears a huge bindi ...and is hence spotted synonyms : brinded , brindle , tabby


uppermost edge of a cup; projecting rim (as on a hat)

the word itself has its meaning RIM of the vessel synonyms : lip , rim


harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain)

IDLE person dont need RESTRAINING POWER but they themselves restrain them synonyms : check , curb

conciseness; shortness of duration
well it can be thought as brave+witty and CONCISED into brevity or it can be similar to brief synonyms : briefness , transience

produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable condition)

synonyms : stock , strain

width; extent
synonyms : comprehensiveness , largeness


breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap; opening

breach ==> brea(k)(ch)...break the contract synonyms : break , falling out , rift , rupture , severance


insolent; without shame; bold

Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen! synonyms : audacious , bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen-faced , insolent


muscular; having well-developed muscles

synonyms : hefty , muscular , powerful , sinewy


human muscle; muscular strength; sturdiness

if you eat prawn you will become brawn,meaning muscular synonyms : brawniness , heftiness , muscle , muscularity , sinew

noisy quarrel
raw is war.... synonyms : free-for-all


face courageously
synonyms : brave out , endure , weather


swagger; assumed air of defiance; false show of bravery

bravado ( braveness + for + darao/dikhao ) boldness intended to impress/intimidate
synonyms : bluster

wave around (a weapon); flourish
brandish = brand(brandy) once v drink brandy v vill start waving foolishly... synonyms : flourish , wave


trademark; mark burned on the hide of an animal; mark burned into the flesh of criminals; mark of disgrace

synonyms : blade , steel , sword


plait; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands together

sounds like bride ,so one who trims and decorates synonyms : braiding , gold braid


boaster; bragger
braggart sounds like dragg art.. the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!! synonyms : blowhard , boaster , bragger , line-shooter , vaunter

Braggadocio boasting
braggadocio = brag(drag) + agg (aggresive)+ doc(docile)...a person who drags every topic of discussion aggressively is actually boasting at the backyard(docile) synonyms : bluster , rhodomontade , rodomontade

Brag boast
some try to drag the attention by BRAGging, talking too much of themselves. synonyms : bragging , crow , crowing , gasconade , line-shooting , vaporing

somewhat saline
synonyms : briny

note 'bow' sound in it.. relate it to your dog. Imagine, you are recording a tape. your dog barked twice or thrice in between.. you will edit and omit it because its indelicate synonyms : bowdlerise , castrate , expurgate , shorten


cowlike; placid and dull; slowthinking; calm

basically this word is taken from BOV..means cow..and cow generally remains calm, placid..and dull synonyms : bovid


match; short period of great activity

India Bowled Out Pakistan in 20-20 MATCH synonyms : binge , bust , tear


middle class; selfishly materialistic

high class family chicks are gorgeous, but middle class ones are a little bore... They are nothing but bourgeois synonyms : burgher


generous; graciously generous; showing bounty

Bunty is full of generosity synonyms : big , bighearted , bounteous , freehanded , giving , handsome , liberal , openhanded


leap or spring; limit or confine; constitute the limit of

synonyms : bounce , leap , leaping , saltation , spring


clear beef (or meat) soup

seperate bouil(boil), soup is prepared by boiling the water

mismanage; blow
Botch:Bach(for botch) ke tu rehna re from embarassing mistake re. synonyms : bloomer , blooper , blunder , boner , boo-boo , bungle , flub , foul-up , fuckup , pratfall


lift by pushing up from below; increase; raise

synonyms : encouragement

Boorish rude; insensitive

every one sounds BOO towards RUDE and INSENSITIVE persons synonyms : loutish , neandertal , neanderthal , oafish , swinish


rude, insensitive person

boora in hindi resembles something bad. boore log, boora kaam... synonyms : barbarian , churl , goth , peasant , tike , tyke


blessing; benefit; something very helpful

Remember David BOON who was blessing for cricket synonyms : blessing


fond of books and reading

synonyms : studious


pompous; using inflated language

bombaat- this word in kannada,somthing like a pompous speech,inflated language. synonyms : declamatory , large , orotund , tumid , turgid


grandiloquent, pompous speech

synonyms : blah , claptrap , fustian , rant


attack (as with missiles or bombs)

synonyms : barrage , barrage fire , battery , shelling


door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric; large roll of cloth
"thunderbolt" means fast, moving quickly synonyms : dash

support; reinforce
read bolster as booster which mean giving extra energy and hence to support and strengthen someone or something. synonyms : long pillow

violent; rough; noisy


unconventional (in an artistic way)

bohemian sounds like He-man ( kids favorite ) who looks very informal and unconventional synonyms : gipsy , gypsy , roma , romani , romany , rommany


counterfeit; not authentic; intentionally false

synonyms : bastard , fake , phoney , phony

Bog soft wet land

synonyms : peat bog


foreshadow; portend
Bode plot PREDICT the stability of control system synonyms : augur , auspicate , betoken , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen , portend , predict , prefigure , presage , prognosticate


blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully; speak in a noisy or bullying manner

Sounds like blaster -- Blast and hence lot of noise, confusion and turbulence. synonyms : bravado


become red in the face (from embarrassment or shame)

Sounds like FLUSH. When you flush your face with water face becomes rosy red synonyms : flush


utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement

Blurt rhymes with flirt. Flirt loves without thinking and blurts talks without thinking. synonyms : blunder , blunder out , blurt out , ejaculate


having a dull edge; abrupt and frank in speech or manner

blunt ~ blue + aunty; lady (aunty) standing there in blue clothes is blunt. synonyms : deaden

Blunder error; stupid mistake

blunder ~ blue underwear; suppose you told your servant to go to market to buy a blue color underwear but he bought pink color .. isn't it a blunder (big mistake) synonyms : bloomer , blooper , boner , boo-boo , botch , bungle , flub , foul-up , fuckup , pratfall


pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff

bluff ~ blue film; they made the blue film by bluffing the girl. synonyms : four flush

state of depression or melancholy; style of slow, mournful music (evolved from southern Black American songs)

synonyms : blue devils , megrims , vapors , vapours


gloomy; depressed
You will be gloomy and depressed when you know that your secret sex has been shot secretly and some one made a "blue" film. synonyms : amobarbital sodium , amytal , blue angel , blue devil


club; heavy-headed weapon

Bludgeon ~ Blood + Generator; If u hit someone with a bludgeon (ex. hockey stick) then blood comes out. synonyms : club


talkative boaster; braggart

blow + hard -- imagine someone who blows words in a way as if he is blowing air -- too many words, hence talkative. synonyms : boaster , braggart , bragger , line-shooter , vaunter


spot; blot
blot + ch -- blot -- sounds like spot an irregularly shaped spot. synonyms : splodge , splotch


complete happiness
bliss -- sounds like bless -- god bless you with lot of happiness. synonyms : blissfulness , cloud nine , seventh heaven , walking on air


suffering from a disease; destroyed

black-lighted. Normal sunlight is helpful for growth but black-light on the other hand hinders growth. synonyms : spoilt

plant disease
Blight = Brings Plight synonyms : plague


mar; spoil the beauty or perfection of

blam + ish -- blam -- blame --> a person is blamed of spoiling the beauty or appearance of something beautiful synonyms : defect , mar


cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable

bleak sounds like black -- black color is the symbol of hopelessness and depression. synonyms : black , dim


extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive

bla (blast) + tant (tent) --> when the offense of doing a blast in tent was done -- there was loud noise everywhere. synonyms : clamant , clamorous , strident , vociferous


irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language about God or holy things

blas + phemy -- phemy close to famous-using a bad language or showing disrespect for a famous person. synonyms : desecration , profanation , sacrilege


bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored

blase -- close to words blast whenever someone feels bored or uninterested we say go out and have a blast. synonyms : bored


loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light

blare--sounds like blair -- Tony Blair shouted loud and harsh,when a glare of light fell on him. synonyms : blaring , cacophony , clamor , din

BLAN (like PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody... synonyms : wheedling


soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence

BLAND rhymes with BLOND. so blond women gets agree with me or agreeable to my thoughts. synonyms : politic , smooth , suave


bleach; whiten; make white or pale

blanch sounds like bleach--woman go for bleaching to whiten their skin or to make their skin more white. synonyms : blench , pale

vote against (an applicant); ostracize

black+ball-->(focus on black)blackrefers to the dumb system in Africa .white people used to vote against black. synonyms : barring


fantastic; violently contrasting; noticeably odd; strikingly unconventional

bizarre sounds like bazzar; bazzar(market) always looks outlandish and contrasting. synonyms : eccentric , flakey , flaky , freakish , freaky , gonzo , off-the-wall , outlandish , outre


temporary encampment; camp without tents

when u vomit (sound we make while vomiting - VOUAC) suddenly amidst a journey we look for some temporary halting place synonyms : camp , cantonment , encampment


having a sharp biting taste; ?; causing sharp pain to the body or mind; filled with resentment, disappointment

synonyms : bitterness


sharply painful to the body or mind

bit{ing)~ bite; biting will always cause sharp pain to body. synonyms : bitter

swelling out in waves; surging
consider the word as 'blowing', the blowing wind caused the curtains to swell out in shape of waves. synonyms : billowy , surging


large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke)

Billow sounds like blow(er) which gives hot air (smoke) synonyms : surge

swindle; cheat
Bilk rhymes with milk and the milkman "cheats" you by adding water. synonyms : elude , evade


suffering from indigestion; irritate

bilious can be compared with bile which is produced by liver. synonyms : biliary


stubborn intolerance
synonyms : dogmatism


one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)

bi(by)+got(god)--think of a person who is excessively devoted to god and hence very much hypocritical.this person will not tolerate any opinion about god differing from his own.


divided into two branches; forked

bi(means two)+furc-sounds like(Fork)-->fork into two parts.


every two years

BI-ANNUAL synonyms : two-year


command; utter (a greeting); offer as a price

synonyms : play



Bicker sounds like Biker The biker crashed into the car and he had a big quarrel with the owner of the car. synonyms : bickering , fuss , pettifoggery , spat , squabble , tiff


two-chambered as a legislative body

bi (means two) + camer (latin root)(chamber) ~ something that consist of two chambers. synonyms : two-chambered


cast a spell over; captivate completely

be+witch -- a woman who practices magic is witch. think of this witch who has captured all men heart. synonyms : enchant , glamour , hex , jinx , witch


be cautious (of)
synonyms : mind


large group
sounds like BIWI (wife in hindi) .. wives like to go to kitty party GROUPS

Betroth become engaged to marry

be+Troth -- sounds like truth The lovers finally fretted out the TRUTH that they both are going to marry each other after hiding their affair from past 3 years. synonyms : affiance , engage , plight


be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly)

bet.+ray a bet that was won by your friend by cheating you, so you are noW unfaithful about hIS NATURE, as his behaviour has left NO RAY OF HOPE. synonyms : denounce , give away , grass , rat , shit , shop , snitch , stag , tell on

signify; indicate; be a sign of
divide it like be+token ; When we park a vehicle in public parking or deposit something a token is given -- a token is a sign of or signifies that our stuff is kept there. synonyms : augur , auspicate , bode , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen , portend , predict , prefigure , presage , prognostic

This word sounds like best toy; when you give a BEST TOY TO your little brother, you basically confer your best wishes or your love to him by giving him a gift. synonyms : add , bring , contribute , impart , lend


beastlike; brutal; inhuman; very cruel

This word together sounds like BEast tail -- beast with a tail implies lacking of human quality ~ inhuman. synonyms : beastly , brutal , brute , brutish


soil; defile; make dirty

Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In Hindi language Bees means twenty and Mirch means pepper) So,if you will add twenty pepper, you will definitely spoil the food. synonyms : asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander , smear , smirch , sully


surround with armed forces; harass (with requests); annoy continually

divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-Indian army has seized the line of control, and now the whole area is surrounded by armed forces. synonyms : beleaguer , circumvent , hem in , surround


harass or trouble from all directions; hem in

be+set ~ Once the batsman is SET, he can easily attack the bowlers and make runs on all sides. synonyms : set upon

beg; plead with
divide it like->be(beggar)+seech(seek)..all beggars always seek alms from us, so they PLEAD TO US or request earnestly. synonyms : adjure , bid , conjure , entreat , press


deprived of (something valuable); lacking

be+reft--reft sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone after his girlfriend left him or deprived of someone lovable. synonyms : bereaved , grief-stricken , grieving , mourning , sorrowing


state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

be-leave-ment; this is the state when some one LEAVEs us forever synonyms : mourning


deprived of (someone beloved through death)

sounds like beleaved (left); Imagine your girlfriend left you; So, you will be called as bereaved synonyms : bereaved person

scold strongly
be+rate ~ he was RATEd BElow expectations and hence forth scolded. synonyms : bawl out , call down , call on the carpet , chew out , chew up , chide , dress down , have words , jaw , lambast , lambaste , lecture , rag , rebuke , remonstrate , reprimand , reproof , scold , take to task , trounce


leave to someone by means of a will

divide it likebe(before)+queath(sounds like death)-->a father wrote a will before his death, that his all property should be given to his son. synonyms : leave , will


bent ~ bent--ppl. of bend. He has got a natural talent of BENDing the hard stiff rods with his hands synonyms : hang , knack

Beni(means good)+ son ~ you have a good son; you need blessings to have a good son.


kindly; favorable; not malignant (disease)

benign sounds like begin; this kind of beginning is favorable and beneficial for our all future projects. synonyms : benignant


generous; charitable; having a wish to do good

bene(root bene means good)+volent(voluntarily) good person voluntarily donating his all GOODS to people. synonyms : beneficent , eleemosynary , philanthropic


advantage; anything that brings helpl

synonyms : welfare


person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will

BENE(root for GOOD) and FICIARY sounds like if the fisherman does GOOD FISHRY, he will RECIEVE ITS BENEFIT synonyms : benefactive role

helpful; useful; advantageous
synonyms : good


kindly; doing good

ben+eficent--eficent sounds like efficient--> efficient people are the ones who does good or produces good. synonyms : benevolent , eleemosynary , philanthropic


gift giver; patron; person who does good or who gives money for a good purpose

divide it like BENEFACT+or--focus on benefit, we are always benefited by generous people or gift givers. synonyms : helper

u know Pope Benedict...pope gives BLESSINGS synonyms : blessing

confused; lost in thought; preoccupied

bemused ~ be confused + used; he is thinking a lot to convert his invention into useful commercial product. synonyms : at sea , baffled , befuddled , bewildered , confounded , confused , lost , mazed , mixed-up


lament; moan for; express sorrow or

disapproval of

be+moan--moon->in olden days mothers used to show their kids the moon and used to tell some stories and feed most of them are living in apartments, where there is no scope of showing moon and feed them, so they beat them synonyms : bewail , deplore , lament


Just relate it wid another GRE word-BELLICOSE synonyms : battler , combatant , fighter , scrapper

Belli ~ Billi (cat); two Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billiclose::bellicose synonyms : battleful , combative


disparage; depreciate
be+little -- be little in value, depreciate ~ In recent days the value of dollar has depreciated a lot. synonyms : battleful , combative


contradict; give a false impression; disguise

belie ~ lie means something false. synonyms : misrepresent


besiege or attack (with an army); harass; beset

be+league+r -- focus on league ~ The opponent team harassed Dhanraj Pille to keep him out of the premier hockey LEAGUE synonyms : besiege , circumvent , hem in , surround

Divide it like--be+lated ~ belated is being late or delayed. synonyms : late , tardy

harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree

divide this word like be(means to exist)+labor--laborer (person who does the labour)so if someone is working as a labourer at some place, they are generally thrashed verbally by their seniors and higher officers. synonyms : belabour


obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude

beholden --be+hold--> HOLDING somebody's feet to THANK him.


huge creature; something of monstrous size or power

if we can remember the word "mamoth" a large huge creature. synonyms : colossus , giant , heavyweight , titan


deceive; mislead or delude; cheat; pass time pleasantly; charm or attract

Beguile = begal boys in duck tail cartoons were very sly...used to cheat...influence by slyness means foxiness synonyms : becharm , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamor , enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance

envy; give or allow unwillingly; grudge

begru+dge--begru sounds like beggars. beggars usually wish ill to others as their own situation is bad. synonyms : resent


father; become the father of; produce; give rise to

beget- sounds like BEG AT ,We usually beg money from our father. synonyms : bring forth , engender , father , generate , get , mother , sire


confuse thoroughly
befuddle sounds like being in the flood of river, at that time one gets confused where to go. synonyms : bedevil , confound , confuse , discombobulate , fox , fuddle , throw


direct quick route

divide this word like bee+line-- bee line -the most direct line or path on which the bee adopts to reach the destination soon.


wet thoroughly
Be+Draggle--if you are dragged through mud and made you wet and dirty synonyms : draggle


dress with vulgar finery

bed+zen--bed(bad)+zen--few bad girls who came out of that ZEN car were dressed up garishly. synonyms : dizen


blessedness; state of great happiness

being at(t)itude is being blessed. that brings ot the state of hapiness in oneself who is blessed. synonyms : beatification , blessedness


giving or showing bliss; blissful

divide this word like beati+fic--beati sounds like beautiful and something which is beautiful is blissful. synonyms : angelic , angelical , sainted , saintlike , saintly


deportment; connection
bear(sounds like wear)+ring --you wear ring from a person with whom you have relevant relation or some connection like fiancee. synonyms : armorial bearing , charge , heraldic bearing


indecent; obscene; about sex in a rude funny way

sounds like body girls showing body in songs it means its vulgar synonyms : off-color , ribald


trinket; cheap jewel; trifle

bauble sounds like bangle--imagine a cheap bangle which appears showy. synonyms : bangle , fallal , gaud , gewgaw , novelty , trinket


army unit made up of four or more companies

battalion- sounds like "battle"..and we need an ARMY for that synonyms : large number , multitude , pack , plurality


let down; lessen the force of; moderate; restrain

bate ~ b + ate; when you ate something you lessen the quantity of something.


stronghold; something seen as a source of protection

divide this like-basti+on, now focus on basti (in hindi) which is the STRONGHOLD of any leader. synonyms : citadel


illegitimate child
synonyms : mongrel


luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth

Baskin N Robbin's Ice Cream, Remember? Costly one; We really enjoy going there and having ice creams. synonyms : enjoy , relish , savor , savour


contemptible; morally bad; inferior in value or quality

a base metal like iron is generally inferior in quality and value than the other metals. synonyms : pedestal , stand

barterer sounds similar to BARTENDER who trades drinks for money..


counselor-at-law or lawyer in the higher court of law

Split barrister into bar+rister--just focus on word bar--bar is association of lawyers, so a barrister is a lawyer.


barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion

barrage ~ barrier; like man-made barrier in a stream which can stop continuous flow of river water. synonyms : barrage fire , battery , bombardment , shelling


highly ornate
baroque sounds like bareekee ka kaam on shawl. synonyms : baroqueness


agreement between two groups or people

Divide like--bar (means to prevent) somebody+gain, when you go to a shop you always prevent the shopkeeper to gain some extra money from you and thus you bargain to him. synonyms : deal


shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed

Divide it like--Bar+e+face+d--Think of girls who dance in bar--they are very much bold, shameless. they are easily noticeable as they don't have any covering on their face. they are also unrestrained by society rules.

bard sounds like bird--imagine a poet writing a poem on bird. synonyms : barde , caparison , dress up


sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting remark

barber uses scissor to cut your hair so barb can be taken from it as a cutting remark. synonyms : dig , gibe , jibe , shaft , shot , slam


railing in a courtroom; legal profession; vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures

synonyms : barroom , ginmill , saloon , taproom


joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing

Bantering -- bante + ring; bante remember Banta Singh -- we read so many silly jokes on him. we can figure out Banta Singh as a funny person or a person who always does joking talks. synonyms : facetious , tongue-incheek


heap; piled-up mass; embankment; lateral tilting (as of an aircraft in turning)

synonyms : bank building

posion; cause of ruin;
ban+e -- Things which are harmful or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always banned by government. synonyms : curse , nemesis , scourge


discuss lightly or glibly; discuss in a frivolous manner

bandy sounds like brandy--When people drink brandy, they exchange heated words in a light and glib way. synonyms : kick around


hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality; clich'ed

Divide it like -- ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeating the same activity again and again. synonyms : commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn , stock , threadbare , timeworn , tired , trite , well-worn

soft and mild (of air); fragrant
I don't like the fragrant of Iodex balm synonyms : mild , soft


something that relieves pain; oily liquid with a pleasant smell from trees

Balmy-balm- I don't like the fragrance of Iodex balm. synonyms : ointment , salve , unction , unguent


heavy substance used to add stability or weight

Divide it like--Bal(Balance)+Last(last long), adding weight to bring balance to something(as in weighing balance) or to make it stable that last long. synonyms : light ballast


stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue; foil

balk sounds like a dog's bark; if you see a dog barking, you refuse to go ahead. hence, dog acts as obstacle (hindrance) in your walk. synonyms : baulk , rafter


evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having a malign influence

Baleful ~ bail+ful; when any dangerous convict gets out of jail taking bail, he could be threatening synonyms : forbidding , menacing , minacious , minatory , ominous , sinister , threatening

harass; tease; torment
This word sounds like bite, so Biting someone steadily means teasing someone or to harass someone. synonyms : decoy , lure


frustrate; perplex
baffle sounds like buffalo and a wild buffalo can really frustrate you with his crazy actions. synonyms : baffle board


teasing conversation; banter; joking talk

Bad-in-age. Youth is the age we may get involved in doing bad things. One of those bad things is teasing someone (frivolous banter) during conversation or pulling someones leg.


pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and again

badger ~ beggar; Imagine some annoying beggar woman !! synonyms : wisconsinite

and forwards
synonyms : back , backward , rearward , rearwards


revert (to bad habits)

back( turn to your original place or habit) + slide(means to come down)............and anyone who comes back to his bad habits again after having given up is said to be in a backslideing situation. synonyms : lapse

bacchanalian contains Bachchan (hence Amitabh Bachchan) who is famous for his drunken persons role in bollywood movie Shraabi. (Amitabh bachchan is a famous bollywood actor.) synonyms : bacchanal , bacchic , carousing , orgiastic


the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus

synonyms : bacchanal , debauch , debauchery , drunken revelry , orgy , riot , saturnalia

noisy party with a lot of drinking
Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI -hope it helps synonyms : bacchanalia , debauch , debauchery , drunken revelry , orgy , riot , saturnalia


chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running gently over rounded stone

babble ~ ba bb bl; just imagine a baby saying Ba ba ba ba .. (making meaningless sounds) synonyms : babbling , lallation


small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

cabal (Kabul), remember this place....Bin Laden and his men secretly united in kabul(cabal) to promote their interest, i.e "jihad"... synonyms : conspiracy


hiding place sounds like cash.. So, hide your cash somewhere.. synonyms : memory cache


discordant; inharmonious caco sounds like cactus and phonous like phone. So kindly try to remember it like this...a phone with a cactus makes irritating sounds. synonyms : cacophonic

corpse; dead human body

Cadaver = CADET + WAR...a cadet killed at war...hence his corpse. synonyms : clay , corpse , remains , stiff


like a corpse; pale the presence of a carnivorous(feeding on flesh) makes you cadaverous. synonyms : cadaveric


rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat; regular beat of sound; rhythm

cadence-dence- replace e with a...and it turns out to be dance. People dance to the rythmic rise and fall of the sound beats. synonyms : cadency


student at a military school sounds like CADER...the comrades/active party members of a political party...meaning is similar too synonyms : plebe


persuade by praise or false promise; coax; wheedle

Remember, our bollywood actress, KAJOL, she is one of the most talkative, candid and energetic actresses we have in the industry...why is she portraying that image??? Probably she is doing this to bag a film or two from KARAN JOHAR!!! synonyms : blarney , coax , inveigle , palaver , sweet-talk , wheedle


disaster; misery divide it as cal (call..)+ amity(almighty).. when you are in deep MISERY or when you face DISASTER .. you turn to the almighty.. synonyms : cataclysm , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy


deliberately planned; likely

every calculation is well weighed n "planned"..n gives us a likely result synonyms : deliberate , measured


ability; quality; diameter of the inside of a round cylinder

you must remember a moter bike brand BAJAJ KALIBER, which is a good QUALITY MOTER BIKE.
synonyms : calibre , quality


beautiful writing; excellent penmanship

Kaligadh (workers for art) and kaligadhi(fine art). Calligraphy=kaligadhi in writing

synonyms : chirography , penmanship


hardened; unfeeling; without sympathy for the sufferings of others; unkind

callous sounds like khallas so jiski sub kuch khallas ho gayi hai..that person becomes hard, insensitive and unfeeling.
synonyms : cauterise , cauterize


youthful; immature; inexperienced

Callow = Cal + low; caliber is low.

synonyms : fledgling , unfledged


area of thick hard skin

doctors(skin specialists) say call+usin case of hardened skin synonyms : callosity


heat-producing calorie is the term used for energy.........and heat is a form of energy as calorific is heat producing


malicious misrepresentation; slander

calumny, sounds like kalmuhi, which is a harsh remark given by a saas to her bahu. So its a kind of slander.
synonyms : aspersion , defamation , denigration , slander


break it up.. Camara + de + rie.. you give or share your room with your friends with whom you have mutual trust.. good-fellowship..
synonyms : chumminess , comradeliness , comradery , comradeship


shell or jewel carved in relief; star's special appearance in a minor role in a film

cameo sounds like romeo .. so its related to star special appearance .. and also romeo adds


group sharing a common cause or opinion

a camp is a place where people with common ideas and interests stay. synonyms : bivouac , cantonment , encampment


unfounded false rumor; exaggerated false report

Remember Kannad movies...their fighting is so unreal..false... so remember canard as being a false portrayal.


frankness; open honesty Candor (Can + Do + r) During an interview you reflect your "Can Do" attitude to the interviewer.
synonyms : candidness , candour , directness , forthrightness , frankness

related to dogs; doglike

canine is a big sharp tooth used for biting and dogs have sharp tooth so canine = dog like
synonyms : canid


any ulcerous sore; ulcer; any evil canker relates to CANCER which is also a kind of ulcer. synonyms : pestilence


shrewd in money matters; thrifty Canny sounds like Granny. Granny is shrewd in money or business matters.
synonyms : cagey , cagy , clever


insincere speech or expression of piety; jargon of thieves; special words used by a particular group of people

cant= short cut of "can not". when someone ignored to do any work i.e. he cannot do that . that expressing an insincerity type of talk..
synonyms : bevel , chamfer


ill-humored; irritable

cantankerous (can+tanker) imagine that instead of going by a car, if you have to go by a can tanker, it can make you angry or ill-tempered.
synonyms : bloody-minded


story set to music to be sung by a chorus (shorter than an oratorio)

Can 'Tata Young' sing song for Dhoom machade dhoom machade synonyms : oratorio


slow gallop

ant is the word to see..for this moment make an ant slow and also gallop it like a horse..there u go..
synonyms : lope


division of a long poem

sounds like KAATO(cut in hindi) KAATO into parts


determine or seek opinions, votes

If you are familiar with Cricket and Cricket players than this will be a easy to remember mnemonic. In Sri Lankan Cricket team there is a player with Name Chaminda Vas. Suppose if selectors will say "Can Vas play the next Tournament??" What are they

synonyms : opinion poll , poll , public opinion poll

spacious Capacious -- relate it to Capacity -An ability to hold.


mental or physical ability; role; position or duty; ability to accommodate

synonyms : mental ability


having a very fine bore; resembling a hair; fine and slender

synonyms : capillary tube , capillary tubing

surrender; give up all resistance

Cap it's too late, we will have to surrender.. (cap = captain, you are talking to the captain of your army)


whim; sudden change of mind without any real cause

ca(kya)+price...u say to shopkeeper "abey yeh kya u go on changing price."

synonyms : impulse , whim


unpredictable; fickle ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.
synonyms : impulsive , whimsical


(of a boat) turn over

if u want to know the size of a cap (which is generally present inside the cap), we need to overturn it to see the size
synonyms : turn turtle , turtle


title; chapter heading; text under illustration

synonyms : legend


faultfinding; too critical First word that comes to mind Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered.
synonyms : faultfinding


glass water bottle; decanter

the word resembles cafe which is brewed in a carafe. synonyms : decanter


shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.)

car + space....where do you have space in the car, at the back which is always the meaning is a shell covering the back.
synonyms : cuticle , shell , shield

causing cancer CARCINO+genic carcino is pertaining to cancer causing element


chief; most important

'cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body.
synonyms : cardinal grosbeak , cardinalis cardinalis , redbird , richmondena cardinalis


doctor specializing in ailments of the heart

CARDIO + LOGIST cardio means heart..and a person studying the logics of the heart is a cardiologist
synonyms : heart specialist , heart surgeon


lurch; sway from side to side; move with irregular swinging movement; stagger

careen sounds like car in will MOVE IN AN UNSTEADY manner in the rain
synonyms : rock , sway , tilt


rush wildly; go at full speed career refers to say jobs...and people rush for job interviews and to reach on time daily for jobs
synonyms : life history


free from worries; having no problems

carefree sounds like stayfree.. which r sanitary pads for females...which make them feel carefree or unworried about their periods
synonyms : devil-may-care , freewheeling , happy-go-lucky , harum-scarum , slaphappy


distortion; burlesque

Jim Carry is famous for his facial caricatures because he shows all kinds of distorted faces.
synonyms : imitation , impersonation


a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being played

christmas carroll songs are one where you can find bells being played.... synonyms : bell ringing , carillon playing


destruction of life; slaughter; killing of large numbers of people or animals

If under aged people drive the car, there is a possibility that he may kill people or animals on the road.
synonyms : butchery , mass murder , massacre , slaughter


fleshly; sensual; concerning the desires of the body

Nowadays cars are used to satisfy carnal desires. synonyms : animal , fleshly , sensual



drunken revel

maybe you can see it this way... arous = arousal and al = alcohol....somehow you can try and relate it to drinking
synonyms : bender , booze-up , carouse , toot


petty criticism; fault-finding; fretful complaining; quibble

If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping...
synonyms : faultfinding


rotting flesh of a dead body

car+lion imagine rotten body of a lion after a car run over it.


graph- kind of map, grapher- map maker.. synonyms : map maker

cascade small waterfall

synonyms : shower


one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society; social stratification; prestige

punishment; severe criticism or disapproval

due to the CASTe system there is so much agitATION....therefore it is under severe criticism synonyms : bawling out , chewing out , dressing down , earful , going-over , upbraiding


remove the sex organs (of a male animal or person)

Pay CASH whose genetic organs cannot become STRAIGHT.(CAS+STRATE=CASH+ST RAIGHT) synonyms : alter , neuter , spay


happening by chance; irregular; occasional; informal; showing or feeling little interest

synonyms : effortless


serious or fatal accident; person killed or wounded in an accident or battle

synonyms : fatal accident


deluge; upheaval; earthquake; violent and sudden event or change

it is a CATASTROPHE in the earth's surface. synonyms : calamity , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy


agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged

CATA(LOOK like CATION..ions which has positive charge)like mn+2 which is a cation ,and cations SPEED UP THE RATE OF REACTION,that is how they BRING A CHEMICAL CHANGE IN A REACTION. synonyms : accelerator


slingshot; hurling machine

ca-tap-ult--here tap seems like tope (old type of an artillery) which were used during wars for hurling huge stones and bombs on enemies..
synonyms : launcher


great waterfall; eye abnormality (causing a gradual loss of eyesight)

when you have any abnormality in ur eyes, you'll start crying as if a big waterfall comes out of ur eyes.

catastrophe calamity ; disaster

synonyms : calamity , cataclysm , disaster , tragedy


shout of disapproval or displeasure (made at the theater or a sports match)

if someone CALLs me a CAT there will be a shout of disapproval from my side n i would boo at them back


book for religious instruction in question-andanswer form; religious instruction by question and answer

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